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Forums Forums Psychic I psychic told my sister that I am crazy and she has distanced herself from me and I’m heartbroken and lost.

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    My grandmother died in 2019 and it was a big loss for my family. My sister told me that she was considering going to see a medium and I told her to go for it! I was excited for her and couldn’t wait to hear about her experience.
    The first time she went to him he told her that her father was not the greatest man and not to focus to much energy on him. (he is a great man IMO but besides the point) I could tell
    She was distancing herself from him but she is an adult so I didn’t pry.
    Fast forward to a few more sessions and she calls me and says “The Reverend talked about you for almost twenty mins today and he thinks you are crazy” he said some other things about me losing a baby and that it’s on my mind everyday and the baby is ok (this is not true and not something I’ve thought about until now) I tried to just lightly laugh it off my saying something like “ I mean we are all crazy right?”
    Since this my sister has barely spoke to me.
    And when we do I can feel a weirdness. We have always been the best of friends and have never ever even had the slightest disagreement.. I am so sad and I miss her so much. Also I now can’t stop questioning what this man was seeing why he thinks I’m so crazy.

  • I psychic told my sister that I am crazy and she has distanced herself from me and I’m heartbroken and lost.

    NM9720 updated 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • Sugarkittyx00

    February 6, 2021 at 11:42 am

    You need to have a serious talk with your sister. The psychic she is going to sounds like a scammer and is not allowed to imply such things about family members that could cause emotional harm or distress and distance. What this psychic is doing is isolating your sister from others through fear and worry and false information. There is a rule that psychics are not allowed to cause worry or fear, emotional harm and they are not allowed to interfere with free will. Also if what the psychic is saying is inaccurate then the psychic is giving false information which is damaging. If the people around her are actually good people and the psychic is claiming they are not then it is wrong. If there were genuine concerns about the people around her and those concerns were valid a psychic is only allowed to offer guidance, support and advice. But never interfere unless that person is at serious risk from harm.

    But if the psychic is lying and distancing her from family members that are good and healthy for her then the psychic is the harmful one.

  • NM9720

    February 6, 2021 at 11:42 am

    A spiritual awakening will have parts of your life that will disconnect you from the physical world. Experiencing your emotions in the rawest form will help you accept your path. Im sorry that your sister cannot see who you are at this moment, but remember we are all the universe experiencing itself. Your sister will always be your sister and your love for her will only end if u choose to sever. I hope u have a good day c:

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