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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Thoughts on the Broom Closet?

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    I’m in the closet with some of my family members. I practice solo, and it feels very personal and private, and I like it that way. I’ve been honest with anyone who’s asked so far, but I don’t know if I would be honest with these family members. Idk. It doesn’t really feel like a closet to me, more like a wardrobe to Narnia. But on the other hand, knowing I might lie bothers me a lot. Advice?

    Edit: a word

  • Thoughts on the Broom Closet?

    zerofoxen updated 2 years, 10 months ago 1 Member · 11 Replies
  • Foreign_Inspector686

    June 16, 2021 at 7:57 am

    I’m in favour of keeping your secrets, no one needs to know the details, some religious groups consider secrecy to be part of their practice

    If someone asks you outright about something you don’t want to discuss, you don’t have to lie, just refuse to discuss it

  • 0ne1nTheChamber

    June 16, 2021 at 7:57 am

    If you feel like it will affect your relationship with the person; keep it to yourself. If they ask: you either tell them, you avoid the subject, tell them to an extent that wont freak em out OR you simply lie. I had to lie for my own good.

  • whatisit84

    June 16, 2021 at 7:57 am

    I came out of the closet to my husband, but I don’t see a reason to discuss it with other family. He is my partner in all things, he is my chosen family.

    Interestingly enough our daughter seems to be a bit of a natural witch, in that way that kids seem to be before society beats it out of them.

  • FullMoonRougarou

    June 16, 2021 at 7:57 am

    Broom closet is kind of a self deprecating term folks use. Consider another word like fortress, sanctuary, inner sanctum. Occult means hidden, and many stay hidden out of care, consideration, protection, advantage, strategy, necessity, privacy. In the days of yore, being open about it could get you killed, or at the very least arise suspicion, regardless of your practices or good intentions. You aren’t lying because not everyone needs to know the details of your private life. Do you feel compelled or guilty for not showing or describing your sexiest undergarments to your family? Would you even if they asked? (Rhetorical questions) I would frame it differently depending on who’s asking, but for family & strangers you are best to say you are spiritual & leave it at that.

    One of my favorite magical teachers made a video about this topic which is worth checking out. And today he posted a new one regarding sharing your practices with a partner.

    Best of Luck! 🍀

  • Iris_TheGrayWitch

    June 16, 2021 at 7:57 am

    I tried to find a balance between being truthful about my spirituality and also keeping it a secret and myself safe. Usually this results in very watered down explanations.

    Example: a customer asked what my pentacle necklace meant. Instead of saying “It’s a pentacle, a sacred symbol in my path of Witchcraft” I just said “it’s a religious symbol of my spirituality.” That way it doesn’t spark any suspicions or provoke any negative conversations.

  • Ethereal_Gatekeeper

    June 16, 2021 at 7:57 am

    Just say you’re spiritual.

    My family knows about me, but none of my work does. MOST of us don’t try and make a profit from our magick, and that’s not what people should be thinking of when they get into Witchcraft anyway. So there’s no reason why you should lay it out for everyone to see. Just do your thang.

  • DaydreamLion

    June 16, 2021 at 7:57 am

    r/BroomClosetWitch might be helpful for you.

  • Void-Laughter

    June 16, 2021 at 7:57 am

    Witchcraft is not something you need to “come out” to people about. Religion and spirituality is one of those topics that are hard to find people open minded enough to actually discuss it with, without feeling like they’re trying to convert you or devalue your craft & beliefs.

    I found witchcraft at a young age and announced to my immediate family without even considering they might not take it well. Overall it was dismissed, and I really didn’t feel comfortable sharing it with many others.

    Since I have moved out I’ve been more free to explore my craft and have overall adopted a “didn’t ask; don’t tell” approach to things. I openly style myself with affiliated symbols but unless someone directly asks about it or my spiritual beliefs I don’t tell them. Ultimately I don’t need them to understand or even blatantly know about it.

    However I do need them to respect it. If anyone the topic does come up with chooses to be disrespectful then they are directly disrespecting me. Don’t want to talk about it further? Thats fine. Don’t understand and don’t want to? That’s fine. Trying to tell me what spirituality is right/wrong and overall mocking my beliefs? There’s the door.

    Its easier to not give a fuck when you are financially independent. If you have someone paying your bills, putting food on the table, keeping a roof over your head or in any way financially supporting you, and are afraid they may react negatively then it may be safer to stay in the broom closet until you have independence from them.

  • Ismyra

    June 16, 2021 at 7:57 am

    I’ve been doing this for 20 years and while the majority of my immediate and extended family are aware that I practice witchcraft they don’t really know the details. I talk about it with my husband the most openly and even then I don’t normally give him the specifics of my actual workings. I’ve never felt like I was lying to anyone. It’s your practice and you have the right to keep as much of it private as you like.

  • AramilN

    June 16, 2021 at 7:57 am

    This is one of the things I feel applies well with the Witch’s Pyramid. You Know, Dare, and Will to be a witch, but part of that is knowing who to Be Silent to. If you dont feel it’s safe or appropriate for someone to know you’re a witch, embrace the Silence of the Witch’s Pyramid; otherwise, feel free to tell anyone you wish to know. It’s a part of your life, and depending on your practice an important part.

  • zerofoxen

    June 16, 2021 at 7:57 am

    Your spiritual life is nobody’s business but your own. If someone asks, say that.

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