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Forums Forums Tarot Urgent Help Needed: My first time attempting tarot ever and it’s giving me some horrifying responses am I doing something wrong???

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    **Tl;dr: I picked up a basic deck of playing cards on impulse and started asking questions. Things turned very dark as Google is telling me all this stuff about death and warnings and now I’m scared. I’m not sure if I messed up or if I’m doing this right, or where to go for good guidance on the meanings of cards.**

    I’m so sorry I have no idea what I’m doing, I desperately needed guidance so I went over to my grandma’s house and picked up a deck of cards while she read my coffee. She always forbade me from reading tarot and said it is a curse, but today after it gave me a super trippy reading that helped me clarify some things involving a work situation, she gifted me an unopened deck of standard Bicycle playing cards. I read online that I need to cleanse it so I offered it gold? I’m not sure if that works I have crystals but I don’t use them, I like gold more so I figured I’d offer something that is of high value to me.

    I looked up interview questions and picked the first spread I saw on Pinterest and started pulling cards:

    * Describe yourself: Ace of clubs Google: the luckiest card in the deck. Getting anything you want, omen of better health happy relationships and long life, gift

    * Your strengths: Queen of clubs Google: a woman who loves to be of service, powerful, other women are jealous

    * Your weaknesses: Queen of diamonds Google: jealous wicked woman, manipulative, can be an enemy

    * Skipping a few questions, 7 total, kept telling me good things and some random thing about my deck deceiving me.

    * Last card on the spread, tbh I took a break to drink some tea and fuck around on my phone: what is our potential together: 5 of Spades Google: unexpected loss, in the coming days I face elevated risk of accident or financial decline

    This is my first time touching cards, this is all being done on impulse. So literally everything I know about cards I learned in the last 3 hours when I’m supposed to be sleeping. The first few cards all made sense and sounded super promising to me, but the last one was so strange, so out of place and didn’t seem to answer the question. I pulled another and it didn’t make sense either, something about distrust. I pulled another and it made more sense, but tbh I’m a little scared at this point since Google is telling me all this stuff about death and my coffee said something about a man close to me dying or getting severely sick.

    I shuffled the deck (idk how to shuffle cards I’m literally learning this all rn), I was going to put the cards away and go to sleep but then I thought, screw it, pull some more, what does that random card mean. I can’t remember most of the questions but I started making some up and the responses kept getting scarier and scarier, so I shuffled again and this time I was struggling, it didn’t want to shuffle. I pull a card anyway.

    “Should I trust you?” (something like that): 8 of diamonds. Google: Unpredictable, good prospects for business, bring an umbrella even if it’s sunny out.

    “What about you?”: King of Spades. Google: death, the worst card.

    “What does that mean?”: 9 of spades. Google: also death, also the worst card.

    I’m so scared, the cards started out so friendly and nice and then randomly took a turn. I put the deck away and now I’m not sure what to do. I had a fun day planned for “tomorrow” (today, it’s 6AM at this point) with my brother, and now I’m tempted to cancel and I know he’ll be crushed. I’m just so scared I feel like crying

    Did I do something wrong? Should I avoid leaving the house for a few days? I’m so scared, I feel like I should have Googled it before jumping in

    Edit: I just checked this Pin I found on Pinterest and it definitely does not mean such scary things as what Google says, except for the 5 of Spades says beware of false friend. What should I trust???

    Edit 2: Added a tl;dr. Also, the rest of the Google search results are not as terrifying as the first website. Idk why that one hates spades so much

  • Urgent Help Needed: My first time attempting tarot ever and it’s giving me some horrifying responses am I doing something wrong???

    FullMoonRougarou updated 3 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • Ecaobia

    February 8, 2021 at 3:12 am

    Disregard those Googled interpretations of the cards. They are just plain wrong. Saying that a queen signifies a “woman who loves to be of service” is archaic and completely misses the point of court cards, even those in standard playing card decks. It’s no wonder you were freaked out.

  • pinkspiral

    February 8, 2021 at 3:12 am

    People have their own little rituals surrounding tarot decks. I never offered anything to a deck. To me they are just tools. I don’t offer anything to my utensils so why a deck? But you might think differently. Alls I’m saying is examine the beliefs or superstitions people pass down to you and make up your own mind. Also wouldn’t advise turning to the deck when you are scared or in a bad mood. Not because there is anything evil but because its not a great time to do a reading. Wait until you feel more centered and calm.

  • obake_ga_ippai

    February 8, 2021 at 3:12 am

    With any pursuit, especially spiritual, choose your teachers wisely! Randomly Googling things and taking the first answer you see isn’t going to serve you well, as you’ve learned.

  • FullMoonRougarou

    February 8, 2021 at 3:12 am

    If you are going to read playing cards check out A Deck Of Spells by Professor Charles Porterfield. Best of Luck!

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