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Forums Forums Mediums Over being called crazy and my night terrors

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    Every since I can’t remember I’ve been able to see, hear, and feel things, I think that’s why I have a lot of anxiety I can’t be in large rooms with lots of people because it’s too many feelings with all the living people in there plus the non-living, its loud because I can’t tell every person what every person’s dead person wants me to tell them and it’s exhausting I don’t know how to shut it off it’s so loud all the time everywhere I am even in my own house, also I avoid skin to skin contact with everyone because well people think it’s because I’m a germaphobe but I’m not, when I touch someone else’s skin I can see things and sometimes, no most of the time I don’t want to see any of it because sometimes what I see is horrible and truly horrific. I meditate and that helps sometimes but not always not when I feel chaotic not when the “gifts” control me then it’s like I’m stuck inside looking out with no control of what I see who/what i interact with and if I get angry well I brought someone whom was helping me learn control to his knees in pain.All my life I’ve had these, but it’s always the same dream for the most part. I can’t move and something is choking me and I know that’s like sleep paralysis but I don’t think sleep paralysis throws you down your halls(in the “dream”) or rip you off the bed, and I don’t think sleep paralysis makes you wake up finally with bruises on your neck arms and legs. Also while I’m in the dream I am screaming but no one in real life can hear me and if in my dream they do hear me they look at me with pure black eyes, they don’t move to help me they just stare. I’ve never seen the thing attacking me other then I know it’s heavy and has deep blue eyes and it wants to kill me. This happens pry 10 times out of the month more .

  • Over being called crazy and my night terrors

    LullabiiSkye updated 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 4 Replies
  • RossGellerBot

    January 29, 2021 at 5:27 am

    *whom*/what i interact with

  • kathy8675309

    January 29, 2021 at 5:27 am

    I think when you get into large crowds that you need to ground yourself, and it can be as simple as counting down I always say the 5-4-3-2-1 numbers they are part of controlling your anxiety, **5-4-3-2-1 Coping Technique for Anxiety**

    * **5**: Acknowledge **FIVE things you see** around **you**. It **could** be a pen, a spot on the ceiling, anything in your surroundings.
    * 4: Acknowledge FOUR **things you can** touch around **you**. …
    * 3: Acknowledge THREE **things you** hear. …
    * 2: Acknowledge TWO **things you can** smell. …
    * 1: Acknowledge **ONE thing you can** taste.

    It helped me a lot, when we moved from a small town to a bigger town, and I went into the huge Walmart, everything was so loud that I almost had a panic attack until I started those techniques. Plus I mentally surround myself with an imaginary bubble of protection and nothing can penetrate it. The night terrors I used to get them too, when I was living at my Dad’s house, I woke up every morning around 5 a.m. with feeling like I was being choked, I would call on my faith to get me out of it, jump up and turn on the light, my Dad’s house had a poltergeist in it, and everyone was affected by it, moving was the only thing that helped with that, but even to this day I have to sleep with a big light on, whether it is in the kitchen or bathroom, otherwise it still tries to attack me, but it doesn’t have the power it once did, but I also clear my chakra’s a lot, and have more control over, what I allow the spirit world to try and do to me, I tell them go away all the time, back then I felt helpless, I don’t anymore, it will get better when you take control .I was wondering do the deep blue eyes look like blue crystals? If they do I have seen them too.

  • LullabiiSkye

    January 29, 2021 at 5:27 am

    But I can’t move and I’m not religious in the normal since I’m norse pagan.

  • LullabiiSkye

    January 29, 2021 at 5:27 am

    Wait wait you have yes it’s just like that but it’s only one I cant stop him. And it’s loud for real but it’s even louder in my head. I can’t tell every person what that person’s dead person wants me to tell them I just can’t. And the things I see when someone touches me is sometimes well most of the time horrible

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