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    What are your opinions/thoughts on Gemini suns? Any experience friendship wise, relationship wise, family wise? Or anything you’ve noticed between geminis that are the same.

  • Geminis

    maggieswaggie updated 3 years, 2 months ago 1 Member · 13 Replies
  • sadguysad

    February 8, 2021 at 4:19 am

    I’m an Aquarius sun and I personally like Gemini’s
    I like their intellect and the way they can keep things moving. Talkative and friendly, they usually attract people without really trying. Although they are popular they usually have very few interpersonal relationships. Emotions aren’t really their thing, as with all air signs connecting is a bit hard
    They have a lot of information in their brains and are usually pretty ready to talk about it. Although this information may not be more than basic facts, as Geminis have a hard time keeping their attention on one thing

  • yeezywassupp

    February 8, 2021 at 4:19 am

    As an Aries I love Geminis. In Greek mythology Ares and Hermes were both “criminal” Gods and Ares was the only God Hermes got on with lol. Aries +Gemini = Chaos

    They can be sociopaths and two faced at times though, there’s something sinister about mercurial energy. It’s like they’re too caught up in their thoughts and ignore emotion.

  • trstmfckr

    February 8, 2021 at 4:19 am

    gemini suns are some of my absolute favorites in life – as both friends, and to date. at this point, I can sometimes guess that someone’s a gemini sun within one convo, bc they just have this “jeans and a beer at a neighborhood bar” vibe for me.

    granted, I’m gem moon and rising. but still. <3

  • aka531

    February 8, 2021 at 4:19 am

    I’m a Gemini sun and rising and my son is a Gemini rising. I was obsessed with facts when I was younger and one of my first apps on my iPod touch was a random fact generator. I loved games and playful banter. I usually know a little bit about everything and can hold a conversation about most subjects.
    My son is a little trickster, loves sneaking up on people and seeing if he can out wit them. He also either takes everything seriously or nothing at all from moment to moment lol
    All the Gemini’s I have known are very intellectually focused and can’t stand the thought of not being competent. They are also a bit cold and aloof with friends. They don’t like when people try to pin them to one definition or loyalty and they will use wit to avoid it.

  • goodonion2

    February 8, 2021 at 4:19 am

    Geminis are hit and miss for me. I think they are definitely misunderstood like the two faced thing. I think its less two faced and more they change their mind/stance on things because they are inquisitive people so either they research a topic and find more out about it or they play mind ping pong and come up with arguments or ideas and change their own mind. This is both my favorite and least favorite thing about them. My dad is a Gemini sun and I could ask him how he felt about one thing and he’d give me an answer and change his mind next week. However it is really cool to see them debate and figure things out.

  • ProphecyEmpress

    February 8, 2021 at 4:19 am

    Each Sun in Gemini is an individual with their own natal chart so I don’t compare them to other people that share their zodiac sign. This said, the moon is said to represent the mother. My mom is a Gemini Sun and I have a Gemini Moon. I’ve always thought this detail is interesting.

    And I say I don’t compare two people with the same zodiac sign, but the way I interpret natal charts is dependent on how well I know you and I’m close to very few people. If I don’t know you at all, your natal chart is going to look like gibberish and I have no idea which interpretations to go with. I’m not exactly as chatty and light-hearted as the cookbook claims either. Sure, my lengthy posts on the internet may beg to differ, but in person, I’m nowhere near as talkative as you’d expect. I always communicate best in writing.

  • chacarrone

    February 8, 2021 at 4:19 am

    I’m a libra (female).


    * One of my closest friends is a Gemini. He tends to have a dual personality, like for example he can be a bit distant (usually focused on work) for half a year, and the other half we are hanging out 24/7. Since the first day we met we clicked right away and always have ever since. Only person I feel can talk about ANYTHING. 10 years knowing him, 4 years being close friends.
    * Another gemini I’m (sort of?) close to, is someone I’m attracted to. We had the same instant connection I did with my close friend when we met about 2 years ago. We’ve hung out a few times (we have similar group of friends), and started occasionally texting during quarantine 2020. I notice the same duality-thingy that my friend has, like some days he calls me, but other days if I text him he replies with an emoji

    *Bottom line*: Even though they are very different, both of them are very career-oriented but also love to party and travel. But it’s not balanced out, it’s more of a drastic thing. (I’d say bipolar but I don’t want to use that word since it’s a real medical condition.) However, they are charming and I’m clearly very drawn to them!

    Hope my experience helps shed some light

  • VineStellar

    February 8, 2021 at 4:19 am

    Not my bag but they probaly feel the same about me.

  • Miss_Anne_

    February 8, 2021 at 4:19 am

    Love them! They’re fun people plus very intelligent. Also love their fashion sense. Super stylish!! (Cap sun btw)

  • 101bees

    February 8, 2021 at 4:19 am

    I love Geminis. If I need a problem solved, they usually come up with some good ideas. They’re also great conversationalists. I could honestly talk to them for hours provided they don’t monopolize the conversation.

  • shades-of-wrong-22

    February 8, 2021 at 4:19 am

    Could do without them tbh. Probably my least favorite sign after Aquarius. Talk too much. Listen too little. Very grating. Speaking very very generally of course and based on anecdotal experience. I’m sure there are lovely Gems. I just haven’t met them yet. (Libra rising/Scorpio sun/Pisces moon for context.)

  • smo_13

    February 8, 2021 at 4:19 am

    Cancer sun & Rising / Gemini 12th house

    My best friends have been Gemini’s & definitely some of the people that have helped me grow & evolve

  • maggieswaggie

    February 8, 2021 at 4:19 am

    Gemini sun, with Gemini sun S/O. I feel like we’re really good friends and know a little something about everything.

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