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Forums Forums Tarot Tips please?

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    I have recently just got into tarot this year as a new years resolution, experienced tarot readers, if you don’t mind could you share some things that you wish you knew when you began or just some helpful hints? Thank you! 🙂

  • Tips please?

    pitypartie updated 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 4 Replies
  • WineRedRobyn

    February 8, 2021 at 6:03 pm

    Getting to know your deck and learning all the cards takes time, and the best thing you can do with that is to enjoy that process. Take your time every day to sit with two cards of the deck and study them, upright and reversed. It’s a relatively quick way to learn the cards without overwhelming yourself.

    And remember, tarot is a tool to get a physical grasp of your intuition. Intuition can be trained with tarot. If you feel as if you can’t connect easily at first, don’t worry. Continue to show up, and practice. You’ll find things go smoother the more you get to connect with your intuition.

  • thecourageofstars

    February 8, 2021 at 6:03 pm

    Study as much as you can. It’s tempting to jump in because it’s so easy. Try to read about the meanings of each card at least once. Spacing it out and maybe dedicating a day to each card will be much more effective than trying to cram it all in ASAP. Be patient! There’s a lot of cards to look over.

    When you do start, don’t be afraid to look at your notes. It doesn’t make you any less of a reader. Use all the resources available to you in order to create the best interpretation possible!

  • alientoez

    February 8, 2021 at 6:03 pm

    When I started I did daily cards for myself and my partner (with their permission) and wrote down what the cards were and what they mean and how I perceive them depending on what deck I am using. I am currently writing in a notebook what each card means upright and reverse too! Deff get to know your cards, sit with them and pull a few and think about what emotions the card makes you feel. You can also pull out what cards you feel drawn to and look up what they mean. You can cleanse it by shuffling and knocking on it! I have also meditated with mine if that’s your thing. I hope this helps, enjoy the journey and have fun with it!

  • pitypartie

    February 8, 2021 at 6:03 pm

    Write down everything! Every spread you do, every card you pull and their meanings. This will help you grasp the concepts and meanings of the cards more quickly and notice patterns (repeating cards, repeating suits, etc.) which might be worth looking into!

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