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Forums Forums Astrology What does it really mean when someone has a ton of squares in their personal chart?

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    Does it mean they will struggle in life more? They have more lessons to learn? What are some of the positives of having a lot of squares in ones chart?

  • What does it really mean when someone has a ton of squares in their personal chart?

     Arianna updated 2 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • LisaDreams

    July 14, 2021 at 3:32 am

    Squares are forced awareness. When one energy is experienced you’re forced to be aware of the other. It’s almost like the energies in the square compete with each other.

    I’ve found that people with a lot of squares tend to believe that life is a struggle and often experience internal conflicts, wrestling to integrate different parts of themselves. They also tend to be competitive and need healthy outlets for their competitive tendencies.

    Positively, people with a lot of squares can be really effective catalysts, good at motivating themselves and others to action. They tend to not get stuck as much and know how to handle adversity.

  • sailforth

    July 14, 2021 at 3:32 am

    So my spouse has several squares. He has a lot of internal conflict and is…emotionally constipated. I don’t think this is way it works for everyone – it does depend on the specific planets and houses involved.

    Squares represent tension – so while there can be challenges, there is also a lot of opportunity for growth.

  • windshadowislanders

    July 14, 2021 at 3:32 am

    As someone with 10 squares in their chart, and a good chunk of them are with malefics… it just means that everything is way, way harder than it needs to be for some inexplicable reason because you’re constantly encountering internal/external obstacles. I feel like I’m all locked up in a constant stalemate between all these different forces of my life, it’s a bit like being in an invisible prison.

    The positives? Well, at first my hope was if I overcame all these blocks, all my hard work would be rewarded in equal measure, like the myth of the American dream but astrologically. That could still be the case, but I don’t expect reality to work that way necessarily. Instead, these chains and locked doors have forced me to look outside of the box entirely and embark on a less conventional and more spiritual path. So while I may seem bad off by material standards, in a spiritual sense I am deeply grateful to have my eyes forced wide open, as painful as the process is there is simply no going back and it’s made my life deeper and richer despite the overwhelming weight of stagnation. Pressure turns carbon into diamonds and whatnot.

  • SeriousTree-

    July 14, 2021 at 3:32 am

    It means life will never be boring for you!! It also means that you will have lots of opportunities for growth on a soul level. Squares represent internal tension and conflicts which most often manifest in your external world as well. I would recommend you look into the planets, signs and houses involved for each of the squares and research as much as you can about what they mean astrologically. That usually prompts one to start examining their own patterns and behaviours and how they may be contributing on a subconscious level to the conflicts that are manifesting in their lives. It is the first step towards breaking the conditioning and patterns (samskaras) …. some of which we may be carrying for lifetimes

  • MojoDuff27

    July 14, 2021 at 3:32 am

    I have my Sun/Venus conjunction squaring Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto. My life has been incredibly tumultuous, with a lot of rebuilding. The things I want are always pushed back, because something else outside of my control takes precedence. The upside? I’m very resilient. People in my life always tell me that I’m the strongest person they know. I guess there’s that.

  • fairlyoptimist

    July 14, 2021 at 3:32 am

    I have 15 squares in my natal so I should probably figure this one out too

  • Active_Doctor

    July 14, 2021 at 3:32 am

    Someone likened it to certain types of electrical wiring. I can’t find the page anymore & I am not a technical person so I may have this wrong:
    Wiring at 60° gives you an ease of flow w the current. You still get peaks & lows but they aren’t extreme. Wiring at 90° is more inconsistent, the peaks and dips are more intense – so at times you can struggle to move the energy between squared aspects, and at other times there can be so much energy you can get fires you need to put out. Squares are more rollercoastery.

  • WinelandsGuy

    July 14, 2021 at 3:32 am

    I see positive aspects (sextiles, trines, etc) as blessings – things we have learnt over many lifetimes and that are part of our skills arsenal. Negative aspects (squares, oppositions, etc) I see as lessons. Lessons we have signed up for in this lifetime; armed with a certain skill set (cultivated over many lifetimes) to learn & integrate these lessons. Do bear in mind that certain squares, e.g. to Jupiter, is not as bad as, say, squares to Pluto. It really all depends on the whole chart.

  • spacelady_m

    July 14, 2021 at 3:32 am

    Virgo venus 8th house square gemini mars 5th house. Any tips? Juggling naughty librarian Vs flirty clown energy

  • AscendedWoman99

    July 14, 2021 at 3:32 am

    Interesting questions. I would say yes they will struggle more. Yes the will have more lessons. But the positives include having the struggles and learning the lessons.

    Hard aspects like squares and oppositions are said to cause friction. Friction is essentially energy. This energy, even though it can feel heavy at times, can be harnessed into something. Be it motivation, helpfulness, knowledge, force, willpower, rights, determination, foresight, action. It depends on which planets in which signs.

    I’ve viewed these aspects in terms of a tug of war. Like an opposition is when one side gets an advantage over the other, but then the opposing team pulls it back. So like back and forth, but never really getting closer to winning or losing because just as it goes one way it quickly reverts back so both teams remain neutral.

    I see squares as both teams pulling the exact same force so again nobody can win, but nobody can lose either. They just pull and pull but neither side actually moves. They just expend more energy to keep up the position. This will make both teams tired, but both incredibly strong.

    I think the key to squares is to keep that tugging motion ‘light’. Know that neither side will ever win so putting in full effort is pointless. You can create the same pull with a light force providing that both sides give *equal* force. Excess energy into this ‘war’ will only drain you.

    So in regards to the planets look at how you can blend them to your benefit using a soft touch rather than trying to destroy what one or both sides have to offer. For example Pluto Square the Sun. Look at how you can keep changing yourself from the inside. Transformation will come regardless, so allow it. Fighting the change will drain you. Use the power created from the square to make bigger changes than others can imagine.

    Not sure if any of this makes sense as this is purely my opinion and how I think of squares. I have 11 in my chart so I’ve had a lot of thought on the matter!

  • ProphecyEmpress

    July 14, 2021 at 3:32 am

    I have 8 squares in my natal chart:

    – Sun square Saturn

    – Moon square Mars

    – Mercury square Uranus

    – Mercury square Neptune

    – Venus square Chiron

    – Mars square North Node

    – Saturn square Pluto

    – Saturn square Ascendant

    To put it bluntly, I’ve been consistently experiencing back-to-back hardships and obstacles since the day I was born. There haven’t been many breaks to catch my breath, process these struggles, and recover with newly gained understanding of what I can learn from my difficulties. In fact, I have been through so much now that I don’t even remember what a break feels like.

    On its own, my birth was a big enough deal that my birth certificate wasn’t recorded with my accurate birth time on it. Before building myself up to any serious study of astrology, I needed my chart rectified to my Ascendant’s true sign and degree. As a side note, I somehow lived for around 4-5 years before my doctor noticed I had a blocked nasal passage that complicated my ability to breathe.

    I have a good amount of trines to balance things out, but I learned things as a child that no child should have to know. Before I was 13, I was familiar with the darker sides of life and some of the worst parts about humanity.

    I was never starving, never physically abandoned, never abused in any fashion by my family as a child, never tortured, never faced long-term trauma, etc. My adopted sister experienced all of these things before she was adopted and she now has the same personality of the your typical spoiled brat. In my sister’s case, her psychological development was affected by repeated experiences of abuse and trauma, so I didn’t expect her to become the way she is now, but well. Everyone responds differently to trauma.

    Through my sister, I’ve learned even darker things. As a whole, you get the idea. I’ve been through some shit. You don’t really need my entire backstory.


    Now for some positives. Everything comes with a positive aspect. Like, for example, I’ve been socially isolated since Kindergarten, but all that experience made it easier to deal with 2020.

    I also think my hardships have given me more empathy, compassion, and understanding of certain behaviors and especially toward people going through similar experiences that I once did. It keeps my mind open and less judgmental of others. While this doesn’t exclude me from being judgmental on a case-by-case basis, you never know what someone is going through.

    I’ve learned that kindness and emotional warmth are more important than just cold logic and reason. Both have their place, but you can’t enjoy anything without your emotions. Also, without your emotions, what would give you a moral compass? You can learn what the normal moral compass looks like, but without your own, you aren’t going to care about anyone but yourself. Each of my experiences have helped with the development of my morals and keeping them strong and healthy.

    I’m sure my emotional intelligence is higher than I once thought.


    From what I’ve experienced, my squares aren’t the absolute hardest ones out there. All my trines also act as a force of balance, but my knowledge came at the expense of a normal childhood and even my 20’s. As I approach my exact Saturn Return, my youth has mostly been drained from me before I even lived. For this reason, I heavily oppose any effort made by parents to make their children give up on things that made them happy as children. “Growing up” does not mean throwing away what you once loved. It means being more in control of your life and taking responsibility for what that means.

    If I love something, I double down. I don’t care how old I am. As long as I’m not hurting anyone, I’ll do as many “childish” things as possible. Most people live longer as adults than they did as children and it’s a horrible tragedy for any exception.

    So, for any minors out there. Don’t give up on your dreams and don’t let anyone tell you that what you love is “for kids” and you have to give it up once you’re past a certain age. Do not buy into this. It’s only going to make you more miserable long-term. If you outgrow something, that should be on your terms, not on society’s.

    My squares have given me much reason and time to reflect on how damaging societal norms can be. For me, I’m my own person and I don’t let anyone take that away.

  • caesarsaladlove

    July 14, 2021 at 3:32 am

    I have 13 squares in my chart . Life is not boring, and when it is I will create chaos on purpose

  • Rlothbrok

    July 14, 2021 at 3:32 am

    Read this the other day and it highly resonated:

    ” Squares and oppositions are designed to help us make necessary course corrections, by providing the pressure that motivates and encourages us to take action, in order to stay on track. Just as it requires contractions in the womb in order to birth a baby, it is the tension that triggers movement forward.”

  • stan_neutrophilss

    July 14, 2021 at 3:32 am

    I have 20 squares…. as a LIBRA RISING…. someone please send help and help me understand myself and life :’)

  • loudboomboom

    July 14, 2021 at 3:32 am

    I’ve always viewed squares as masculine, or something you have to be active about to create harmony. Success comes from focused balance of opposing tendencies. As apposed to trines that are more feminine/receptive, naturally harmonious and where you really only serve to mess it up by forcing. Trines are just as capable of folly in the way of ignorance, laziness or lack of will.

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