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Forums Forums Mediums There’s something dark in my apartment and I have a 10 month old baby, I need help please!!! I don’t know what it is and I am SCARED.

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    I live in Denver, we have lived in this apartment for 3 years, its never felt right, I’ve smudged many times but there’s a corner shadow I can’t get to go away… about a month ago I was laying in bed and it started to feel weird in the middle of the night, the carousel thing that hangs over my baby’s crib was slightly moving.. I felt the weird fear and like frequency come close and I said to leave me and my baby alone and my baby, in her sleep, makes a weird face and sticks her tongue out moving it around like demonicly. I am scared. So I deep clean the place and Palo Santo the place pretty thoroughly, top to bottom to push it out, whatever it is. Two nights ago I woke up at 228 to something pulling on my foot and her foot and the covers. I felt that weird feeling again like I wasn’t alone and something was lurking near, I SCURRIED to get the Palo Santo spray and sprayed all around us. I told it to leave us alone.. So today I told whatever it is that it’s not welcome in my home and to please stay away from me and my baby and family and the prayer beads I had on the wall, wrapped around a light, that have been like that for like a year, were on the floor. The only way for that is if someone physically pulled them off. My partner said he didn’t do it…. I need help I don’t know what to do, we move in less than a month and I don’t want whatever this thing is to follow us or Attach to or posess anyone. Please if anyone can help me and talk me through what to do or if anyone is in denver that can come bless my house or family or help me get this thing to move on, PLEASE, PLEASE. I am so scared it brings me to tears. I just sprayed a house blessing spray and she freaked out…..

    Please do not say bad things I am scared enough as it is. I am asking for help and solutions NOT the bad things that can happen further. I already have the worst anxiety over this and I am afraid of any more.

    Thank you

  • There’s something dark in my apartment and I have a 10 month old baby, I need help please!!! I don’t know what it is and I am SCARED.

     Neville updated 2 years, 9 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Theartemisaither3

    August 18, 2021 at 12:53 pm

    There are things that feed off of your fear love. Have faith that you are safe, loved, and whole. When my son gets scared, I give him selenite and make him say out loud “I am safe, I am healthy, I am whole.” 3 times and he feels better instantly.
    Everything is energy. If fear is the energy you give out, you will only get in return more things to fear.
    Belief is what makes everything around you real.

  • taebies

    August 18, 2021 at 12:53 pm

    remember that you are more powerful than it. your fear feeds its strength, it needs to steal your power for itself. do not allow it to have power over you

  • AbyssDomme

    August 18, 2021 at 12:53 pm

    You need to work on calming yourself. I realize that’s easy for me to say and difficult to do when you are afraid but it will put you in a much better space. It’s also something that you can control.

    I read your past post history and it sounds like you feel you have abilities.
    This is relevant because psychic people can amplify negative emotions, which is why I mentioned the first step needs to be around centering yourself, and calming yourself.

    Secondly, you said that the father of your child has mental health issues and drinks. This is relevant because sprits of the dead, often show up around births and children, that they perceive to potentially be in danger. I’m am unsure if the partner you mentioned, is the partner with the mental health issues and drinking problems, but if so, it’s possible that the “dark spirit” is related to him, and his issues.

    If you are no longer with the abusive ex, I would say there is also a possibility that the spirit you feel is a concerned spirit of the dead trying to be protective towards you. I realize, being touched by spirits is not comforting for most people, but sometimes our fear can really filter out the intent of the spirits of the dead. Also, most people do not see spirits of the dead as “angelic” with white lights and such, most people see spirits of the dead as “shadow people”. The darkness does not necessarily equate with evilness or demons.

    I hope this information is helpful, I am trying hard to not overwhelm you, but you ground you in knowledge. It would be helpful if you could seek out outside assistance to give you a more credible read on the spirit situation, from someone who is not in crisis.

    At this time, it may not be possible to push the “entity” away, as we don’t know who the entity is, why they are there, and who they are connected to. If the entity is connected to the alcoholic with mental health issues, it’s likely related to their addictions (unresolved emotional issues). Without getting too deep into it, if it is connected to this person, the “spirit” is likely a part of this person, and it can’t be banished. If however, the spirit is a concerned spirit of the dead, they may leave for now, but come back if they are concerned for your safety.

    **TLDR: So ultimately you need to have someone diagnose the situation themselves, so you can get clarity from someone who is not biased. Work on calming yourself, grounding yourself, use the palo santo, use salt, and know that you can create boundaries. I highly recommend using prayer and asking for spiritual assistance from a higher power.**

  • secretwiitch

    August 18, 2021 at 12:53 pm

    Also I have put black salt under our pillows and kosher salt and selenite next to the bed and obsidian at the pillows too..

  • Tower_Place_Witch

    August 18, 2021 at 12:53 pm

    I am praying and sending my guides and angels to help. Sending love and good energy from another Mother 😇

  • secretwiitch

    August 18, 2021 at 12:53 pm

    It was very helpful I appreciate all of that greatly it made me feel a little better but the prayer beads thing freaked me out…

    Also my partner was diagnosed with heart failure so I dont know if it has something to do with that….

  • mimimiperrito

    August 18, 2021 at 12:53 pm

    I can get rid of it if you want me to! I also have the Michael Invocations, to ask the angels to remove it. I will bless your home too!! 🙂 Let me know if youd like this!

  • ladymodjo

    August 18, 2021 at 12:53 pm

    Do not fear them whatever you do. The energy you put out is what it feeds on. I have had many spirits and energies in my presence that ranged from pure and angelic to straight malicious, and in between (non harmful but annoying and deceitful). The one thing they work through is what you give to them. You must keep telling it it is not welcome. Call to the elements of nature and to positive energies to surround you. Keep calm, everything will be okay ✨

  • jennschwenke

    August 18, 2021 at 12:53 pm

    I paid for an online class that helps you keep entities away and what to do to make them lose interest in you. You can use my login to access it for free. It will give you ways to conquer your fear very quickly. Or I can explain that to you over DM.

  • _GypsyCurse_

    August 18, 2021 at 12:53 pm

    Can you sleep with your partner in the same room as you and the baby? Just to feel safer ..
    When I’m scared I leave the tv on in the room with comforting comedies/feel good movies or documentaries on a lower volume.. or you guys could air bnb the place while you stay somewhere else?

  • ad0308

    August 18, 2021 at 12:53 pm

    Give it to me. I’ll take care of it.

  • mympg

    August 18, 2021 at 12:53 pm

    Clear, cleanse and send them off with love and compassion. Say ‘ Follow the Light’ three times
    Most important thing is intention and do it with love and compassion. Thank them for serving a purpose in your life. They will go.
    Don’t fear them. Don’t fear anything. Imagine the boogeyman turning into your fairy godmother. Always there to assist, support you and grant your wishes.

  • hanjoyoutaku

    August 18, 2021 at 12:53 pm

    Recite the bible & have faith that God will protect you.

    Cut garlic, place on windowsills near doorways. It repels them.

    Salt windowsills and doorways.

    Get some blessed water, you can bless it yourself if needed. Say “One creator, please bless this water.”

    Then sprinkle with your fingertips the blessed water on the salt.

    Say “One creator, thank you for clearing this space of any negative entities.”

    When you’re done, say “One creator, thank you for sealing this space from any negative entities.”

    Leave the cut garlic for a day then burn it, say again “One creator thank you for sealing this space from any negative entities.”

  • Richard_vonCline

    August 18, 2021 at 12:53 pm


    Burn some Palo Santo. Toss this on in the afternoon when you are feeling bright and positive and start to meditate. Breath deeply in and out slowly. Focus only on your breath and clear your thoughts. Do this for as long as you can and try to continue further each time. Feel the power of your conscious energy and know you can manifest any feeling you desire.

    I wouldn’t recommend the pagan superstitions of salt or ceremonial magick/offering. To me just a further belief in trickster archons and ego archetypes. If you give it power over you, it will rule you.

    You are strong and bright and I think right now your own delusions are manifesting into a powerful negative energy against you. Look to confront yourself inward through meditation and manifest a powerful, shielding energy of light around your space.

    The power lies in your thoughts!

  • Class_Professional

    August 18, 2021 at 12:53 pm
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