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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing How to really get into witchcraft?

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    How do I actually do witchcraft? I feel like I’ve seen a bunch of stuff about witchcraft, such as cosmic witchcraft, sea witchcraft, green witchcraft, and hedge witchcraft, and I am not sure how to really read up more on it and actually DO IT.

    Like, I have many metaphysical books such as books about astral projection, lucid dreaming, and palmistry, but I really wanna understand how to really do witchcraft, or at least be able to do some spells of my own or own a book of shadows and/or mirrors.

    Whats the best book(s) I should read about how to do witchcraft on my own? I have read a few pages of Basic Witches and it apparently wasn’t a good book.

    So any baby witch book recommendations that aren’t that book?

  • How to really get into witchcraft?

  • Nectagon

    August 20, 2021 at 5:46 pm

    Alongside books do work with energy, feel it or visualise it and open your chakras, a good exercise is to send energy to a desired chakra.

  • Ella_Brandybuck

    August 20, 2021 at 5:46 pm

    Don’t summon things. Don’t invite things. Start small. Look into shielding and protection charms and spells. Consider cleansing your living space or creating an altar. Tons of how to guides for all that online – read a few and then try it out. Enchant your favorite shoes or jewelry or pencil to be helpful or protective on some small way. And learn about releasing a spell once cast, so you aren’t inadvertently serving as an energy source for it.

  • Void-Laughter

    August 20, 2021 at 5:46 pm

    Here’s my copy&paste for new witches;

    Start with the FAQ and megathreads of this subreddit. Use the search bar to find lots of information on certain topic and I have a post titled “doing independent research” over at r/bookofshadows that includes many great external links for sourcing information.

    As to where to start, begin with the history of witchcraft and read into its modern day practice to understand where we’ve come to get to where we are today.

    From there look into different magickal practices. Mindfulness, meditation, shadow work, grounding and centering are all some foundational practices people at all stages in their craft use. Cleansings, protections and manifestation are some good starting practices once you get comfortable. All of these things require little to no tools.

    Read up on different types of magick such as the use of candles, planets, moon phases, sigils, crystals, herbs, corrospondances, etcetera. Get a base knowledge of the common ones and as you read you will find what pulls your interest. Follow that pull and you will find what calls to you.

    Begin setting up a book of shadows during your research. In this put in the information that interests you and applies to your craft. I suggest making your first BOS a “rough draft” book. Once you are comfortable in your craft and have a better understanding of what you will be utilizing in your practice then you can copy over all pertinent information into a more formal book of shadows.

  • Similar_Craft_9530

    August 20, 2021 at 5:46 pm

    Start with what you know and what you’re interested in. (Rhetorical question:) what faith are you? What rituals are preformed in that faith and why are they important? How can you do the ritual to the appropriate degree you don’t need a clergyman?

    An example about interests: I’m passionate about healthcare. It’s a natural extension i would branch into herbalism, gardening, and energy work. Now, i can whip up a tea for most needs that come to my kitchen, I have a big garden, and I sell my lavender and tinctures to a family friend who practices hoodoo.

  • Hungry-Industry-9817

    August 20, 2021 at 5:46 pm

    Scott Cunningham wrote some good books

  • CartoonistIntrepid95

    August 20, 2021 at 5:46 pm

    A BOS or “book of shadows” is simply a place where you take notes that reflect your journey. You will take notes of newly learned spells and their results and take follow up notes on any modifications and their outcomes. You might wish take notes regarding other books in your library and what you learned from them as well as pertinent information you pick up on the net. Along your path, you’ll learn about sigils and candle magick and, all sorts of divination and so on. Your BOS is a the place to store all your witchy ideas acquired disciplines. If you’re into aesthetics, you may want to download a witchy font and create your BOS on a Word editor and then print it on lightly tinted parchment paper.

  • MeringueNew9170

    August 20, 2021 at 5:46 pm

    Books and lots of research


    Is my go to for books since I’m in the broom closet

  • darlingnikki2245

    August 20, 2021 at 5:46 pm

    So the best book out of all the ones I’ve read is called **Six Ways by Aiden Wachter**. It will give you an excellent foundation that you can build on as you grow. The book is free of dogma (which is hard to find) and will help you get started with real practices that will impact your life. I’ve read it multiple times now, his second book is also great (**Weaving Fate)**.

  • Dazzling_Sale_843

    August 20, 2021 at 5:46 pm
  • AutoModerator

    August 20, 2021 at 5:46 pm

    Hi there, welcome to r/witchcraft! It looks like you’re new and looking for help to get started.
    Check out our [Advice for New Witches]( and the [FAQ](

    Also check out the sidebar or the menu tab for megathreads and related boards!

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  • kitten_witch_

    August 20, 2021 at 5:46 pm

    Best thing is to do the work. Try out some of the spells or rituals in the books. Start small. Learn how to banish. Get over the fear. You can do it!

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