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    I truly and honestly believed in the gift of mediumship until I was scammed hard core! Obviously I lost someone, but even before the loss I had followed and read about this particular medium. I truly thought they were the real deal. I booked a reading and absolutely NOTHING this person said was right, I mean not one single thing! They then went on to say they could “heal me”. So the first idk maybe 10 mins was BS, then remaining time was spent “healing me” which obviously was a farce as well. Why on earth should I believe anyone else ever again?

  • Former Believer has question …

     Neville updated 2 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • cndrow

    August 27, 2021 at 11:13 am

    I’m sorry for your experience. But in this case, one bad apple doesn’t actually spoil the bunch

    Spirituality attracts a LOT of scam artists, who know how to use fear tactics, the power of suggestion, and cold reading to scam you out of money. Tarot readers, palm readers, mediums, psychics, there’s a lot of people who prey on others, especially when they’re vulnerable

    I hope you find peace, with what you needed with the medium, and with the scam situation itself 🌿

    Not all of us are like that. But those of us who are the real deal, tend to be quiet and hard to find, just because of our very nature and abilities

  • KentLooking

    August 27, 2021 at 11:13 am

    Ah you meet one of those. Personally I hate those types of people too. A charlatan. A dime a dozen those are. But when you meet a authentic that makes everything better. When starting out many of us probably have meet a few of these until we developed our gifts then can tell the difference between them. Like one of my things I use to determine if they are real is if they can tell that I am psychic. Which the fake ones always get wrong. Because if one psychic or medium is reading another psychic or medium then they should be able to tell that they have similar gifts. Not just that but if they are getting stuff about you wrong then trying to get information about another person live or passed would also be wrong. Just like others have mentioned “”if it doesn’t feel right then it’s probably not “”. This is your intuition or gut instinct. Something to pay attention to.

    As for your question. That’s up to you. Only you can answer that. People like me and others here can give our options. Whether or not you listen is up to you. But know that we are the good people who look out for this type of stuff and try to help people like you.

  • RicottaPuffs

    August 27, 2021 at 11:13 am

    One bad experience does not mean every experience will be negative. If you want to believe you believe.

    If you don’t want to believe don’t. No one here will try to convince you otherwise.

  • DarkMoon-7

    August 27, 2021 at 11:13 am

    Therr are people who can do accurate readings… If I could advise you, try to find one who doesn’t charge for it (a common reason for not doing so is that they probably will be still learning)

    Try to find a person who will provide you readings without looking on “the manual book”… Someone who takes it seriously…

    And don’t stick too much around them, as you just saw how Holier-than-thou they can be “I can heal you! LoOk HoW sPeCiAL I am! I hAvE a GiFt!”

    Then it’s just a matter of time for them to start throwing on your face how much of a instinctive, animalistic, low vibe, umbralistic animal you are…. Wait for it…

  • MarnaRenee

    August 27, 2021 at 11:13 am

    I’m sorry you had a bad experience.

    So you sought out a medium and decided that because the message you received was not what you expected, all mediums are frauds? Would you decide all dentists are frauds if one drilled the wrong tooth?

    So, in any session, there is a possibility that any medium does not connect with the person you intended. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but anyone can have an off day. Personally I would have refunded the fee, but that’s just me.

    As for the healing, when do energy work the mental state of the recipient matters. If you had already made up your mind that it wouldn’t work, it wouldn’t. Your energy would reject any healing done.

    I’m not saying if the person you went to was a con or not. I don’t know. I DO know that there are legit mediums and healers out there.

  • Frankie52480

    August 27, 2021 at 11:13 am

    Lots of real deals in life and to mirror them there will Always be lots of frauds. Then of course you may have a real psychic that’s just wayyyy of their game that day. That’s possible too. Did you tell them they were wrong about everything? How did that go?

  • Oceanm1018_

    August 27, 2021 at 11:13 am

    I will tell you something. When I first discovered I was a medium. I didn’t believe it myself. I was like “do I even really know these things or am I just guessing and happen to be right?” Or if ANY of it was real..But around that time I was working a new job and a man pulled into my drive and told me all these things about myself (that were TRUE) and told me I had been looking for a sign and here it was. In a drive thru. And then that night, I was at a bookstore and a lady with the same name said she was drawn to me. Gave me her card, didn’t say much els. She was a medium 😅😅 So ever since then I’ve believed in my gift

  • kgb1971

    August 27, 2021 at 11:13 am

    Well of course some are fakes. There’s bad surgeons too, bad car salesman etc…

  • NeedsMoreTuba

    August 27, 2021 at 11:13 am

    Did you pay them?

  • Oceanm1018_

    August 27, 2021 at 11:13 am

    I will say I’m very sorry about your experience though. I really hate there are people out here than tarnish what can be a really beautiful gift.

  • LightInsights

    August 27, 2021 at 11:13 am

    I find it reprehensible and despicable when anyone preys on anyone really. Unfortunately there are predators in this world. They prey on the weak and vulnerable. They search for desperation or anything they view as weakness. This happens in every field, without exception. It is undeniable that to prey on another in their grief, in the name of God, or disguised as someone who is somehow spiritually gifted or more connected than most, is especially troubling. However, you cannot discount an entire group or spiritual practice because you were deceived by one who claimed the same attributes or an affinity. That’s not fair. If one mechanic rips you off will you now believe that a car cannot be repaired? Or a surgeon commits malpractice, do you now believe that all medical practice is fake?
    Discernment matters.
    Truth matters.
    Unfortunately, every path possible in this realm has been infiltrated with cons, crooks, and evil…
    God is real, the spiritual realms are real and we don’t cease to exist when the body, (our vessel that allows us to remain and thrive in the physical realm) can no longer provide and dies. Communication is possible, and you don’t necessarily need to seek out another person to be your “medium” to find that connection. I am gifted in that way, and I am telling you that not every gifted person is out to cheat or con anyone.

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