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Forums Forums Mediums I have no clue what happened!!

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    My aunt recently passed away, she was a major part of my life growing up and she had a major part in raising me as a child. Fast forward till about 2.5 or 3 years ago, I went to live with my aunt again. Well I was there for about 6 months and we sort of had a little disagreement and I moved out. We made up, she came over for Christmas, danced with my momma.and my grandma and we had a really good time. Well she passed away in june, I didnt go to her services as I should have but I said a little prayer and let her go. I have one of her dogs puppies (I’ve had her since birth tho, about 2.5-3 years)
    About a week or 2 after she passed I was sitting in a recliner and I guess I sorta dozed off, but I didn’t really fall asleep, but all of a sudden I was like catapulted into a different dimension and all of a sudden I was standing in my aunt’s yard and she was standing on her porch and she was like “maymay, oh my God maymay, I’m so glad to see you, I havent been able to get thro to anyone else!! Please tell everyone I’m ok, this place isn’t bad, tell everyone not to be sad. I am…….” and then someone on this dimension said my name and woke me up but I dont feel like I was sleeping. It was so strange….. this is the first time.anything like this has happened to me. I’ve always been a “hypersensitive” person and I’ve always been able to sense otherworldly things but this is the first time I’ve ever been in a situation like that.
    My questions are pretty basic: does anyone know exactly what happened? Can anyone tell me how I can get back in communication with my aunt? And last but not least, I havent told anyone except my boyfriend (he knew sometime was amis as soon as I came back to this plane) do yall think that I should my family what happened? I’m scared I do more damage than good telling them what happened. I dont want anyone to think I’m crazy or making shit up or whatever….
    Thanks for reading this post, its alot longer than I anticipated but I had to get it off my chest and I had to ask what’s going on….
    Thanks again yall!!!!

  • I have no clue what happened!!

     Nicolina updated 2 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • bluemoontoo

    August 27, 2021 at 1:53 pm

    I had a dream visitation from my great grandmother whom I’ve never met. I’ve only seen a few pictures but I just kind of knew it was her, if that makes sense. My great aunt had just passed and they were together, prepping for some kind of baby or wedding shower. I went to them and sat down the gift I had brought (?) and we talked (but not with words) about loving family while you have them. Anyway, I casually mentioned the dream to my mom and my aunt. Without getting into too much detail since they’ve never gave me the impression they were open to those kind of experiences. They both kind of reacted mildly interested and then my mom showed me an old picture from a wedding shower my great grandmother threw for another family member. When I told them more details, like mannerisms and physical details, they weren’t the least bit surprised and that they’ve had several of those kinds of experiences over the years. Just like it was completely normal. I would say you could miss out on a special connection with your family if you don’t share. You can choose how much and when. But gifts like that tend to run in families so I’d be willing to bet some of them have had those experiences as well.

  • TheSaltyTarot

    August 27, 2021 at 1:53 pm

    Unless your family has strong religious feelings against it, I don’t see why shouldn’t tell them.

  • Party-Army-6091

    August 27, 2021 at 1:53 pm

    you can attempt to meditate yourself into an Out of Body Experience in which you transcend to a separate plain of existence. there, you are amongst the dead.

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