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    I’m new to this kinda thing and my whole life I’ve been scared of evil and demons, let me cut to the chase say there’s a demon summoning in a movie or game will it effect me in real life or any of the people who worked on Said movie or game. Now you could say it’s just a move/game but what if the people working on it were devil worshippers and that was their intention. I’m saying this cause occult details and ideas can be found in almost any entertainment properties and it’s driving me crazy. I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask this but everyone seems very spiritually knowledgeable

  • Movies and tv related posession

     Neville updated 2 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • bonsaithot

    September 8, 2021 at 10:02 pm

    Absolutely. As someone who has worked in television and entertainment production, you never know what “Easter Eggs” you’ll find in each piece.

    I always tell people to be careful of the content they consume. Social media, television, books, etc. You never know what’s going trigger a deeper reaction. A lot of content that becomes popular becomes popular in the first place because it triggers an emotional/neurochemical response from you.

    However, I think you can take some solace in knowing that the energy is never personally directed towards you. If you have strong enough discernment and protection, you probably will never even notice it.

  • Phyredanse

    September 8, 2021 at 10:02 pm

    Before you watch anything, set the intention to “Observe, not Absorb.”

  • AbyssDomme

    September 8, 2021 at 10:02 pm

    Producers and creators put demons in entertainment because people have these kinds of reactions to it. It scares people and intrigues people. Most “devil worshippers” (satanists) aren’t into the magickal side of practice. Modern satanists resemble people who are more into “self-help” than devil worship.

    >A number of religious studies scholars have described LaVey’s Satanism as a form of “self-religion” or “self-spirituality”, with religious studies scholar Amina Olander Lap arguing that it should be seen as being both part of the “prosperity wing” of the self-spirituality New Age movement and a form of the Human Potential Movement. The anthropologist Jean La Fontaine described it as having “both elitist and anarchist elements”, also citing one occult bookshop owner who referred to the Church’s approach as “anarchistic hedonism”.

    As for those who are into summoning demons, that’s a whole other set of people, many who aren’t self identified as satanists. Some are in the occult, some are pagan. Demons vary by culture, but many spirits are labeled demonic, but are actually something else, chthonic or nature spirits.

    It’s not my pathway, I don’t mind “demons” typically, but I also am not into summoning spirits in that way. But in short, I think you’re looking at this from the “hysteria devil worshippers” Christian perspective, not perhaps realizing, a lot of that is Christian propaganda. Rather than it even resembling what current practices are for people who work with demons or modern day Satanists.

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