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Forums Forums Tarot can you abuse the tarot cards?

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    so i’ve been reading and studying tarot for awhile now. i have a friend that i always do readings for and it’s usually about her love life. the cards always come up the same, but she keeps getting more and more and she gets disappointed if it’s not the answer she wants to hear. even when i interpret a card, she tries to say “no, i don’t think so. it might mean this” instead. anyway, she goes to psychics and fortune tellers all the time and she takes everything they say or the cards say and kind of lets it run her life.

    i usually don’t like people to touch my cards unless i feel like they can. the other day, she asked if she could grab the cards and do a reading on herself. keep in mind, her energy and mind is all over the place because she’s planning to divorce her husband. i get very uncomfortable if another person touches my cards. i usually have a ritual and prepare with intentions before i use the cards. what are your thoughts on someone touching the cards?

    she also wanted to get a tarot deck herself to do on her love life. i told her that i don’t think that’s a good idea and she should focus on the present. she hasn’t even left her current relationship yet, but keeps seeking for more in the future? i feel like she’s very obsessed with getting readings be it tarot or psychics/mediums and goes every chance she gets. my question is, can you actually abuse tarot cards and psychics when you get obsessive and dependent on that? it’s taking over her life and i feel like she’s addicted.

    TLDR; if a person gets readings obsessively, can they abuse the cards? how do you feel when someone else touches your cards?

  • can you abuse the tarot cards?

    will-I-ever-Be-me updated 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 7 Replies
  • honorthecrones

    February 10, 2021 at 3:23 pm

    I personally see my decks as tools and I don’t believe they need to be protected from the energy of others so touching the cards isn’t an issue for me. If you believe differently, you have every right to expect to have your boundaries respected regardless of whether others think it’s okay or not.

    I had a client who did something similar to this. I refer to it as “answer shopping”. She has already made some decisions and she’s looking for permission of sorts. You are in no way obligated to feed this desire. Your responsibility as a reader is to interpret the cards as you see them. She is free to either accept or reject your interpretation.

    As to her getting her own deck, I see no reason to discourage her. It will certainly save her money as she won’t need to pay for professional readings. Since it sounds like she is not likely to accept a reading that doesn’t meet her desire, it may take out the middle man and let her just start disagreeing with herself.

    Yes, like eating potato chips, smoking weed or collecting porcelain figurines, Tarot can become obsessive. But I think her doing it for herself may be a better option than what she is doing now. It doesn’t sound to me like she is in any great hurry to alter her behavior and I’m not sure there is much influence you are going to have on her. I suggest that you find her a nice deck, show her how to use Biddy or some other app and back slowly out of the room. Where she goes from that is her own journey.

  • rainbowmariposas

    February 10, 2021 at 3:23 pm

    I understand where your coming from. I also get a bit uncomfortable when people touch my deck, and even crystals. I have my own little process of starting a reading and walking through a spread. I don’t particularly like having other energy/intentions in my space when preparing. However, everyone is different.

    I think your friend is going through some difficult times, and maybe feels like she can’t trust her own intuition or thoughts. Maybe a tarot deck of her own might help her gain that trust in herself rather than go out to a bunch of other people. Especially because she isn’t satisfied with what’s said and keeps wanting more. Tarot cards are a tool to help you in whatever way necessary. Perhaps, they will help her through her problems so she can stop with this said “obsession”.

    I hope you both the best in your endeavors 🙂

  • graidan

    February 10, 2021 at 3:23 pm

    Absolutely CAN abuse readers (and tarot secondarily) and this is a classic case.

    If a (random) person touching your cards could really cause issues, then you have more to worry about. The random people who have touched every grocery item you purchased, the people who have sit on the same chair, etc etc. The whole touching your deck thing is personal, and that’s fine, but I don’t buy any of the “messing up the energy” reasons.

  • xLuna-x

    February 10, 2021 at 3:23 pm

    I used to go by the whole thing of no one can touch my cards but i was doing some reading and now im actually ok with people touching my cards, i just cleanse them afterwards.

    As for the abuse of tarot…your friend needs help sounds like she is addicted.
    Get her a deck she can play around with it will certainly save her some money!

  • PyXoSa7amandr

    February 10, 2021 at 3:23 pm


  • elemtilas

    February 10, 2021 at 3:23 pm


    And it sounds like your friend is a textbook example. If she’s going to psychics and card readers frequently, that means she is indeed abusing. Cards have no power and future can not be known with anything like certainly. She is a fool for handing over the decision making process of her life to a pack of cards or a charlatan fortune teller. She’s looking for answers everywhere except within herself. I can only hope you’ve given her solid advice thus far!, but it sounds like she doesn’t want to hear it.

    It sounds like she’s in desperate need of your help! It sounds like she needs to change her behaviour patterns. And it sounds like she and her husband need marriage counselling (if they aren’t doing that already).

    I don’t hold with all the occult woo that some people surround tarot with, but if you are giving her consistent advice, then it sounds like she’s not getting the message you’re trying to send! You might need to step up your game with her! First step, I hold, would be to refuse to “read” the cards for her any more. A good sit down and good long talk between friends might do her more good!

  • will-I-ever-Be-me

    February 10, 2021 at 3:23 pm

    You are being used by this person.

    I would advise setting boundaries and refusing to read for them if they won’t respect your time nor the answers that are given to their questions.

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