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Forums Forums Mediums Recent loss along with possibly coincidental experiences?

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    Today was my birthday. My boyfriend and I drove a few hours away for a few nights getaway. On the way out here, spotify played the song “When I look at you” by Miley Cyrus. This is a song I’ve always loved, but was also special because it was cousin and his wives first dance/wedding song. I laughed to myself while driving that my cousin will always say that Miley Cyrus was his wedding song (coming from a guy who couldn’t even admit to seeing high school musical 3 in theaters, it just made me chuckle).

    Fast forward maybe an hour later, as I’m pulling into my hotel car park, I see a man and woman who resembled my cousin and his wife. So much so I slowed down and thought it was them. As I got closer I realized this woman looked nothing like her, and the guy looked enough like my cousin to take a second glance, but not him.

    Fast foreword another hour or so. After a day of feeling amazing and getting dressed up for my birthday dinner, my boyfriend and I headed down to the hotel lobby somewhere between 6 and 7 for dinner. Halfway down the stairs I got an overwhelming dizzy spell. I started shaking severely, got major cold sweats and blurred vision almost, only I could still see alright. I wouldn’t say the room was spinning, more like waves. I immediately sat down and my boyfriend was concerned. This has never happened to me. I couldn’t formulate a sentence I couldn’t speak other than to say no I am not okay. I shook my head no when my boyfriend asked if he should call 911, and just asked for help to get back up to the room.

    I fumbled my way up the stairs to the elevator, held onto the safety rail and my boyfriend for stability, and stumbled into my hotel room. I could not understand why this was happening. I could have sworn it was a heart attack, only I’m 24 as of today and am in decent health.

    I also suffer from panic disorder, and know the signs and symptoms when it’s happening. It only happens for me in stressful situations and today I wasn’t the slightest panicky or anxious. This was out of nowhere.

    After about 20 minutes or so, I felt a bit better. I felt shaken still, a little dizzy. I felt like I had been drugged, only there was no way. I hadn’t eaten or drank anything since I had been here and I had just been driving for the past three hours.

    My mother called me at 11:50, ten minutes prior to the end of my birthday to let me know my cousin passed away. The same cousin who’s wedding song came on my Spotify, and who I believed I saw just in front of my hotel.

    At first I thought possibly he came to me, and then I thought maybe it was too soon? We were close as children, and we still have a bond however we hardly see each other anymore or communicate much. Others in the family are aware of my abilities, but I don’t think he ever knew in the physical world.

    I also received a happy birthday message from his wife around 8:30 leading me to believe he had not passed yet.

    Our grandmother passed away 3 years ago this month, due to substance abuse. Given the feelings I had, is it possible my grandmother was showing me what my cousin was feeling at that moment? Or does anyone have any ideas as to what I could be experiencing?

    Thank you so much for taking the time.

  • Recent loss along with possibly coincidental experiences?

     Nicolina updated 2 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • RicottaPuffs

    October 7, 2021 at 7:56 pm

    It is possible that your cousin was sharing his feelings at the moment, directly, not through a third party. i am sorry for your loss.

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