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Forums Forums Mediums Something has followed me for most of my life and had left me alone in 2018 until now

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    Since I was a small child something has followed me everywhere I’ve gone. It has always felt very malicious, and I’ve even had a friend who did not disclose her medium abilities (and I did not disclose the presence of this entity) visit my home in 2016 and tell me that it’s there and it’s very, very strong.

    Starting at the beginning – when I was about three or four my family lived in a duplex in east Texas. The previous tenant had hanged herself in the closet of what became my bedroom. My parents told me when I was older that I was terrified of my room; I would refuse to spend anytime in there. They also said that whatever spirit (presumably that of the woman who died) would turn on appliances, remove their blankets at night, and occasionally physically touch, tickle, and push them.

    After moving from this home, my next encounter that I could remember myself wouldn’t be until I was 12 in 2009. We were staying in an apartment; frequently when I would be left at home alone I would experience a number of things. The door to my sister’s bedroom shaking violently (sometimes this would happen with my parents home to witness it) as well as things flying off of counters.

    These kinds of things would happen everywhere I would move to. It wasn’t until 2012 when I would start to see a shadowy figure dart around underneath tables and behind furniture. Loud bangs against my bedroom door that would knock things off shelves while everyone in the house would be asleep. In 2016 that coworker/friend came over to visit and informed me that something was in my home and was trying to get to me. Later that year while at work another coworker told me she saw a shadowy figure run across the floor and disappear behind me.

    In early 2017 I was couch surfing and ended up living in a 2 bedroom apartment with 20 other people. No one had experienced anything until I had moved in. One of the girls came screaming out of the bathroom, naked when a shadowy figure passed behind her in the mirror, slipped into the closet and slammed the door. Later that year I moved in with a friend. With this friend, he and I both witnessed this figure moving around the apartment, flickering lights in rooms that I’m in, objects being thrown off counters, etc.. All of this stopped for him when I moved out and into my own apartment in January 2018.

    In this apartment things got worse. I would have horrible, terrible nightmares of demons attacking me, I would wake up completely naked with my clothes strung around the house. Lights would flicker in any room that I would be in while the rest of the apartment would be fine. Items being thrown off counters and bookshelves. Doors opening and closing on their own in front of me. Doors slamming. Kitchen cabinets being closed when I would leave for work and all of them would be open when I would come home. I would shower and poop with the bathroom door open because the lights would only cut out in the bathroom while the rest of the apartment would stay on. Demanding that the entity knock it off and get out of my house would only work temporarily. Smudging sage and setting intentions would only piss it off. A protection bag that I had made with guidance of a pagan friend had travelled everywhere with me and seemed to keep me safe everywhere else suddenly started BLEEDING on the door it was hanging from. At one point I was on the phone with my spouse, at the time we were long distance. My cat (who is no longer with me unfortunately, she’s not dead I just couldn’t take her when I moved last.) stands up, hissing and yowling. It’s 3 am. I hear my LOCKED front door creak open slowly. I get up, scared shitless, buck naked and grab a metal bar that I kept for self defense. When I come around the corner my front door is open and a white stray cat is sitting in my doorway.

    This kind of activity went on until October 6th, 2018 when my partner had moved in with me. We’ve been together ever since. Everything calmed down, with only minor occurrences since. All of which he has witnessed. He noted that when I feel extreme emotions the lights will flicker, doors will slam, etc. He started a new job that has him away for a month at a time… he left for work for the first time at this job on the 10th. Just now I was laying in bed with my puppy, watching Legend of Korra on my Xbox. She’s a quiet little thing, she never barks. Suddenly she stands up, and the TV starts rapidly cycling through channels. I figure something is wrong with the remote, so I change the channel back and remove the batteries. After a couple minutes it starts to happen again, she stands up, turns to the hallway and starts to growl, all of her hackles up. She barks twice, and starts to cry in a way that I’ve never heard. I yell at whatever it is to get the fuck out of my house and never come back. I call a friend and talk for a moment to calm myself down, the whole time my dog is watching something I can’t see move between the hallway and the TV.

    I don’t know what this is, but I’m tired of it messing with me. Any guidance or help at all would be appreciated.

  • Something has followed me for most of my life and had left me alone in 2018 until now

    BiscottiLoose6087 updated 2 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • DiosaIluminacion

    October 17, 2021 at 6:18 pm

    Get an Archangel Michael candle and say the invocation and light it. Ask him to take this spirit away.

  • Puzzleheaded_Mood139

    October 17, 2021 at 6:18 pm

    It might be a human spirit or a shadow person who has followed you. Seek the advise of a medium you must find out what it is before you deal with it. Keep the Bible close to you maybe under your pillow as you sleep and yes seek out the Archangel Michael.

  • Bingaling_1

    October 17, 2021 at 6:18 pm

    You might want to seek some professional medical help. Some childhood traumas and repressed memories can sometimes manifest as all this.

  • BiscottiLoose6087

    October 17, 2021 at 6:18 pm

    Curious… is this the only activity you have experienced? Or have you had other spirit encounters? Could it also be possible that you may be sensitive?

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