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Forums Forums Astrology Question about birthdays + the affect of the planets at that time

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    Based on how we feel on a daily due to the planets, how should one feel on the day of their birth or the exact time of their birth when it comes around? Does it just depend on their chart? I used google but there’s nothing about this specificallyyy

  • Question about birthdays + the affect of the planets at that time

     Charles updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • mtskin

    November 9, 2021 at 7:31 pm

    you can do a solar return chart based off your bday planetary positions to get an idea of what the year ahead holds and by using the movement of the sun across the angles you can time it out as well.

    as for how the day itself will feel compared to the others well that’s a bit more of a philosophical astrological debate

  • PassionRound

    November 9, 2021 at 7:31 pm

    idk but when i used to study yoga my teacher encouraged me to meditate on the exact time and date of my birthday. soooo….supposedly powerful energies and alignment around that time

  • StellaGraphia

    November 9, 2021 at 7:31 pm

    How one feels or what one may experience on their birthday depends on what transits are happening for them at that time. There may be multiple transits, some good, some difficult, or a mixture of both. The transiting sun coming around every year will trigger whatever aspects the natal sun has. So, if you have easy aspects, no problem. But some may have very difficult aspects and so that birthday time can feel difficult each year, since those issues are ignited.

    Of course, it can also be very different year to year. Maybe one year transiting jupiter is at play in the natal chart in a positive way. And another year, maybe transiting saturn or pluto is messing with things and its not quite so much fun.

    There is also the Solar Return chart. And that’s a chart for the exact moment that the transiting sun returns to the exact degree position of the natal sun each year. And it is in effect from one solar return to the next one. This may or may not happen on your birth date exactly, but will happen within 24 hours of it. And then that Solar Return chart is read as representing that upcoming year. You can do a Solar Return chart on the Extended Chart Selection page at []( and also at .

    You can also check which [annual profection]( is beginning on that birthday (they are in effect from one birthday to the next). You must, however, do your chart in Whole Sign houses to calculate your profections, and use only the traditional rulers. First house profections are always, for everyone, at ages 12, 14, 36 and so on, every 12 years. Then 2nd house profection years are at ages 13, 15, 37 etc. See how that works? All you have to do is remember that the 1st house is always 12, or a multiple of 12, and then count from that for whatever age you are. If you’re turning 20, then that’s a 9th house profection year. Profections will tell you what area/s of life is likely to be more highlighted that year and which transits may be more worth watching.

    And there’s the progressed chart that can be checked also. You can get that at either of the sites mentioned above (you have to choose what date you want it set for, so you’d choose your birthday but in the current year–though you can choose to view your progressed chart for any date in the past or future) .

  • blahboredblahblah

    November 9, 2021 at 7:31 pm

    Not too sure since charts are always changing. For example if I was born this year, same date and time, my birth chart would have been almost completely different. I always have shitty birthdays but maybe that’s just my luck and why I don’t think it has any effect

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