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    I heard this term used the other day and the research I’ve done is not very clear to me… Does anyone have insight on what a Yod is or how influential it is?

  • Yod?

     Charles updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 6FootSiren

    November 11, 2021 at 3:32 am

    I have one and to me it’s means there’s a sense that this life has you’re on “special assignment”… meaning you have this feeling that things you experience can feel very fated/destined (although I have a Star of David as well which also gives a sense of destiny as well). So the Yod is basically a blessing and a curse imo lol…as it’s quite challenging at times with the 2 quincunx aspects. Yod energy is common in soul groups/families but isn’t a common aspect overall (although I would imagine kids being born during this age of Aquarius we will see more of them as they incarnated with special gifts and have a specific “soul mission” here.

    So I didn’t make the actual image here but I added the finger as it’s what it feels like lol…and is actually called the finger of God😌

    So here’s an article I found worth sharing… this is so true….and btw I especially LOVE the part that says I chose this added challenge to TEST myself…haha naturally🙄😂

    “A yod is a test your soul has set for itself in this lifetime, to see how much you know about a topic. You may never know exactly what the topic is. But you’ve studied it in prior lifetimes and done pretty well, so now you are in spiritual graduate school in this lifetime and this is sort of an exam you’ve designed for yourself to see how far you’ve come. If you pass the test, you can accrue substantial benefits.” This last quote is from my astrologer, Alice Portman (private reading).

    Astrologer Manda Selva writes that, “When you have something in your life, whether it is a relationship or a business that kind of works—sometimes good and sometimes not so good—but cannot be easily steered in any one direction, then it is probably propelled by a quincunx (what astrologers call a 150 degree angle) energy. A Yod pattern is a bit more connected than a quincunx as it has a sextile aspect as part of the pattern, and which can facilitate communication and bring in opportunities. The Yod in Astrology can create events, incidents, relationships etc, that occur in a person’s life not out of their choice but in a karmic manner. These circumstances usually come as an opportunity and eventually turn out to be a blessing or a curse.

    “A Yod can bestow gifts like a talent or a higher intelligence, bring about an unusual situation or sharp turns in life that cause steep ups and downs. The overlapping factor in all these instances is that the person doesn’t have much control over what can occur and it can be negative or positive. Real or imagined, there is a feeling that another force behind is controlling the show. During these incidents when a person realizes their extraordinary gift, or when one suddenly becomes rich or poor, or when they find themselves in very unusual circumstances, there is usually a transit or progression that triggers the Yod energy, and the planets, sign and area of the chart involved in the Yod and those involved in the transits determine the nature of the outcome.”

    Bob Marks writes that “the T-Cross sets out a problem and pushes you to a find a solution in the ‘empty leg’ of the cross. The Yod just pushes you and the solutions are seldom simple. It’s not nicknamed ‘The Finger of God’ for nothing.”

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