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Forums Forums Astrology Can feminine and masculine signs be inherited?

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    One thing I noticed is that feminine (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo) or masculine signs (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius) seem to run in families. My family is 90% feminine signs and I have noticed that people tend to be whatever their parents are, whether that is masculine or feminine. Of course you do have families more split between the two but I was wondering if this has any basis or purely anecdotal.

    Edit: Thanks for all the responses guys! For some context; me, my mom, maternal grandmother, and paternal grandfather are all Cancer suns. My dad, brother, and every single one of my great grandparents are Capricorn suns. Our moon and rising signs are a bit more mixed.

  • Can feminine and masculine signs be inherited?

     Arianna updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • piscesgirl202

    November 13, 2021 at 4:13 am

    I’ve noticed this too. If both parents have feminine or masculine signs, it’s very likely that their children have the same ‘gender’ as sun sign. Or if they have several children, say 2/3 have the same gender of signs. And if one of them doesn’t, their moon signs tends to be one of their parents sun sign. I’ve also noticed that very often parents get a ‘full element’ for one of their elements, also if parents are ‘mixed’ (one parent feminine, one masculine). But I know another family that has one sign of each element 🙂

    Right of the bat, I remember some of my friends have the following family constellations:

    1: dad cap, mom pisces, first born libra, second virgo, third taurus
    2: dad gemini, mom cancer, first scorpio, second pisces, third gemini
    3: dad aries, mom aqua, first virgo, second cancer
    4: dad cap, mom aqua, first cap, second aqua
    5: dad taurus, mom cap, first virgo, second libra
    6: dad cancer, mom aqua, first cancer, second libra

  • Positive_Type

    November 13, 2021 at 4:13 am

    maybe this isn’t exactly the same but I noticed my mother is a Gem sun and my sis is a Gem ascendant. She’s also a Pisces moon ( my sun sign). my dad is a Sag ascendant and so am I. what we didn’t pick up from their big 3, our own kids did. I truly believe there’s some karma within families that might be seen in the chart.

  • amiora

    November 13, 2021 at 4:13 am

    Wow I never considered this but yeah my parents both have feminine sun signs and so do 5/7 of their kids

  • lefilledecampagne

    November 13, 2021 at 4:13 am

    My family is practically all fire signs and my kid is a fire sign so I believe it.

  • IndigoRed33

    November 13, 2021 at 4:13 am

    I would say it’s more like they tend to have same signs it their big 3. Not necessarily all fem or masculine.

    For example:

    My father: Libra sun/Cap moon/Scorp rising

    My mother: Gemini sun/ Sag moon/ Leo rising

    My brother: Taurus sun/ Libra moon/ Sag rising

    Me: Cap sun/ Aries moon/ Scorp rising.

    So it seems that Libra, Cap, Sag and Scorpio are “inherited” as you say. I also noticed this kind of stuff in other people. (Cancer/Aries/Sag with mother being Sag sun and father being Aries moon/Cancer rising – for example).

  • Afraid-Relationship4

    November 13, 2021 at 4:13 am

    Oof wait this is cool. Ok so, I’m a Taurus sun, Virgo moon, libra rising. My dad is gemini and my mom is Virgo. One of my brothers is a libra and my other brother is an Aries. One of my sisters is a Scorpio and my other sister is a Capricorn. My daughter is an Aries.

  • Guard-Worldly

    November 13, 2021 at 4:13 am

    I’ve heard that often the kids are the parents Sun/Moon/Rising. Like, my mom is a Gemini and Gemini is my rising sign.

  • MiriamGomes19

    November 13, 2021 at 4:13 am

    That actually makes sense! My grandmother was a leo, my mother is a leo sun and aquarius moon (we don’t know what’s her rising but I really think it’s aries) and I am a leo sun and aquarius moon too (with a sagittarius rising). My father is a scorpio sun, sagittarius moon and pisces rising and my older sister is a pisces sun and moon (and also a capricorn rising).

  • smallbonesofcourage

    November 13, 2021 at 4:13 am

    Do you count only the sun sign for this or also other planetary placements?

    I can look at mine too, for sun sign:
    Me Libra (m), father aqua (m), mother pisces (f).

    My other siblings are Leo (m), sag (m) and gem (m). But they have different fathers and they are all dead so I don’t know their births.

    My sister, a gemini (m), has a partner pisces (f): kids sag (m), sag (m) and Libra (m).

    My family, though divorced: me a Libra (m) ex husband cancer (f), kids: Aquarius (m) and sag (m).

    New husband: taurus (f).

    Could be, but a bit wary to only account for sun signs. ☺️

  • whatnome

    November 13, 2021 at 4:13 am

    Mhh, my oldest grandparents were pisces and cancer. Their children:
    – 2 Aries
    – 1 Aquarius
    – 1 Gemini
    – 1 Libra
    – 1 Cancer
    – 1 Scorpio

    So 2/7 feminine…😅

  • itgetsokay

    November 13, 2021 at 4:13 am

    My family has: 2 Leos, 2 Sagittarius, 1 Aries, 1 Capricorn, 1 Taurus, 1 Virgo

    And if you count our Aries dog it all evens out lol

    Mom’s a Leo, Dad’s a Cap and they collected all the earth and fire signs

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