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Forums Forums Mediums Need some hope now about the afterlife and how our loved ones are still around

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    Watching a lot of these medium readings (Matt Fraser being the most recent one) gave me some hope that I will be with my loved one one day. However, I find myself worrying it’s all a lie and I can’t reach my loved ones through a medium (I hope to try in the near future). I say to myself, these must be staged, most of the comments are general, even the certified mediums get things wrong, how can I trust this? I never believed in any of this before (hope I am not offending) and only recently starting reading as much as I can about mediums, afterlife, etc.

    Unrelated note that will sound silly, but I feel sad my loved one won’t be able to eat/travel/or use the phone, browse the internet in the afterlife. All things my dad loved to do.

    Can anyone give me some encouragements, on afterlife, positive medium experiences, and stories to reignite my belief in the afterlife and my loved one is in a better place?

  • Need some hope now about the afterlife and how our loved ones are still around

     Neville updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • RicottaPuffs

    November 16, 2021 at 4:59 pm

    i am a medium. I watch a lot of the televised mediums. Some make me feel so disheartened, because it is obvious they are cold reading. Others make my heart feel warm.

    I have been hearing and seeing spirit since I was a little girl.

    This is my understanding. We astral travel when we sleep. That is not the other side, but we go into another dimension. We are not tied here. We explore. when we pass, we go into the afterlife. We cross into another dimension. We can do a lot of the things we do here, until we adjust to not needing them. We learn to travel back and forth.

    We do travel back and froth to see family.

    I know the difficult part, is that we do not normally see, feel, hear or touch them. That is the thing that causes the most grief.

    However, they can see, feel and hear us. They communicate with us,

    Your father may not have a television or a computer, but, he can travel the universe. He can help others feel better by speaking to them in their minds. He can reunite with family there. He will feel much happiness.

    I have lost most of my family. So many loved ones. they visit. I learned that when my grief was the greatest at after one loss in my life, that none of them could reach me. i wouldn’t stop feeling that grief, long enough to hear them. They took some very drastic steps to let me know that they were alright. We have to allow our minds and hearts to be quiet long enough for them to get through.

    Journey of /Souls seems to be a helpful book. Google NDEs The experiences the people have help.

  • Negative_Opinion_422

    November 16, 2021 at 4:59 pm

    Op, it’s not a lie. Go look up Near Death Experience stories in IANDS [](

    and also watch NDE accounts on youtube. If you do, you will probably be struck as I was by how authentic and genuine these people who are recounting their stories are, and how much each story has in common with the literally hundreds of thousands of others. All come back saying, love is all that matters, and death is not the end. Please go do this for yourself. this research allowed me to finally finally finally let go of my beloved husband after ten years when I started wondering what heaven was like, and realizes if he was there, in that gorgeous place, then it was okay for me to be happy. And if you are missing someone, watch for the signs.

  • Frankie52480

    November 16, 2021 at 4:59 pm

    I don’t know how to get you to believe this but your dad is NOT limited in his ability to enjoy “earthly” things. The soul experiences the creation just as well as we do if not MIRE because our body limits us. We can only
    Detect certain sounds in our body, and only see certain colors. They don’t have that problem. Your dad can have his fav food, play a game online or garden. He’s just doing it in a different dimension is all and in a different way, a much better way. Also- he gets to fly. Ever have a flying dream? They’re the best! That’s because it’s our soul leaving our body. Your dad gets to do that all the time tho. Because he’s ina. Higher dimension he can see and hear you but it’s hard for you to see or hear him. Just like a flat lander can’t see us but we can completely experience their world.

  • yalllove

    November 16, 2021 at 4:59 pm

    We have substantial evidence of consciousness surviving physical death:

    Jim Tucker a Medical Doctor at the University of Virginia Medical Center has collected thousands of cases of kids remembering past lives and has tracked down and verified the uncanny details of the memories in about a third of the cases. He has written books about it. This article has some statistics:

    Further, we have endless and very consistent and logical, lucid NDE accounts:


    r/pastlives and r/reincarnation are a treasure trove of past lives memories.

    I would also recommend reading Brian Weiss’ work and Between Death and Life by Dolores Cannon, amazing books on the topic that demystify a lot of it. There are so many books on these logical and very consistent accounts of what happens to us when we transition from the physical. I would also look into books by Eben Alexander and Richard Martini’s Hacking the Afterlife.

    Netflix has a show called Surviving Death, I recommend watching that as well. We are eternal Spirit temporarily experiencing ourselves as a body, we will always exist.

  • RinaMeww

    November 16, 2021 at 4:59 pm

    I suggest spending time trying to feel deja vu on purchase, specifically deja vu of your own life if you love your life. Try over and over, try changing your daily routine and visiting new places. If you ever eventually feel deja vu of your own life like it feels like you’ve lived your life previous times that would be amazing. When I was 5 I picked up a DVD that I had been waiting months for, instantly I felt an intrusive feeling that I had lived that moment numerous times. I forgot that happened as a I grew up, and childhood memories got forgotten and I only focused on the present. When I was 19 I felt this deja vu again at a tire shop. A few days after pondering it, I remembered what happened when I was 5. Since I was 19, I have felt this feeling for split seconds at least 30 times. I also believe we were created by someone/something, life seems too manipulated to be coincidence. I also feel that for our bodies/souls/thoughts to exist, someone/something has made it possible in our desolate universe. Also we are certainly not the only intelligent life in existence, our planet has been around for a microscopic amount compared to the life of the universe. Dyson spheres can be created to allow eternal life, and so can the Neuralink in 100-200 years. Yet I still feel like I’m able to live after dying without those being given to me. Just because humans haven’t made a certain technology, doesn’t mean other life hasn’t already. This could be the work of God too. I can’t deny this deja vu as false whatsoever, it all feels 100% real and I know in my heart it is. I’m also 100% sure reincarnation into yourself is optional because someone/something is watching over us (their creation) and giving us an afterlife we choose that is in their capability. There is something called the Kardashev Scale, which states that a type 6 or higher civilization can create and manipulate matter. A type 7 can create and manipulate universes as well as anything and everything inside of them..It’s true children are closest to the kingdom of heaven, and it makes sense that I first felt the deja vu when I was 5. I’m certain in my heart and mind everyone gets the happy endings that they want. Whatever/whoever made us loves us so much and is always there when we need them

  • SpookyStuff13

    November 16, 2021 at 4:59 pm

    I am a medium and have been one my whole life and I can tell you that no one can convince you of the afterlife, it’s something that you have to have an experience to believe. I’m not saying that to get your hopes up or something but most people aren’t going to find evidence that will make them believe in something extraordinary like the afterlife and all of that entails. In my own experience I have a hard time believing stuff sometimes and my literal first memory is communicating with a ghost.

    I’m not saying that you have to have a near death experience to believe but you have to have something that you can’t explain happen to you first hand to believe.

    I dislike televised medium shows because if they are a medium it’s unethical in my opinion to air others business like that. And I definitely think there are more fakes than not when you get to that level of popularity.

    But for the people not faking it can be really difficult sometimes to translate what information you are getting to the person. I always call it like a download of information and it can be hard not to jumble it up. And sometimes its more like feelings that you try to explain.

    I don’t really do readings because of that jumble I was talking about, it can take a couple of mins for me to understand what they are trying to get across and I think people think I am stalling or trying to fish for info when I’m really just trying to organize the info dump the spirit just left me with. I don’t enjoy it so I don’t do it often.

    Also totally not silly to be concerned that your loved one can’t do the things thye loved doing. But really it’s different over there, like human stuff doesn’t really matter once you cross over, so even if they loved doing human stuff here they probably won’t be interested in doing it after they cross.

  • soulinameatsuit

    November 16, 2021 at 4:59 pm

    The information you receive from a medium is dependent upon their energy level, the connection between the medium and the communicator, and the medium’s ability to understand and communicate to you what they’re receiving. Mistakes can be made at any point in the process.

    I am a student medium. Last night I connected with a man whose personality and career I correctly described. When I asked for a memory he shared with my client, I received a scene that she couldn’t confirm. Had my energy dropped? Was the scene supposed to be interpreted? I don’t know. I received mostly images from him and very few words.

    Mediumship isn’t a science. It’s an art.

  • chronoarcane

    November 16, 2021 at 4:59 pm

    Commenting here because I have similar fears. I believe there are spirits and souls because I have seen a lot of the stuff since I can remember. But I’m always afraid that if my family dies their souls won’t hang around or they’ll go somewhere where I can never reach them again. If I could know for a fact that I will be reunited with them, my fear of death would immediately go down by a lot.

  • 2993

    November 16, 2021 at 4:59 pm

    What confirmed it for me was realizing we are not tied to our bodies when we sleep, we travel and go places. We are so much more than our bodies and while the body, mind and spirit are connected, they are separate. When we pass we leave our bodies and don’t return. Often while we are sleeping and unaware. This is why it is also painless since we are pure consciousness and don’t have the chemicals inducing anxiety/fear. There is still shock to some degree, but we broke off a part of our consciousness to come here, and we remember *all* our lives (past, current, future) again when we pass as well. If we were to send our entire consciousness into this lifetime we would stop existing altogether, so this part makes sense. This is why it is important for us to clear any residual baggage we may have during our lives so it does not follow us into other lifetimes.

  • dragons6488

    November 16, 2021 at 4:59 pm

    International Association for Near Death Studies.

    I watch people on YouTube who died and where revived.

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