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Forums Forums Mediums What happened in the house ? Why are we feeling this way ?

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    I was hoping one of you wonderful people may be able to explain something that just happened to my mom and I.
    My mom and I went to my brother’s house where he died for the first time since his death 7 months ago. He passed away unexpectedly in the bathroom. We were alone in the room and said some prayers etc. when we were standing near the bathroom, the door opened by itself and we thought it must be sign. A few minutes later I was taking a picture of a picture of him and there was an moving light around his face in the picture. Thinking it was a glare, we moved curtains, my mom held her hand up and tried to block the movement but nothing worked. The next second it was gone and the photo was clear. It was so bizarre. We were amazed. As we were driving home my mom asked if I felt strange and I agreed that I did. We can’t explain the feeling we’re having but we both felt it. We just felt different. Not in a bad or good way, just different. What can this feeling possibly mean? Did our souls connect? Being there in the place where he died, in the quietness and thinking of him and having these things happen , seems to be more than a coincidence. Any thoughts are welcome. Thank you for taking time to read.

  • What happened in the house ? Why are we feeling this way ?

     Nicolina updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • RicottaPuffs

    November 16, 2021 at 7:33 pm

    You guys may have felt his presence or may have been given a sign.

  • Goodfellow_fanclub

    November 16, 2021 at 7:33 pm

    The first thing my mind always goes to is the ‘rational explanation’ such as the fact that you both lost someone very close and very dear, and standing in the spot (or house) he died in might make you feel a bit weird, emotions come out funny like that sometimes. Now, if you read this and your gut is telling you ‘no way, that isn’t it’ than you have your answer, right? Always trust your gut!

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