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Forums Forums Mediums Question About Wandering Spirits & (separately) Interdimensional Beings

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    Hello Mediums –

    I’ve seen several posts on this sub about the sheer number of spirits that are kind of wandering around the material world lost. Some are hurt by something that happened while they were alive, others are just disoriented…why are there so many? Do most people not cross over when they die? What happened to the white light? Is there no justice in the afterworld, ie victims of violence just stuck as opposed to being liberated?

    Separately, do most mediums see interdimensional beings as well?

    If so, is there a name for the really tall, shiny black beings with the black hats (to the ceiling or to the top of the house tall). They kind of shimmer when they move?

    Sorry for so many questions and thank you!

  • Question About Wandering Spirits & (separately) Interdimensional Beings

     Neville updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Barefoot-Lorelei

    November 16, 2021 at 8:01 pm

    >If so, is there a name for the really tall, shiny black beings with the
    black hats (to the ceiling or to the top of the house tall). They kind
    of shimmer when they move?

    Okay, wow, I saw this *exact* thing a couple days ago. I’m just learning to use my clairvoyant ability intentionally and was practicing in the car while my husband was driving (don’t think it would be wise to do this while driving) and clearly saw a tall figure with a top hat standing in a parking lot. The whole thing seemed to be made of shadow (I remember his face was just pure shadow) and he had what looked like a tattered cape floating behind him and there was a distinct shimmery quality about the figure, which was very strange with how dark it was. I asked my guide who won’t shut up what it was and he said “a wanderer”.

    I’ve never heard of this type of entity before, so I can’t help with what it is, though I got a distinctly unpleasant vibe from it. Mostly I just wanted to say I saw the same thing, lol.

  • SpookyStuff13

    November 16, 2021 at 8:01 pm

    In my experience, most people cross with relative ease, but something like 150k people die a day worldwide so there are bound to be stragglers. There are beings that I usually refer to as angels because it is kinda the closest thing I can think of to explain them, but they help cross people and also other spirits that the deceased knows will help.

    But people stay behind for tons of different reasons and tbh it’s not a big deal. They will eventually move on or not but it doesn’t really matter. I know that sounds kinda callous but you don’t need to worry about other people, especially the dead ones. Sometimes I will ask if someone wants help moving on and they usually say no thanks. But they sometimes do and I help them.

    But there isn’t some force keeping them here like in movies and books and that. If they are here it’s because they chose to be or they don’t know that they have a choice and that second group has extra helpers and will eventually figure it out and move on.

    And the tall dark thing you are talking about just sounds like a ghost that wants to present themselves as something scary. I’ve dealt with a couple of those. They are annoying because they are creepy but I don’t think they can do you any real harm.

  • lvlvlemonpants

    November 16, 2021 at 8:01 pm

    I am still studying this so sorry if I don’t have much advice on this subject. But honestly it just reminds me of the anime Shaman King I used to watch when I was a kid. The main human character made it his mission to help heal spirits so they could cross over to the other side while other shamans just took advantage of their power.

  • FromTraumaToTarot

    November 16, 2021 at 8:01 pm

    It’s my impression that hatman appears when you’re developing your abilities at an extraordinary level. It’s almost like he’s there to supervise or initiate you, or to just keep tabs on how many humans are awakening.

  • lvlvlemonpants

    November 16, 2021 at 8:01 pm

    Separately, there are different “Clair” senses – of which they will all come and go waxing and waning in strength. Smelling, seeing, hearing, touch, recognizing feelings, and knowing.

  • toxictoy

    November 16, 2021 at 8:01 pm

    I recommend you read the books of Robert Monroe. This is going to sound like it’s unrelated but it’s very related. He wrote several books – Journeys Out Of The Body, Far Journeys and Ultimate Journey. Who is he? He was a business man who suddenly started projecting his consciousness outside his body every time he went to sleep. He eventually did lots of research about it and developed audio programs to help others do it as well. It’s called Out of Body Experience (OBE) or Astral Projectjon (AP). This book got the notice of the US CIA (not joking!) which produced a [report]( on how to do OBE for spy craft and also what the nature of reality actually is. See this [article explaining it all]( Robert Monroe is a name you should know about because he basically took all the occult and mysticism out of the realm of psychic phenomenon such as remote viewing and OBE so that it can be understood by westerners with our western minds.

    His observations were of several realms surrounding the material plane. Mediums can sense beings in the next phased plane. He saw people’s souls (though he did not use that word) who were terrified of death that they basically just go catatonic, he saw people who didn’t know they were dead and just never got why they couldn’t interact with the world (think angry spirits in pubs) and then there were those who would spend a lot of time trying to contact and interact with their loved ones in the material plane. Some would go to other realms but those who couldn’t “remember” who and what they are – are basically going to come back – yes reincarnation is real.

    He also saw lots of Interdimensional beings along the way. It’s almost like the movie The Truman Show where we are Truman living in an illusion and there are “people” trying to tell Truman the truth and their efforts don’t seem to always work. Think of that as all of religion. When you have a spiritual “knowing” you realize that ALL religions are basically the same thing. That there was some event or some person who was trying to convey this story of us being in an illusion, life after death is real, and that reincarnation is a cycle that needs to be broken. It’s a game of telephone all the way down from antiquity telling us these important messages but scripture interpretation drifts, rituals change and people don’t always get the mystical experience that religion once would have provided to “wake them up”. That’s our dilemma now today. Practitioners of Eastern religions look at us like we’re crazy. We have lost our connection to who we really are.

    So how do I know all of this? I read that report and that article this summer after some very weird things went on in my life. I went over to /r/AstralProjection and right there in their wiki is the standing permanent download to the Monroe Institute “Gateway Discovery” program audio that the actual CIA and armed forces used to train their people. I wanted to know if AP was real. It is. I proved my consciousness could exist outside my body. It was not a dream. It was “realer then real”. It was so shocking to me (an athiest at the time) that I have been now working out my fears around it and haven’t been able to go back. However there are lots of people over in that subreddit or related subreddits that know much more then me and have confirmed many of the things that Robert reported many times over.

  • cheatme1

    November 16, 2021 at 8:01 pm

    think about the All the deaths before humanity and during there are billions of spirits wandering around there are beings that help us pass on.

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