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Forums Forums Mediums Wondering about DID after death

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    Hi everyone! I’m sorry if a post like this doesn’t belong here, but I’m wondering if anyone knows what the afterlife holds for someone with dissociative personality disorder. To me, the personalities are completely different people. Does anyone have insight about something like this?

  • Wondering about DID after death

     Nicolina updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • DJGammaRabbit

    November 16, 2021 at 10:34 pm

    If DID are fragmented parts of a whole person then they would all come together in death and be whole again. The only reason they seem like individuals as one person is because of the fragmentation itself. There is no “each individual passes” because there is no separation between all of them in death. As much as people with DID will claim that there are multiple people in them they’re not accounting for those multiple people adding up to, in fact, one person. They’re not supposed to, that was just the preferred perspective of their soul. To a person with DID they’ll say that altars are different people – but you’re not *really*, this is one person with multiple *personalities*. Personalities aren’t wholly classifiers of being wholly different people. Just because you have multiple personalities doesn’t mean they’re not all still adding up to one person. The whole point of DID is to ride the wave of “well, it totally seems like different people.” It’s illusory. Like I said, if it weren’t for the fragmentation in the first place you’d have one whole person which currently a person with DID isn’t able to experience but the over-riding soul experience is that it is one person, one soul, having multiple personalities. There’s not, say, 12 souls packed in one body that are all released upon death, that makes no sense and doesn’t factor in the actual illness and what it does. Each one of those personalities are still equating to one soul or person. If we didn’t have one physical body per person we wouldn’t be able to tell but since we do we can.

    So none of the personalities has to freak out, they’ll all still pass on normally because they’re all just one person.

    A better question is which personality does the soul find dominant after passing. The soul would remember all of them.

  • RicottaPuffs

    November 16, 2021 at 10:34 pm

    Alright. I have a little. If the living person is experiencing fragmented parts of their personality, as DID is described, medically. Those fragments can integrate or remain separate as determined by those personalities. The choice is up to them.

    In cases where it is another situation, such as spirit/human interaction in one body, those energies will be separate in the afterlife. They can choose to incarnate as separate people, later.

    In cases of other illnesses and situations, I am sure it is a one by one determination.

    We have free will and we can choose. It is not decided for us.

    I was once contacted by one particular personality of a System with DID. It made me sad, because one of the protectors took the message from her to me down. I wanted to help.

    When you think a bout it, with each life that we live, we are like a DID System. Our overall soul, is like our Higher self and each person we are in each life is a separate part of that whole, higher self.

  • cheatme1

    November 16, 2021 at 10:34 pm

    Good question usually any trauma will be remembered by the time you pass and usually helps you cure the disorder if not your soul pretty much splits for each individual and will be seen how they see themselves

  • AbyssDomme

    November 16, 2021 at 10:34 pm

    Folks with DID have a better chance of having all their soul parts make it to an afterlife, because they are more ***aware***, than people who have potential soul part issue’s that aren’t aware.

    Lost soul parts, is an issue with everyone. It’s the basis of soul retrieval. Mother loses a baby, sometimes that kind of grief can create soul loss. That’s often what people interact with, with “ghosts” in the astral, someone’s soul part that didn’t move on.

    Death is traumatic, living is traumatic, any number of life events can cause fragmentation at the soul level, to the point that they could be left in the astral.

  • Daddys-LittleKitten

    November 16, 2021 at 10:34 pm

    I have DID and never thought about this until now. Thanks for asking this!

  • chronoarcane

    November 16, 2021 at 10:34 pm

    I think the opinions will vary greatly depending on one’s spiritual beliefs regarding DID. Personally, I think it’s very possible that at least some of the alters are separate souls that inhabit your body with you, like having someone living in your house, and after death they’d have their own journey.

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