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Forums Forums Mediums Has anyone experienced this too? Any advice on what it could mean and what I should do?

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    So, starting Friday night I was overcome with anxiety, dread and a feeling of being watched. It made it hard for me to fall asleep as fear tends to put me in a state of alertness and my eyes go wide open. I thought this sensation would go away, but after sleeping from 4am to 11am, a decent amount of time, I woke up feeling so completely exhausted it was as if I hadn’t slept at all. I spent the entirety of Saturday with chills/goosebumps, feeling watched, nervous, lightheaded and exhausted, jumping at every tiny sound. Then night hit and the anxiety and dread came back at full force again, and once again it was hard to fall asleep. Then this morning I woke up exhausted again, and today was just like yesterday. Now it’s night again, 2:40am as I’m typing this, and I feel like I’m going crazy, I keep seeing glimpses of something smokey and grey moving out of the corner of my eye, any sound outside is making me feel like a prey listening for a predator, sometimes it feels like actually objects shift and then reset back to their original position in the blink of an eye. I have a table lamp on as a night light for the first time in my life because I can’t handle this constant fear.

    So I gotta know, is anyone else experiencing something similar this weekend or have experienced it in the past? If it happened to you before, how did you get better? How long did it take? Any advice on what I should do? I’m at my wit’s end.

  • Has anyone experienced this too? Any advice on what it could mean and what I should do?

     Nicolina updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • toxictoy

    November 17, 2021 at 7:37 am

    Do some meditations. Ask for protections from your spirit guides. Try to recognize what you are actually afraid of – the unknown, the dark, actually confirming that reality is different then you think? There are very good meditations for releasing fear. Go to the YouTube channel The Monroe Institute. They have free releasing fear guided meditations. It’s completely normal to be afraid as the veil parts. We are all trying to deal with the fact that reality is not at all the narrative we were told. Even if you are interested in psychic phenomenon you still may have latent fears. It’s my understanding that fear is the biggest thing holding us back from really engaging in the extraordinary. Remember that your guides are there for you all you need to do is ask.

  • TheSaltyTarot

    November 17, 2021 at 7:37 am

    Has anything changed in your life recently? Everything okay healthwise?

  • RicottaPuffs

    November 17, 2021 at 7:37 am

    This can be a reaction to medication, or a side effect of Cannabis. Have you changed any routines, foods or habits, recently?

    As well, sudden overwhelming anxiety can be a symptom of illness.

    Check out the mundane first. Then, look at spiritual matters.

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