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Forums Forums Mediums I’m having a hard time figuring out if I’m a Medium or schizophrenic

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    I grew up my entire life believing in spirits. I saw my first one when I was five, it was just a black masculine figure sitting on the bathroom floor. Then others just occasionally throughout my life. I saw my first one that actually looked like a real person when I was eleven. She was sitting on the toilet in the restroom. Long black hair that covers her face and a white dress. I remember around 10 different occurrences but this past month. It’s gotten to the point I see the black shadows out of my eye constantly. I can talk to them through touch. I’ll just ask them to touch my left or right arm for yes or no. Keep in mind I do suffer with mental illnesses, depression, ocd, and anxiety. I know it’s real because my mom seen her, my roommate seen her. I don’t know if I’m just now getting in tune with my ability or what. I do from time to time communicate with them through a board, it’s easier. I take all the precautions every time I do use it. They’ll touch me when I’m walking to work, resting, everything. One is touching my right fingers as I type this. I think I’m just looking for guidance or anything.

  • I’m having a hard time figuring out if I’m a Medium or schizophrenic

     Neville updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Tommy-1111

    November 17, 2021 at 11:10 am

    Go to up responsible reputable doctor and get a proper diagnosis.

  • TheSaltyTarot

    November 17, 2021 at 11:10 am

    Mental illness and psychic powers can certainly exist in the same person, which is why it’s always a good idea to stay in touch with conventional medicine. At the same time, mental illness doesn’t usually cause other people to hallucinate. Have you often spoken about these figures with your mom and roommate?

  • astralpariah

    November 17, 2021 at 11:10 am

    I am of the opinion they are the same thing

  • simplylilli

    November 17, 2021 at 11:10 am

    I’m currently in therapy and I’ve told my therapist about my experiences. I even showed her my dream log. See for me I was in a psych graduate program and I left because I thought I was schizophrenic or had dissociative personality disorder. My therapist always assures me I’m not those things. It also helps that she actually believes in spirituality. I’ve tried to tell a doctor in the past and was put on anti depressants. Keeping a record of everything helps me. Then once I found this subreddit I felt more at peace.

  • AnAnonymousHelp

    November 17, 2021 at 11:10 am

    I think you already have an answer for this, but I’ll answer anyway: it doesn’t matter. The Western world has created a really bad stigma towards people who see things, but what most people don’t know about psychology is that they only consider something a mental illness when it is negatively impacting their lives. As Freud would say, the definition of mental health is the ability to love, work, and play. If you are happy with yourself, then who cares how they label your abilities. Just don’t tell them. Personally, I hate labels.

    That said, there’s one key difference: schizophrenia is the ego going out of control while mediumship is the ego being controlled. But, whatever it is, the path is the same: learn to control your egos, fears and emotions. Elevate your own vibrations and find your own inner peace. Good luck. 🙂

  • RicottaPuffs

    November 17, 2021 at 11:10 am

    it is really important that you know none of us here are qualified to tell you whether you are one or the other. We can offer opinions, but, none of us can diagnose you or make a determination in a post on the internet.

    Frankly, that is a huge liability.

    This quandary seems to happen to those in the Western world who question their sanity and all spiritual encounters. This same question or a version of it is posted almost every day.
    So, it is a big issue for a lot of individuals. I hope you are able to come to an understanding of your own state of being.

    If you are happy and healthy and happy with your life and none of what you are experiencing is putting your physical or emotional health at risk, what does it matter what anyone else thinks?

    You can only come to an accurate determination with the assistance of mental health and medical professionals.

    TBH, anytime I hear that someone is seeing one of the Samira stereotypes, I become concerned.

  • TheLifeOfAz

    November 17, 2021 at 11:10 am

    From my understanding, it’s not schizophrenia because you’re aware of it. You’re choosing to doubt what you’re seeing and questioning it.

    I’m led to believe, although I could be wrong, people with schizophrenia don’t question what they’re seeing or thinking, the fact you have your own awareness in these situations would make it seem more likely you’re not schizophrenic.

    I can’t rule out things such as hallucinations, but due to the fact others have also seen these figures, it’s more likely you’re sensitive to seeing spirits physically.

  • BothZookeepergame977

    November 17, 2021 at 11:10 am

    My advice is take teraphy. You should talk with a doctor.

  • ryankelly2234

    November 17, 2021 at 11:10 am

    Medicine people throughout all of history have been people who would be called schizophrenic today. At around age 10 these people would feel like the ground is shaking occasionally. If they voiced that, then they would’ve taken in to hone in on their gifts. The way we know schizophrenia now is very different. The only reason it has taken on this form is because these gifts are shunned rather than celebrated. There is no room for spiritual anything in a profit based society. Not without straying from what it actually is and should be.

    If you can tackle the intrusive symptoms than you have power. You will be able to see things others can’t, just in a spiritual, guided manner. The only difference between a medium/shaman/ect. Is the ability to read between the lines and have a clam mind.

  • AshleyEmma19

    November 17, 2021 at 11:10 am

    After my boyfriend passed I swore I started hearing him. I focused on it so much that it escalated to thinking I was hearing voices, seeing things move, felt something that I thought was a demon bumping up against my bed. I ended up in a mental health hospital for a week. I pretty much threw myself into psychosis. After getting out of the hospital I needed to be on psychosis drugs for a little bit which helped a lot and since I started to ignore it it eventually did go away. The point of me telling you this is I experienced first hand that your brain can really play tricks on you if you start believing something enough so maybe thats what is happening to you?

  • BigDaddyChangs

    November 17, 2021 at 11:10 am

    I was wondering the same thing. Earlier this year in March. I was hearing voices. So far, yet so near. Like, the distance from where I was in my room and my neighbour’s yard(since my room is in the back).

    I thought I was hearing my neighbour’s talking, then it turned out to be the spirits of children talking to me. I didn’t realize it right away, I was losing it. No one else heard the voices, only me.

    The thing that kept messing with me is, how they knew there was going to be a full moon that night. The next day, I was starting to think clearer. Noticed that I couldn’t see them, only hear them. So I took a minute to notice everything around me and stepped outside.

    I began manipulating them, and I went to the doctor the next day. I still hear em, when I lose sleep. Since, I work graveyards in the medical field, and sometimes run errands during the day.

    I don’t think anything of it, just that I came down with a schizophrenic disorder. Just sometimes, the unknown knowledge of things, kinda has me baffled.

    I don’t wish to open doors to things I do not understand. Just treat it for what it is.

  • ViennaVoodooQueen

    November 17, 2021 at 11:10 am

    I think you got a great therapist. This is so important.

    A lot of people got that kind of doubts, that‘s pretty normal. As long as you find a way to cope with all of that that makes it possible for you to just live a normal life there‘s nothing to worry about. When you feel affected in a way that makes you feel unwell or like you‘re in the need of mental health care, go for it. Whatever works for you in order to live your best life is good. Unfortunately being diagnosed with this and that and druged makes life worse for a lot of people, if you think it‘s not the right thing for you and you wanna go another way, do it. It‘s your life. Only you know what makes you happy. 2 things: being happy/feeling good and functioning, if you‘re unable to go to work or scare the shit out of your family it‘s time to see a doctor.

    If you wanna go that way to accept that you‘re seeing spirits and just take it as spirituality and not as a mental health problem, i would recommend to see a shaman. A lot of shamans are medical workers, doctors, psychologists. Watch out for somebody who got both a medical education and a shamanic education. This is the best thing you can do in my opinion, because it covers both. If you are already diagnosed with a mental health issue, i would never recommend to just go see a medium. First of all depending on laws in different countries often enough it‘s not allowed for a medium to work with/for people who are diagnosed with mental health issues. Second we do not have the education to properly cope with that kind of issues.

  • EDguyThrowaway

    November 17, 2021 at 11:10 am

    No one will diagnose you with schizophrenia if you say you partake in religion. It’s in the criteria. For many disorders.

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