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Forums Forums Psychic A lesson in Karma: Choosing your next life gender! – Part Two

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    Part One: [](

    *My left ear started to ring as I began to see several things. I saw two pillars and a forest in this blue violet background. Then I saw a woman pushing a boulder out of her way so that she could enter into this cave. Inside the cave was a hue of purple and as she is descending into the cave I saw a man in a hood and robe with a lamp greet her. He releases this bird from his arm and the bird soars around the cave and exits it. As she goes further into the cave I saw these little dots that looked like stars inside the top of the cave and further down into the cave I saw this orange red light in the distance.*

    I froze… My intuition is off! The woman Wiccan did not sacrifice herself after the rape and murder of her entire village, she hid in a cave…then I saw it!

    “Cave was a hue of purple”


    “releases this bird from his arm and the bird soars around the cave and exits it.”

    Welcome to the Tunnel of Death!

    I was shocked to hear this specific card was Strength! The strength card is the story of Hercules and instructions on how to reunite with your inner demi-god and true self. This part of the story was not finished and needed more information.

    *I saw the woman back at the cave talking to the man in the hooded robe. I focused on what “female” aspect I was denying in myself and asked the hooded man. He then lights up the cave wall with an orange red glow and showed images of a young girl with her parents. She was happy and cheerful spending time with her mother and father in a forest looking up at the sky counting the stars. It then shows the girl growing up being very happy with a smile on her face. Once the orange red glow died out I heard the woman ask why he was showing her those images. Those images were her memories.*

    AHHH!!!!! This person is seeing how they became the gender they choose in this life! Orange is the power chakra. Default is frustration and weakness connected mentally to the left side. “My left ear started to ring.” This “female” Wiccan life did not work out! In this life the persons “female side” is considered weak, and feels better to express the “male” side as a sense of authority, but without the female side, they are missing something in this current lifetime, the Karma to overcome in this new body. Can you see it?

    “It then shows the girl growing up being very happy with a smile on her face.”

    Finding a true sense of freedom and innocence within themselves? What gender do you think they chose in this life?

    Thank you! For allowing my to walk behind you and allowing me to share this psychic adventure with everyone here!


  • A lesson in Karma: Choosing your next life gender! – Part Two

     SuperfriendsK updated 2 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • stonemilky

    November 28, 2021 at 12:53 pm

    They choose neither male nor female…. but they were born in a “female” body, but without feeling like a woman nor a man.

    Today I played a lot with the Strength card is a funny coincidence you just wrote this ! (Also is Leo Season so is Strength season too)

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