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Forums Forums Mediums How does one connect to spirit using tarot cards?

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    I’ve always had a ln interest in tarot cards and I’ve only recently gotten then and I’ve been getting better and better at them but I want to try and connect with spirit thru tarot cards.

    Usually when I’m alone and in pure silence I can hear spirit and usually I get a vision of something in my room but lately I haven’t been able to.

    With tarot cards I do well for my kind of experience in them which is short because I’m barely learning.

    I want to do more with tarot cards and connecting with spirit but I just don’t know how. Any suggestions?

    Thank you in advance.

  • How does one connect to spirit using tarot cards?

     lemonnnngrabbb updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • mothsyrup

    December 23, 2021 at 8:24 pm

    It starts with getting to know your deck. Your deck is probably unique and requires a certain type of mental strategem to learn with. If different decks are slightly altered variations of keys to the same door, to a subtle and grand plane.

    So mental stratagem as pertaining to the deck at hand, so you can use other decks with the knowledge that appearance is finicky and can deceive rather in a large way.

    You will be able to pick up any deck, safely, to contact spirit.

  • cndrow

    December 23, 2021 at 8:24 pm

    Learn your tarot decks first. Put the guidebook away and go over each card. Write down what you see and feel for each card. THEN compare your notes to the guidebook. How are your interpretations similar? Why? How are they different? Why?

    Do this for every new deck you get (Oracle decks too)

    Once you’ve done this, you’ll find it very easy to communicate with Spirit with that deck. Set appropriate boundaries and protection, then ask for messages from Spirit (you can ask for a specific spirit if you want to). Voilá!

  • phoenixalice

    December 23, 2021 at 8:24 pm

    I connect with my cards through my guides, they always tell me when to shuffle and when to pick etc, maybe try to connect with your guides through meditation while learning your deck

  • reddituserthatreads

    December 23, 2021 at 8:24 pm

    Tarot cards are pretty cheesy new age shit… but that’s just my ego talking… I find more meaning on mediation and understanding the omens that come in my life… instead of using illusionary card paradigms.

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