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Forums Forums Mediums Does healing from trauma make it easier to access psychic abilities?

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    Hi all. To give you some context, I am an HSP and empath that has been affected by CPTSD due to childhood abuse and neglect. I have always been very intuitive (and have been told by two very good mediums that I am an intuitive and a healer) but have had a lot of trouble trusting in my abilities.

    My life came crashing down at the beginning of 2020 and between then and the end of 2021 I experienced the lowest of lows in my life. I have been in therapy since August 2020 and have since made considerable progress in healing from my trauma. I started learning Tarot as well about 10 months ago to better access my intuition, but have not been consistent in my progress.

    I know that as human beings we can never be “healed” but can strive to continuously heal. However, now that I am at a point where I have been able to overcome a lot of my trauma, I have been feeling more in-tune with my intuition than ever before. I feel called on to start reading for people to help them out as well. This is something that has emerged for me particularly strongly over the last couple of weeks. I’m slightly puzzled, because I don’t know if this is my Higher Self calling out to me or if it is just my rational mind tricking me. It’s a bit disconcerting.

    I have the following questions in relation to this:

    1. Have any of the other members of the group experienced something similar? Is it normal to become more in-tune with one’s intuitive gifts as a result of healing?

    2. In the situation that this really is my Higher Self calling out to me, where exactly do I begin, especially in terms of using my intuitive abilities to help people out?

    Thanks for your help 🌸

  • Does healing from trauma make it easier to access psychic abilities?

     -knafeh- updated 2 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • AbyssDomme

    March 9, 2022 at 4:50 pm

    *Note: I’ve written about this before and these are my thoughts on trauma and intuitive abilities regarding either opening people up or shutting them down. And yes, I have gone through this and these are my take-away thoughts.*

    **Regarding other people having trauma open their intuition we have to further distinguish what do people mean by “trauma”.**

    There is sexual trauma, physical abuse trauma, psychological trauma, medical/life-death trauma.. just to name a few. These kinds of trauma can affect people differently. Trauma also doesn’t open people up in the same way, some people get opened up immediately, other people the trauma breaks them open slightly, like a small crack in a vase, where water slowly trickles out. Over time, the break gets larger and people are more open.

    In my experience people who get “blasted” open usually experience trauma that is more like physical violence, sexual abuse, and/or torture at a young age. For those who are adults who get blasted open it’s sometimes war, violence, near death experiences etc. Where as the slow trickle opening of trauma is more like, less severe abuse, maybe later in life, or when a person has better coping skills to deal with it. So it’s typically t**he age the trauma occurs, severity, and for what period it lasts** are all factors to take into consideration.

    Trauma that shuts people down (IME) tends to be psychological abuse (including religious abuse). Because this kind of trauma affects a person’s ability to sense their perceptions and feelings as “real” or valid. Gaslighting and cognitive dissonance basically shuts down a person’s ability to trust or hear their intuition.

    Mostly what people call intuition is “survival intuition” which is the voice in you that tells you to get away from a person and/or lets you know where a predator is. Narcissists and some psychopaths deliberately confuse this natural instinctive response. Over time this often affects a person’s self-esteem and their ability in which to trust themselves. A lot of people assume a block is in a chakra or somewhere in their body but IME most of the time the block is more like an event that you haven’t processed or an emotion.

    ***For instance a friend of mine who is a medium grew up in a very religious family that demonized (no pun intended) what would be considered shamanic arts, such as “shapeshifting” and even things like tarot. Her block was really about her issues with shame, guilt, and fear of allowing herself to move outside of Christianity, because she was told that “shapeshifters are evil witches who will burn in hell”. Even though as an adult she was able to reconcile that’s not how she felt, emotionally at that primal visceral level the fear was still there.***

    So, in my experience much of the time it’s not about a physical location but more an internal one. In general I would suggest people consider shadow work and work with the parts of themselves that they do not know, do not like, and fear. High percentage that’s where the block is.

    Regarding the OP’s question, (in my opinion) if you’ve been abused you have to deal with the abuse. You have to track just where the abuser targeted you and what they affected. Sometimes these areas can affect physical places, but usually the “knot” or “crossed wiring” is in the energetic/emotional places. You have to address those places first, by dealing with the events that caused these issues. Deconstruct them. Look at how they affected you emotionally, psychologically, sexually, self-esteem wise etc. Once you do that foundational work, then you can get into the physical-energy component and use modalities like energy work to “unknot” what’s left.

    When people just skip the inner work/processing to go to chakra work, they engage, but they also avoid. It’s a process that many people end up, where it looks like they’re engaging in healing, but they also distract themselves from looking at what really needs their attention (we all do it).

  • walkstwomoons2

    March 9, 2022 at 4:50 pm

    I cannot answer either of your questions definitively. But I encourage you to go forward with your calling

  • suneyflower

    March 9, 2022 at 4:50 pm

    I notice spikes in ability when I heal past hurts and revisit stories about my timeline. Meditation and time will tell all but it sounds like you know which path you need to take next. Best of luck on your journey💕

  • yalllove

    March 9, 2022 at 4:50 pm

    Well first of all we can be healed, as being healed is our natural state, we were created to be happy, joyful and whole. Grace is our true state.

    Yes, in life we have catalyst that serves our spiritual development if utilised correctly, although a dark night of the soul is not necessary many people do not begin seeking when all is peachy. Through pain we gain understanding of ourselves, our limits and we also face a choice – to forgive or attack. Forgiveness of course never means staying in a bad situation.

    When we forgive, when we turn our minds to peace, we begin an energetic ascension stepping naturally into our abilities, which we all posses but an activation is generally necessary.

  • CelebrateStyle

    March 9, 2022 at 4:50 pm

    It’s likely to have given you access to your abilities

  • EnergyMu

    March 9, 2022 at 4:50 pm

    It makes everything in life better and your abilities cleaner.

  • Aromatic_Novel_192

    March 9, 2022 at 4:50 pm

    There are links between PTSD and psychic ability. The theory I’ve heard is that there’s a part of the amygdala that’s larger in psychic folk. PTSD makes this part of the brain grow as well. I could understand why someone in a traumatic situation might develop psychic skills as a survival skill.

    My partner has cptsd from childhood SA & is extremely psychic but has no interest in pursuing the gift. She knew my mother had died before I did. She said she knew b/c she saw my mother’s spirit standing in our backyard.

    My teen wanted crystals for Christmas, and we all took turns holding the crystals while closing our eyes, trying to figure out which stone we held. There were six. Partner got every single one right, said she could tell from the energy each stone had.

    So IME there’s a link…

    I used to read tarot cards and it’s funny, have the same feelings over the past month @ wanting to read for others again.

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