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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Do altars need to be physical?

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    I’m asking this question because I do not have money nor space for an altar, and I would still like to have one, at least something I can use to keep my witchcraft related info notebook somewhere close by. I know a lot of things in witchcraft can be substituted, like white candles instead of any other colored candle, rosemary for any herbs/plants, etc., so I was wondering if the same could be done with an altar.
    For example, instead of having a physical altar in my room, I could make a Minecraft world dedicated to my witchcraft where I could have a less-detailed version of my magic informational book, and build an altar with decorations in MC. Would that be possible, or are altars strictly physical?

  • Do altars need to be physical?

  • Foreign_Inspector686

    May 23, 2022 at 12:24 am

    Virtual and even astral altars are an option though I would like to suggest a book altar, just open a note or sketch book to two blank pages and set it up how you’d like, you can use symbols, envelopes, photos, drawings, glue in ribbons, cards, leaves, you can set up things on or around it like jewellery, candles, tools etc

    And the best part, it’s super easy to put away and hide

  • SubstantialGarbage49

    May 23, 2022 at 12:24 am

    altars can be whatever works for you! when i was still in the broom closet and living with my family, i had a couple crystals and a notebook lying around on my dresser that worked as my altar. i know some people also use non-physical altars. whatever works for you!

  • Stock_Zucchini4012

    May 23, 2022 at 12:24 am

    Honestly, a Minecraft altar sounds so cool to me. Altars are whatever the individual needs them to be. As long as it’s a dedicated space for (insert purpose here), then it can be an altar. It can be a visualization, digital, physical, in the home, your car, a tree stump you found in the woods.

  • Dino_Lettuce

    May 23, 2022 at 12:24 am

    Altars don’t have to be physical in my experience. I very much like your idea of a minecraft altar space. It sounds like fun!

  • Banemik

    May 23, 2022 at 12:24 am

    Personally I am not a fan of digital altars. The purpose of one was giving up your space to give glory to the God/Goddess in question and invite them in to your home. Part sacrifice, part invitation. But digital ones don’t do either of that, you’re sacrificing nothing and not inviting them in.

    That said it doesn’t need to be table space. Someone on here mentioned a book altar which is a good move (sacrifice there would be the book). I also have a wall hanging which is my altar since I also have issues with space. It’s not ideal but it was what I have and so far the gods seem happy with it

  • SpiritedRepair9662

    May 23, 2022 at 12:24 am

    I’ve seen people post virtual offerings and virtual book of shadows, so I don’t see why a virtual altar wouldn’t work if that’s what you think will work for you!

  • kalizoid313

    May 23, 2022 at 12:24 am

    Altars in virtual worlds are a workable possibility. I have visited some (made by co-practitioners, not by me) in Second Life.

  • FenrirHowls2006

    May 23, 2022 at 12:24 am

    Well i have seen People fill a jar with things for a altar, if it works i let to others to judge.

  • CrowMoonSong

    May 23, 2022 at 12:24 am

    Imo altars don’t strictly need to be physical. It is just a place in your mind, physical world, or digital world that allows you to focus, ground, and practice your craft. Do what works for you consistently. I have physical altars in my home but I also have a place in my mind I can go that is very clear and real to me. I use both techniques. Good luck!

  • Toth3l3ft

    May 23, 2022 at 12:24 am

    Yes, but not all workings require an altar.

  • Gildedragon

    May 23, 2022 at 12:24 am

    I would ask: what do you understand an altar to be?
    Because historically many altars were just a high place where sacrifices were performed, with little more than rock or cairn.
    Or do you mean altar as a place of worship or sacred space? Because anything can be an act of worship, any space can be sacred, even if only temporarily, by being set apart & marked as special.

    Or do you mean a table of art, a place where one does magical things, because as above, it doesn’t need to be permanent. Just a time & space where you focus on your work.

    You don’t need images or idols or candles or crystals or any of that. Like if it helps all the more power to you, if you want it for anesthetics, neat! but if you can’t at the moment for any reason: well you don’t need it & not having it doesn’t make your practice lesser.

    Now as to an altar in MC: I, personally, wouldn’t. I think that it being on the computer & in a game makes it a bit too easy to get distracted, to break the setting-apart that consecrates the moment. But YMMV & if it works it works.

    I’d say, get a physical notebook for your witchcraft notes. Nothing but witchcraft notes there, & wrap a cord around it to keep it closed or maybe it has a clasp or whatnot to keep it from opening.
    Only open it when you’re in a witchy mindset, make a small ritual of opening the book, & when it is open that makes the time & space sacred, & then when it is closed it becomes secular time & space once more

    It is not that different from making a protection spell, in that the protection (or in this case the holiness) is not a permanent fixed site but it comes along when used. It follows an object or state of mind.

    A benefit of this view of an altar or sacred space is that you start becoming aware of the fact that this world in its entirety is sacred.
    All places & all things have their spirits.

  • xXLil_ShadowyXx

    May 23, 2022 at 12:24 am

    A minecraft altar sounds like a pretty fun idea honestly. I’ve heard of people having ,,astral” altars, so I don’t see a reason why a minecraft world wouldn’t work

  • Lu_GaRoux

    May 23, 2022 at 12:24 am

    couldn’t hurt to try 😊
    also if you changed your mind about a virtual altar, sometimes people make/sell mini altars in mint tins (like Altoids)

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