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Forums Forums Mediums New to Clairaudience – Need advice

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    So I discovered that I have the gift of clairaudience a few weeks ago, and I’ve been communicating very frequently with a soul (John) that died a few years ago that was my best friend in this life, and my partner in other life times. I also communicate frequently now with my main spirit guide Rachel.

    It has been going great, and to spare you the details for the sake of time, I have been VERY sure that what I’m experiencing both physically with my body’s energy, and mentally with the messages I’m receiving, has been real and very accurate. Several other souls have contacted me as well in addition to these two. Today, I wanted to do a past life regression hypnosis/meditation that I found on Youtube. I had never done one before and it went really well.

    After the session, I asked Rachel, my guide, a few questions about conceptual things such as the purpose for showing me the scene, etc. I then as my final question asked her the first and last name of myself that was married in 1872 (that I had just seen in the regression). She gave me a CLEAR answer that I then confirmed multiple times after. I go and try to look up the record for myself in that time period and place, and was struggling to find something.

    Long story short – I spin myself out completely and got way overexcited physically with adrenaline and mentally with overactive energy, at the thought of “proving” what I had just learned in the regression. I come to realize that I was barking up the wrong tree so to speak and that I hadn’t gotten the right answer from her, despite it coming in LOUD AND CLEAR and being confirmed multiple times. This really really upset me because I felt like everything I had talked about with her and John for the last few weeks wasn’t real. It scared me so badly because I felt like if those multiple messages that “had come from Rachel” that I just heard weren’t real, then how could I trust what I had been hearing for weeks?!

    Rachel and John have been very reassuring and are telling me not to make this mental misunderstanding mean something when it doesn’t NEED to mean something, but it’s hard not to feel shaken up and worried about trusting what I’m hearing. Her messages that turned out to be my own thoughts sounded SO MUCH LIKE HER and it was answers to multiple questions I had asked her, as opposed to me just getting one message wrong from her.

    Has something made you question your ability before when you were just starting out? Any encouragement, advice, etc. would be SO appreciated. Thanks everyone!

  • New to Clairaudience – Need advice

     ExperienceOk8141 updated 1 year, 11 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Healthy_Television10

    May 23, 2022 at 12:25 am

    My own experiences have been similar. Have been frozen with fear might be insane, started at menopause. I use the Jesus quote about judging it by it’s fruits, and so far it’s seemed like good advice.

  • TheSaltyTarot

    May 23, 2022 at 12:25 am

    I wouldn’t worry too much about proving specific experiences. A lot of the time there just isn’t any evidence to go on. But if you continue exploring, eventually you’ll build up enough experiences that denying the supernatural starts to feel pretty silly.

    We can only judge new evidence by the evidence we already have. If a person connected with a past life and asked them to write something down, we’d only be able to be able to verify its authenticity if that writing system was already known. And if it’s already known, then we can’t rule out the possibility that the person had seen it before.

    Similar problems exist when it comes to trying to interpret visions of the future. We can only interpret the information according to context that we already have — and the future is under no obligation to be familiar.

  • boolnoop

    May 23, 2022 at 12:25 am

    This might get down voted, but have you thought about getting checked out by a doctor? I wouldn’t trust those voices if I were you.

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