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    What cards do you have a special connection to that’s different than the usual explanation?

  • What cards do you have a special connection to that’s different than the usual explanation?

    BruceWayneKush updated 3 years, 2 months ago 1 Member · 30 Replies
  • obake_ga_ippai

    February 1, 2021 at 3:03 am

    Mine’s Four of Pentacles too – it’s usually taken to mean being miserly and needing to loosen up, but I often read it as meaning conserving your resources and avoiding burnout (I don’t associate Pentacles only with money).

  • -DitchWitch-

    February 1, 2021 at 3:03 am

    5 of coins, usually about destitution of sorts. For me it is a about being a young crust punk panhandling with my friends while we train hopped from city to city. We were dirty and broke, but also the freest I have been in my life, with the deepest friendships. This cards creeps people out, but gives me the warm fuzzies.

  • anarchist_snufkin

    February 1, 2021 at 3:03 am

    For me it’s basically the whole suit of swords, for some reason. Not only do I connect more strongly with it than with other suits, but most cards actually feel quite positive to me. And weirdly enough, the same goes for the suit of cups, except that one feels kind of negative to me in unusual ways.

    Specifically, and most different from the usual reading, the three of swords: It’s usually read as a tragic card and only that, but it usually makes me think how much of the suffering I go through is basically irrational. When I stop crying and, for a moment, decide to dissect my heart, I can suddently see that I didn’t need to cry at all. For me the villain of that card is the heart rather than the swords.

  • Finduszrulez

    February 1, 2021 at 3:03 am

    the moon! for me it usually means something exciting that I cant quite explain will happen. It is very vauge but I always get irrationally happy seeing it

  • ramblinonSingnmysong

    February 1, 2021 at 3:03 am

    Four of pentacles
    This is usually associated with greed. I don’t feel greed here ever, even with the RWD. I love this card so much. I see it as a manifestation card. I think in my head “this is mine, I will it, so be it”

    I see it as peaceful and jumping into the unknown darkness, even in the RWD he’s envisioning and just holding it close, absorbing it all. Every time greed comes up I just don’t see it. Wondering if you have a card that has pulled you into your own or what anyone’s opinion on the 4 of pentacles would be!
    Take care and take hold of your life!

  • windy-desert

    February 1, 2021 at 3:03 am

    5 of swords usually gets interpreted from the victim’s side but I never saw it like that. Not every situation can be a win-win, that’s just life, and sometimes if you win, someone has to lose. And it’s not necessarily a bad thing, just something to keep in mind. The majority of descriptions I’ve seen tend to go “woe is me, for I’ve been betrayed, used and abused!” route.

  • jayemadd

    February 1, 2021 at 3:03 am

    **4/SW** — mental static. I sometimes get this as “rest”, but usually I interpret it as that feeling when you realize your mind has been completely numbed and I just always see that image of flipping through TV channels and getting gray static.

    **P/SW** — people will say this is the “spy” card, but every page is clumsy to me in some way. This page reminds me of a bratty middle school kid who hears gossip, gets over excited and tries to stir the rumor mill, but messes up the story (upright) or purposely twists the details (reversed). There’s always some sort of misinformation with this card.

    **7/SW** — depending on surrounding cards, I have gotten this as an apology from someone who knows they messed up *bad*. It’s usually a long overdue apology, and it’s usually after nothing can really be done about it.

    **3/P** — this is my “healthy” marriage card.

    **The Lovers** — rarely about romantic love, for me. It’s choice and whichever choice is made, it’s always balanced. No one’s getting the short end of the stick.

    **KN/C** — covert narc card, sometimes. Major lovebomber.

    **2/W** — mild dissatisfaction. Whatever’s going on is great, but the allure of the unknown is mesmerizing.

    **9/C** — I really don’t like seeing this card in romance readings. It’s almost like a bad omen to me, because it is *so* good and *so* wishful. I see it as one or both partners having jumped into the connection being like, “This is the best thing ever!”, and then getting sucker punched with reality.

  • babsiechap

    February 1, 2021 at 3:03 am

    4 of Wands – Twin Flame II II. 3 of Cups – Third party situation

  • silverbatwing

    February 1, 2021 at 3:03 am

    Oooh! What tarot is that from?

  • thecourageofstars

    February 1, 2021 at 3:03 am

    Mine is 4 of Pentacles too! I use the Linstrider deck, and the image of it is a woman gathering all her belongings and leaving behind a burning city. A lot of sources will interpret it as selfishness, but the few times it’s appeared in readings, it’s been in the context of leaving behind toxic/abusive environments (taking your things and leaving the mess behind, because it’s not yours to fix). Contextualized, it’s always been more of a “you need to focus on yourself instead of trying to fix others’ worlds” thing, so the “selfish” aspect of it has never been negative to me.

    I guess the Tower to some extent as well. I know most people have an understanding that the Tower isn’t always negative, but I’ve only ever received it in the positive context of, “fast and sudden change is possible, you are capable of overthrowing these old values that no longer serve you”.

  • Glittering-Log-5055

    February 1, 2021 at 3:03 am

    Three of swords – it’s often read as heartbreak but I see it as creating healthy boundaries around oneself. If you are whole and protected in your mind, no one else can break your heart!

  • h4nn4hgr4m

    February 1, 2021 at 3:03 am

    the high priestess. for unknown reasons she is present in my spreads 4 out of 5 times. i know it stands for inner self and more than one meaning for everything but it’s almost every spread. i find myself looking at tarot much much differently since she started appearing

  • eclipsingangel

    February 1, 2021 at 3:03 am

    Temperance is my card, I’ve loved it ever since I saw it as a kid in my first deck. Every time I see or pull Temperance, I know I’m doing my best and that spirit knows it too.

  • lipsmaka

    February 1, 2021 at 3:03 am

    9 of pentacles. I see it as a version of me that I strive to be. Independent, successful in her own choices, living her own way, and reaping the rewards of being true to herself and putting in the work to achieve her personal goals.

  • inadequatepockets

    February 1, 2021 at 3:03 am

    The World almost always means “you already know the answer” or “stop asking the same question different ways” to me.

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