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Forums Forums Astrology 12H Leo – indicators?

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    What are typical characteristics for people with 12H Leo (Virgo risings)? A sign that likes so much attention and confidence located in a house defined by hidden stuff. Any Virgo risings can share?

  • 12H Leo – indicators?

     ippeoippeo updated 1 year, 7 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Few_Parsley1312

    October 5, 2022 at 12:46 am

    Virgo Rising here.
    I do not like to be the center of attention and I don’t really enjoy being around people who are attention seeking. Although I have a lot of talents I tend to use them in ways that are behind the scenes or more supportive. While I don’t feel very outwardly confident, it seems like something people perceive of me. I’ve been told several times that people are surprised that I don’t identify as being extroverted because the outward shell looks confident and put together but my inner life is much more introverted, private, and discerning. So it seems like others can see my Leo nature but I personally don’t have much access to it.

    Also as I have gotten older I find myself to be really content in my solitude. I feel like a star (or the sun) when I’m in moments of retreat, isolation, and self care. I sing and dance in the privacy of my own home. I’m expressive and playful in private and that feels more appropriate to me than doing those things publicly.

  • jillzr

    October 5, 2022 at 12:46 am

    i am a leo sun, moon, mercury, venus and jupiter (and virgo rising)
    creativity is the best outlet im starting to realize for 12hs
    communication and speaking is so impaired for 12hers so mercury in 12h is so isolating naturally and i’ve learned to harness the need for isolation. my best processing is done alone and i blossom by myself i sing and dance around my empty room/house. i also make the work im the proudest of when i am alone. accept that your kingdom is the unseen realm. once i accepted that my creative brain blossomed. i find attention from other people to be a struggle, making claims about myself and what i love publicly is immensely difficult. ok rant over sorry it’s all over the place merc in rx as a virgo rising is truly puzzling

  • fatlarry143

    October 5, 2022 at 12:46 am

    My mom. Always exclaiming how she’s “doesn’t like attention” when she LOVES it. Self-awareness is hard in the 12H.

  • platform__crocs

    October 5, 2022 at 12:46 am

    i am a virgo rising w/jupiter in leo in the 12th, born at night. i have an incredibly hard time connecting to leo/jupiter characteristics and do not find them relatable.

  • WineandPlants

    October 5, 2022 at 12:46 am

    I disagree with the idea that Leo’s love attention but Leo’s do love to be with their people. I am v introverted 12H Leo moon and I looooove being alone. So so much. But also, that state of my hair does indicate how I’m doing, overall. And it’s to a T, and rarely intentional. It’s eerie. And I do have Big. Hair.

  • Ala-Aja85

    October 5, 2022 at 12:46 am

    Virgo rising Leo 12H with Mercury in Leo. My sun is on the cusp of 12H and I struggle with wanting to be in the spotlight but running from it at the same time.

  • Mayalomeli

    October 5, 2022 at 12:46 am

    I’m a Leo sun, mercury and Jupiter with Virgo rising in my 1st house. My mercury and jupiter both reside in the 12H along with a Virgo in Venus and Mars. Another user made a comment about solitude/isolation and that is something I’ve also recently come to terms with. Relationships have historically been pretty difficult for me. I make friends fairly easily but it’s hard for me to maintain them. I don’t necessarily like attention, but my sense of style can be a bit eclectic. I just strut around in pride, which has actually taken me a bit to feel comfortable with. When I was younger I didn’t really like standing out too much because I didn’t like the attention and was worried about what people thought. But now I wear whatever the f*ck I want.

  • vverteies

    October 5, 2022 at 12:46 am

    leo stellium, virgo rising. took a long time to feel i could express my creativity – although it was recognized by others based on how i dress. introverted but love collaborations. so complicated! Jo Gleason gave a lot of empathy towards Virgo Risings in the Astrology Podcast episode on Mercury – I felt “seen” haha.

  • witchontheweekend

    October 5, 2022 at 12:46 am

    I’m a 12H Leo Sun, Virgo rising (also Virgo Moon and Mercury). There is nothing I hate more than the spotlight and attention. I am happiest behind the scenes and at home, where I can be all of myself. People expect me to be extroverted because of my Leo Sun, but I am very introverted, shy and sometimes socially awkward. As a 12th house sun (and Leo also being ruled by the sun) life can often times feel like a mental prison. At the same time, I absolutely love (and enjoy!) solitude. I tend to be an observer. I have very little friends and family. The only place I feel somewhat confident is at work. Outside of that, I struggle a lot with it. My Virgo placements are not the best for my mental health either (although I love and embrace them. I resonate with my Virgo placements the most instead of my sun sign tbh).

    With Leo in the 12th House, I disagree with Leo placements liking attention so much. For ex.: My friend has her Leo Moon in the 12th, but she’s also a Leo rising. She’s gorgeous, but she lives a very lowkey life. Only accepts attention from certain people. Like me, she too has Mercurial energy in her chart (Gemini Sun and Mars). She has Moon sextile Sun (11H), so I find her to be an excellent friend but from a far distance due to us both having 12H placements. Friend 2 doesn’t have Leo in the 12th but in the 2nd and is the epitome of attention-seeking. She embodies the stereotypical
    Leo traits everyone always describes. In my opinion, Leo 12H shines a light on parts of life that most tend to skip past.

  • luney1020

    October 5, 2022 at 12:46 am

    I am a Virgo rising and I have a love/hate relationship with being the center of attention. I have sun conjunct Pluto in the 3H so I attract unwanted attention or people get jealous when I am getting attention. I also have a packed 5H stellium so This attributes to wanting to shine and it makes me feel empowered but also it’s an ego thing I have to watch out for. I feel my 12H Leo comes out full speed when I am under the influence. And I’ve noticed this happening ALOT with people who have planets In the 12H. Too much excess of anything is bad tho so I catch myself if I’m starting to become egotistical and put my service towards helping others shine their light.

  • FormerCardiologist43

    October 5, 2022 at 12:46 am

    12th house is indication of hidden enemies, talents, potential to grow, skills to develop, pastlife path. Here leo is in 12th house which simply shows pastlife connection with 5th house related aspects and significations. Its natural to draw towards yet we try to restrict ourself. Leo is sign of majesty, pride, creativity, teaching so the native becomes creative when dealing with 12th house related. Be easy because Leo is sign of ego too. So this clearly shows ego of yours get reflected around you as it is your lesson to become free and step into analytical and detail-oriented Virgo. Star present in 12th house plays key role as it is the sole-decider of what aspect of life triggers your growth or downfall in life. Spirituality, intuition, letting go, energy draining all these things fall under 12th house as well. Provided, energy is in check which means you should be aware of what is letting you isolate, creative. More in DM.

  • queenofseattle

    October 5, 2022 at 12:46 am

    I have Virgo rising, 12H Leo sun and Venus! I wouldn’t say that I like being the center of attention but ppl still paying attention to me or what I’m saying. Like me whispering comments to myself but ppl overhear me and they think that I’m funny or they’re interested in what I’m saying. So I’m secretly the “star”. I only feel comfortable showing my personality when I get a read of the room or the vibe. I’m secure abt my personality and looks so I feel like I don’t have to try as hard. I don’t love being alone like some ppl mentioned tho. I enjoy observing ppl and learning more abt them. I will say when it comes to my romantic relationships, I am extremely private abt them. I love loud but only to that person. It’s not for everyone to see and know. To me, 12H Leo is like a solar eclipse.

  • 345stayinalive

    October 5, 2022 at 12:46 am

    Can somebody pretty please let me in on how the 12H is connected to the Rising? Thanku thanku thanku (this might sound silly but I’ve been interested in astrology for 7 years xx) I just know what I know and left it at there

  • elutaepiphany

    October 5, 2022 at 12:46 am

    I’m a Virgo Rising and my Mercury in Leo is in the 12th, as well as my sun! I have a complicated relationship with Leo in 12th. My dream is to be a performer but I have terrible stage fright. The only time I was able to get up on stage without freaking out was with a mask on and that’s how I always perform now. I am an artist (5h stellium as well) but I tend to keep my art very private, I use aliases. Don’t even post photos of myself online anymore unless in a mask or my face obscured, it makes me feel powerful. I’ve been a wallflower my entire life except when I get drunk/high so I relied on drugs a long time to open up socially. I think it’s a super weird placement and explains a lot about my intense push pull between wanting attention and praise while also wanting to be hidden. I used to give far too much of myself too fast and as I age I become more private.

  • irsell

    October 5, 2022 at 12:46 am

    Virgo rising, Virgo sun and Leo moon in the 12th house. I want everyone to think and notice that I’m as beautiful and intelligent as I am but also not give me attention. Does that make sense lol. Also I feel like my internal monologue is v leo

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