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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing What are some negative energy clearing spells or practices I can do for a person living with me?

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  • #420748 Reply


    I’m not going into context because my last post got hijacked with answers that weren’t to the actual question I was asking. People have a tendency to think that we haven’t considered the obvious and exhausted every other avenue ourselves FIRST.
    All you need to know is:
    – I have consent
    – the person can’t participate at this time
    – it’s a chronic and complex situation
    – they will be used to COMPLIMENT ongoing medical and psychological treatments.

    My ***SECONDARY*** question is, how would I tell the difference between this person experience a nasty spiritual/energetic attack or potentially being possessed/have a negative spirit latching onto them?
    – if they were to be possessed/have a negative spirit latching to them, how can I treat that?

  • What are some negative energy clearing spells or practices I can do for a person living with me?

  • bonesandlilies

    October 6, 2022 at 7:55 am

    Wash the house from top to bottom, take the wash water off the property and dump it.

    The person in question should physically bathe in a bath with lemons, salt and white vinegar. You can add herbs to this bath if you want.

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