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Forums Forums Mediums My mom has psychic premonition dreams, how can we tap into this?

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    My mom has always had this innate gift. She’s lost a lot of people (childhood friends, the loved ones of friends) and they always find a way into her dreams. Its very rare i ever dream of people who have passed but for her its a very frequent occurrence. Aside from this, her dreams seem to foreshadow whats happening in real life.

    Let me think of some examples cuz there are *so many* stories of her directly associating with ghosts, or other people who are dying. (I definitely do not have this gift, I have tried)

    She had a dream about a coworkers mother who was sick, getting a phone call that she passed away. That morning the first call she gets is that the coworkers mother died.

    More recently, she had a dream that a dump truck was following her, and the truck was carrying a mountain of dirt, trying to bury her. That same morning our longtime neighbour died overnight.

    Last night she has a dream that she opened to trashcan and maggots crawled all over her arm. We’ve never had a maggots problem. This morning guess what she finds in the garbage.

    I’m not sure if anyone here is well informed on how astrological placements tend to show up in people, but thats more my realm. My mother has neptune in scorpio in her 4th house sextile pluto. This highly indicates a thinner permeable wall between her and the spiritual realm especially in her most private times at home.

    I won’t talk your ear off on my interpretations of her chart here though🤪but i was wondering if anyone in this sub knows a good step to take for her to maybe take it further? Are there any books or tips y’all have on ways she can strengthen this gift?

  • My mom has psychic premonition dreams, how can we tap into this?

     Itchy_Plant_2020 updated 1 year, 7 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • RicottaPuffs

    October 6, 2022 at 8:17 am

    Your mother can start a premonitions journal.

    Consider it an early warning system.

  • Resident-Ticket9966

    October 6, 2022 at 8:17 am

    I have them as well…I can remember everything when I have them

  • Cautious_Yard1042

    October 6, 2022 at 8:17 am

    Wait, where do you find things out about correlations between astrological signs and things like this? That sounds fascinating.

  • Conscious-Antelope90

    October 6, 2022 at 8:17 am

    Does she want to strengthen her gifts or is it you that wants her to?

  • bjlou

    October 6, 2022 at 8:17 am

    I had dreams like that my whole life. Not so much about people dying (though has happened) but inconsequential things that come to pass the next day. I didn’t think that was particularly useful, but interesting.

    Now I do much more and I know my guidance and how to use it (still complicated) I am not meant to know the future ahead of time or to tell fortunes. I know how to get an answer to a question. The gifts work in similar ways from person to person, but we don’t all have the same purpose or beliefs.

    Based on my experience, I would suggest that your mother is very intuitive and does use her skills all the time. She probably “channels” without knowing it. Listen to the words of your mother when she is giving advice, or what she associates with a question. She probably hones in on the important things without realizing it. Pay attention.

    She probably gets a lot of synchronicity and you might as well. Having preconceived ideas about how things are supposed to work, might hinder your ability to see how things do work. You mom is not going to become the Long Island Medium.

    I also do astrology. Neptune in Scorpio was trine Pluto for years, so many of us have that aspect. Probably that aspect has connections to personal planets and certainly would through transits. The 4th house placements shows sensitivity. I am sure she has many more markers of psychic ability because she has it. I always find that what is so, is reflected in the chart.

    Besides that, I understand that people can take psychic training courses that teach techniques that seem to work. I doubt she would want to. She has her own path and how she does her thing, isn’t how you do your thing. You do have your own gifts that work for your way.

  • IntoTh3Moonlight

    October 6, 2022 at 8:17 am

    My mom has this too. And I inherited the vivid dream state from her. I felt bad because we used to think she was a bit dramatic growing up when it came to her dreams. It’s also a norm for parents from my culture to use the impressions from their dreams as a method of keeping their children safe.

    It was all fun and games until my mom saw a vision of my deceased paternal grandmother’s birthdate. My dad had never met his mother as she died after giving birth. He never knew her birthday. After making a few phone calls to people back in our homeland, it turns out that my mother got her birthday right. It was a beautiful moment of realization for our family.

  • TheSaltyTarot

    October 6, 2022 at 8:17 am

    Why take it further? Why strengthen this gift?

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