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Forums Forums Mediums How do you interpret the spirit world?

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    I’m not a medium but I’ve had a couple readings and have connected specifically to one spirit, my grandma who passed away long before I was born. I have found a lot of comfort in this as I’m someone who carries a lot of anxiety around death and what comes next. Based on your experience what do you think the spirit world is like? I’m sure it must be difficult to imagine since it is a dimension outside of our senses. I kind of think of it like the color spectrum. Infrared and ultraviolet exist but we are not tuned to perceive them. What do you think it’s like? Can they see, hear, etc the way we do? How do they come to us to communicate and where do they go when they aren’t communicating? Do they feel emotions the way we do? Is it similar to our world with more abilities and senses? Also, do they ever return to our dimension, and why or why not? I would love to hear how you imagine this afterlife to be.

  • How do you interpret the spirit world?

     emherm updated 1 year, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • TheSaltyTarot

    October 6, 2022 at 5:21 pm

    It’s part of the collective consciousness. It sustains itself at least in part on the energy of living minds.

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