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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Spells for a missing cat/companion?

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    Hi all, please delete if not allowed 💛

    I was wondering if anyone had any spells for missing cats. I lost my sweet kitty Karma this weekend and she hasn’t been back for over 48 hours which is highly unlike her.

    I read up a bit and found to leave her treats & toys near a tree in my backyard and ask the tree to act as a beacon to help her find her way home which I am certainly planning on doing. I just also thought I could ask here as well for any additional ideas.

    Note: all other steps have been taken (went to the animal shelter this afternoon, posted on every social media page I could find for my county + neighborhood apps)

  • Spells for a missing cat/companion?

  • tiredHFX

    November 26, 2022 at 9:00 am

    Okay this isn’t a spell, but put your dirty laundry outside! It’ll smell like you, and kitty will hopefully catch the scent and follow it home. This worked so much better than food did when my girl got out last summer.

    Witchy-wise: try asking your deity (or the universe) to guide her back to you.

    Good luck, I hope you find her ❤️

  • kai-ote

    November 26, 2022 at 9:00 am

    There is one old practice done in Japan to still this day when someone’s cat goes missing: talk to the neighbourhood stray cats. Show them her photo (preferably printed), ask them to let her know that her human is waiting for her at home, and you very much miss her.

    Point here is that the cats pass on the message to every other cat, eventually reaching the one it’s intended for

    It may take a few days or weeks. But it they say it does work.

    Good luck. BB.

  • Seabastial

    November 26, 2022 at 9:00 am

    I have a spell that I found in a book about cat magic. I changed a couple of things about it to suit my practice, but you could give it a try if you want. for the spell you’ll need a candle (book said blue i think and I changed it to silver, but you can choose any color you want), some fur from your cat if you have any (if you don’t have any that’s fine too), a picture of your cat, and a pen or marker. Once you have the items, set up the picture in a place you can see it. Set your intentions (your kitty returning home) and write your kitty’s name on the candle using the pen/marker. If you have any fur from your kitty, place that beneath the candle. Once you’ve grounded and centered yourself, visualize a silver leash appearing in your hand and leading off to wherever your cat is. Give the leash a gentle tug, then begin gently reeling it in and visualize your cat returning home. I hope your kitty returns to you soon!

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