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Forums Forums Astrology So what happens when Jupiter is in retrograde?

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    Jupiter is a major benefic planet so for people who have it in retrograde, how does it manifest in your life?

  • So what happens when Jupiter is in retrograde?

     ippeoippeo updated 1 year, 5 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Piggishcentaur89

    December 1, 2022 at 8:20 pm

    For me, it manifested as depression. And a lack of optimism.

  • [deleted]

    December 1, 2022 at 8:20 pm


  • maximumof20character

    December 1, 2022 at 8:20 pm

    Curious about this as I have Jupiter retrograde in my Natal chart (Cancer, 12H).

    I’ve heard suggestions that for this natal placement Jupiter’s usual abundant, expansive, outward energy is turned inwards.

  • ministickerbook

    December 1, 2022 at 8:20 pm

    I have Jupiter retro in scorpio in 6th (placidus) and I have a lot of chronic health issues but “only painful” and not “serious” from what I’ve been told, so I wonder if that’s like the “good news/bad news” effect of Jupiter rx. haha I am also really good at helping others… to the point of my own detriment 🙃 (I should note I also have Saturn and Pluto in libra, also retrograde in 6th). Most of the jobs I’ve gotten I feel were “lucky” for the circumstances… then ended up not being that great. 😓

    edit (4 hours later, lol): I should say, I recognize that all placements can have good/bad duality, but I do think some have that duality more than others.

  • ChrysopoeiaAstrology

    December 1, 2022 at 8:20 pm

    It depends a lot on every individual’s natal chart, but generally retrogrades are a time to go within and be introspective, rethink, revise, redo things vs. starting new things. Look at the house and sign of your natal Jupiter placement as well as where transiting Jupiter is right now. Is transiting Jupiter making any close aspects to natal planets for you? If not it’s unlikely you’d experience it as intensely as some people might. If so, it could be a time of turning Jovial qualities inward. Jupiter represents expansion, and it’s possible for Jupiter RX to be a time of great personal growth.

  • olduglysweater

    December 1, 2022 at 8:20 pm

    Is there a jupiter in retrograde coming?

  • Cliff_Bradshaw

    December 1, 2022 at 8:20 pm

    Reading charts, I’ve never seen any reason to believe outer planets being retrograde matter. I’d be interested to see a chart example where this is obviously not the case. But Jupiter is retrograde for 4 months out of the year, and it does so in slowly shifting times of year such that almost all Tauruses and Geminis born between them would have Jupiter retrograde. Saturn through Neptune are all the more more predictably at certain times of years for multiple points.

    FEB 28, 1994 | 12:48 PM | 14SC39 | JU SR |
    | JUL 02, 1994 | 02:09 AM | 04SC46 | JU SD |
    | APR 01, 1995 | 12:03 PM | 15SA23 | JU SR |
    | AUG 02, 1995 | 04:28 PM | 05SA32 | JU SD |
    | MAY 04, 1996 | 02:21 PM | 17CP39 | JU SR |
    | SEP 03, 1996 | 01:31 PM | 07CP49 | JU SD |
    | JUN 10, 1997 | 00:14 AM | 21AQ56 | JU SR |
    | OCT 08, 1997 | 04:29 AM | 12AQ06 | JU SD |
    | JUL 18, 1998 | 00:30 AM | 28PI04 | JU SR

    People born near stations do seem to have that planet highlighted, that I have seen. But I’m hot taking here to point out that there might not be much there there….

  • AnnieLangTheGreat

    December 1, 2022 at 8:20 pm

    Edit: sorry, I thought you’re asking about the current transit.

    It goes retrograde every nine month, and stays retrograde for about four month; so it’s retrograde half of the time. It can cause troubles if it has hard transit aspects to personal planets, but since it’s not a personal planet, it won’t affect you as drasticly as Mercury for example.

    Jupiter retrograde is more likely to manifest in slow, big scale oscillation of fortune and misfortune, like the volume of crops produced (it’s been a global drought since it’s in retrograde), or the stock market (the “bear” market <stock prices going down> started in July, and is predicted to end in October -> lines up with Jupiter retrograde perfectly)

  • Active_Doctor

    December 1, 2022 at 8:20 pm

    I have rx Jupiter in 4th Aries (opposite Venus in 10h Libra, and trining true Lilith in leo & Uranus in Sag. It’s also sextile chiron & quincunx my virgo mars).

    I have been lucky in work. I make great money for the hours I work & it’s always worked well with my family schedule. Honestly though I’m getting a little bored of it (I work in the food service industry).
    I have made big family changes, been divorced etc.

    I have dealt with drastic mood swings & low grade depression & anxiety for a long time, but I also have a Cap asc conjunct Neptune, a sun/moon quincunx & Moon Saturn square, and pluto conjunct the MC, Saturn chart ruler in the 12th, which all contribute.

    From what I have read up about it, Jupiter rx generally brings big self growth through major challenges. Hard times make for resilient people & all that.

  • NailsAcross

    December 1, 2022 at 8:20 pm

    It goes backwards and is either debilitated or a little more malefic. Retrogrades are seen very negatively in traditional astrology.

  • spiritualien

    December 1, 2022 at 8:20 pm

    I have natal rx jupiter (Leo 9H) and it makes me deeply spiritual. Now’s a good time to get in touch with something bigger beyond yourself

  • IamToddDebeikis

    December 1, 2022 at 8:20 pm

    I have Jupiter retrograde in the sixth in Gemini. I had viral encephalitis when I was about 1 1/2. I should not have survived.

    I have diabetes type two and a thyroid disorder, as well as pretty bad depression. However, I am very lucky that my medical problems are not worse.

  • Humble-Guidance-1745

    December 1, 2022 at 8:20 pm

    I have it in my 2nd house retrograde in Aquarius. I constantly take stock of what I truly value, what makes someone valuable? Money? Or their innate worth as an individual with unique gifts and talents? I think Jupiter internalizes the area of life that it is blessing with expansion. So 2nd house is enhancing an inner understanding of the true value of things, not necessarily based on societal terms, but their ingenuity and novelty (the Aquarius energy of it for me)

  • [deleted]

    December 1, 2022 at 8:20 pm

    I can’t say I have noticed a problem with my good luck.

    Jupiter in my natal chart is retro, in Leo in the 5th, on Venus’ terms and I have a day-chart, so it’s my benefic of sect. I have multiple examples where Jupiter by transit indicated the good fortune or a protective note I was experiencing at the time (e.g. Jupiter conjunct my natal Venus happened when I met my (now ex)bf). I can’t say there were ever any problems related to the retrograde motion. I’m way more careful about excessive behavior, because that’s Jupiters shadow side and Jupiter rules my 12th – who would want to undo themselves voluntarily?

  • Maliris

    December 1, 2022 at 8:20 pm

    I have jupiter retrograde in the 1st house conjunct ac. For me it has given me lots of optimism and general faith in life, but I’m definitely more introverted and introspective than you would expect from a jupiter 1st house.

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