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Forums Forums Astrology What happens when Saturn is in the 5H or 7H?

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    Does it prevent people having proper lovelives or marriages? Just wanted to know since a lot of my friends who have this placement tend to be single.

  • What happens when Saturn is in the 5H or 7H?

     ippeoippeo updated 1 year, 5 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • sidechickband

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    Saturn 7th here and I’ve always been attracted to older men (not in a gross way I just mean I’ve never dated anyone my own age), I’m 34 and unmarried! I’m almost never single, usually in a a long term relationship, and I’ve stayed close friends with all my ex’s. Though they never were my forever person, they taught me a lot and helped me grow as a person and become who I am today.

    Another Saturn 7th trope: I had a difficult relationship with my authoritarian dad throughout my childhood and now he’s more or less out of my life.

    Edit: my Saturn is in Capricorn

    Edit Edit: oh and I also have Mars, Uranus, and Neptune in the 7th so… “marriage problems” galore!

  • corgilover26

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    My saturn is in the 5th house in Aries in degree 29, it is my most disliked aspect and i’ve spent years trying to work with it, but I believe it is karmic and meant to help me heal family patterns.

    I have multiple harsh aspects between my saturn and both venus and sun, which are in the 11th house ruled by libra. I’ve always wanted to be absolutely creative, express myself with complete freedom and enjoy life, but there is always a serious cloud looming over everything, there is always a guilt to enjoying having fun.

    I have a capricorn moon, I see this as a see voice that has always been hyper critical of me, a reflection of my mother and the country I grew up in. When I was growing up I wanted to be an artist, I still feel it in my soul badly, but there is a sense of tremendous guilt and shame that comes with that longing, every time I attempted to try to become good at something creative I felt like I would never amount to anything so I gave up every single time.

    I was always the “weirdo” but not entirely socially rejected, even though I now see it as a battle between my authentic self and the restrictions the ultra catholic people I grew up with. Since I moved abroad I’ve slowly gotten rid of the shame over the things that truly make me happy but it’s been incredibly hard.

    I am a sag rising so i’m pretty extroverted, I like to go pretty hard to the point where it’s detrimental to my physical well being, i’ve hard incredible opportunities to enjoy leisure in life but i’ve also has trouble knowing when to stop and when responsibilities set in is highly frustrating to me, all I want to do is have fun and it feels like my lesson in this lifetime is to be able to balance that.

    I can’t complain about dating, I have always had men but never really completely have felt in absolute love with anybody, I can be a serious partner and not very loving.

    I have endometriosis and it’s pretty severe, all the women in my family have it and all of them were able to only have one baby with a lot of effort. I do not feel like I ever want children and don’t really ever feel a maternal instinct so I feel like it’s definitely a saturn in 5th house thing.

    Because it’s saturn though, it’s only gotten better for me with time 🙂

    I believe i’ll be able to get over a lot of the pain and stagnation it has caused, I see saturn as an overbearing parent with an influence that slowly recedes as your work with understanding the lessons that they tried to teach you and how you can use all the negative opposition to propel yourself into the life that you want to live in this lifetime.

  • Rlctnt_Anthrplgst

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    Saturn is a wonderful teacher. Saturn is who spanks you, and the house is where. Perhaps a better question is “what lessons are standing between my friends and the best version of themselves?”

  • 17th_degree

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    Saturn in the 7th can indicate long a marriage, especially in a day chart. I think Jada Pinkett Smith has that.

  • ryzzo

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    I have 5H Saturn in Aquarius and I’m nearly 30 and have never, ever, dated lol. I feel like I’ve had extremely poor romantic relationship models since I was a child that turned me away from seeking partnerships early on but definitely still feel like a romantic at heart despite being unable to express it in everyday life. I write a lot of romance fiction with success in online communities but cannot seem to replicate that experience for myself.

  • homorrhoid

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    No planet “prevents” anything. You still very much so have autonomy in this lifetime. This is a very strong recurring theme in modern astrology delineations about Saturn

    *steps off my pro-Saturn soapbox*

  • nopushnoshovebud

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    I have saturn in the 5th house. its in Aquarius which I guess is ‘lucky’ but I recognize it most with my inability to have fun. I straight up don’t know how. I was in a relationship for 10 years even with an Aries Venus. I think while it breeds loneliness it does stand for some pretty serious commitments. oh yea, I love to gamble and the casino but its never a good idea lol


    edit: saw someone mention older partner. currently seeing someone who is 20 years older than me soooo yeah

  • Gabrinth-

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    Both my wife and I have Saturn in the 7th in Aquarius and Capricorn respectively.

    We were born in 1990 and 1991, were each other’s first relationship, have been together without a break since late 2009, and got married in 2017.

    Astrology isn’t causal, but that isn’t saying much because nothing is at least in our contemporary understanding of causality. Astrology is testimonial. It speaks of us and our happenings.

    My wife and I spend countless hours together as friends. We cuddle. She cooks I clean. We have no children but two cats. We have great friends and family. I’m a spiritual person and she doesn’t have much desire for such concerns. Those are all there in the chart, but a single testimony from Saturn isn’t going to tell you much.

  • Hades_Moon

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm



  • neonchicken

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    The one adult person I know with Saturn in the 5th has had difficulty and challenges in love, marriage, sex life as well as tension, anxiety and difficulty with or due to their children despite a lot of love being there. Also a sort of creativity block. I feel it’s a tough placement. Many of these things were somewhat to do with outlook and attitude. I also know a younger person with this placement and it’s too early to know what type of influence it may have but Saturn is better placed in terms of aspects and in exaltation, in a day chart.

    The Saturn in the 7th person I know seems to have had bad luck in otherwise wonderful relationships when any type of firm contract/commitment was made. They are married (married after first Saturn return and seems marriage or commitment became important to them around this time) but health issues and other restrictions have come about and an almost end to what used to be an active sex life.

    None of these people are into astrology. I do know an older couple who were and one of them had Saturn in the 7th. They decided to stay in each other’s 5th house and stayed together till one of them died at an advanced age.

  • glassmurphy

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    doesn’t mean never, just slower

  • RockLadyTokes

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    I have Saturn in the 5th. It’s sucks. I can’t have kids and had so much trouble early on in my relationships. I also have extreme social anxiety and my communication skills suck.

  • Alternative_Cut_8330

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    Saturn in the 5th happily married 23 years.

  • babyyfire

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    Conventional wisdom shows that Saturn in the 7th house can delay marriage to after the Saturn return and in the 5th house it can do so as well. However charts are a complex thing and the way Saturn shows in your life can vary. For some people, yes they might not marry until after 30ish or you might struggle with feeling secure in partnerships. Other placements and the way you personally embody your chart changes how things are expressed

  • Alternative-Ride8407

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    7h Saturn: I wont have significant relationship till my 1st Saturn Return. If I attempted to they’ll all be Karmic but purposeful lessons.

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