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Forums Forums Mediums how do you create a safe space? No ghost allowed barrier.

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    I have a certain spirit who just never seems to leave me alone. Truth be told he’s been with me for a few years now. He never does anything except watch. He stands or sits against the wall of my room just watching. He follows me around the house but at gives me peace whenever I’m in the restroom.

    I don’t mind that he’s around, I just want a bit of privacy whenever I’m alone in my room. It can get a bit awkward when…. you get my point.

    He’s an older gentleman, a cowboy, he’s long and lanky. And he doesn’t seem to want anything.

    Also, I’m not used to communicating with them, in fact I never did because it causes unwanted attention that I’m just not ready for. So if you have any advices or tricks that I can set up some sort of barrier around my room that stops not just him but the other “housemates” from hanging out in my room. They’re fine in the house since they all got their own little areas they like to hangout at but I kinda wanna make a point that my room is off limits.

    Anything helps, from anybody who has experience in barriers. Thank you.

    One thing I’d like to add is that I did make a salt barrier with holy salt, incense, sage, and a bit of holy water with a prayer. It lasted for… I wanna say 2 or 3 weeks but then it stopped working and they were able to come and go into my room whenever they please.

    Do barriers have expiration dates?

  • how do you create a safe space? No ghost allowed barrier.

     Realistic-Bike6723 updated 1 year, 5 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • E_Baker33

    December 13, 2022 at 3:04 pm

    Learning how to deal the fact that spirits are probably gonna hear or see me in the bedroom/ bathroom, etc was one hell of a learning curve. You can block them all you want, doesn’t stop other things.

    Gotta just learn how to cope with never being alone.

    I’ll never forget the deeper, disembodied voice sliding up beside me in bed, pointing to my pillow and saying “dilldoo…”

  • NotTooDeep

    December 13, 2022 at 3:04 pm

    Have you talked to him? You seeing him in such detail is really great. He may be waiting on your reply, if he said hello to you when you first saw him.

    Often times, we become what we resist, like anger, or hate. That’s not always useful.

    Sometimes when we resist a spirit, they get stuck in our resistance. Just saying hello can free them to go on their way.

    It’s like when you recognize someone on the sidewalk and get a big smile and say hello, and they walk on by with acknowledging you, your mind gets stuck on them for awhile. Say hello to him and see what happens.

  • Fine_Fortune

    December 13, 2022 at 3:04 pm

    Sounds like you need to do energetic shielding. One way to start is to first ground your energy. You can imagine roots growing from your feet down into the earth. Go as deep as you can. Feel the hum/ vibration of the earth coming up to you. Release any negative energies to the earth down the roots. Cycle between this flow a few times. Next, you would want to visualize a white light coming down above from the heavens to your crown. Let this light bask over you. Then, bring this light down from your head to your heart, then down to your feet and down the roots to the earth. You have now grounded yourself lol.

    The second step is to shield. Imagine a bright and brilliant white light glowing in your heart. Visualize this light growing and growing until it encompasses your room. Say a prayer affirming that you only allow spirits of the most high and benevolent to enter this light. You are now shielded.

    These are one of many ways to ground and shield your energy. There are so many different techniques such as imagining a white semi permeable bubble and etc. Another way is to energetically cleanse your space either through sage, sound and etc to get rid of the spirit. This would only work temporary as the energy becomes cluttered again. If the spirit is too persistent, you may have to do a banishing ritual. Especially if there’s a malevolent spirit about. I would only do these kinds of rituals as a last resort and only on aggressive spirits.

    Lastly, i would look into seeking a psychopomp to help you with this spirit. They specialize in helping spirits move on. I hope I have helped šŸ˜Š.

  • Potential_Remote_271

    December 13, 2022 at 3:04 pm

    Could he be a guide?

  • LimpCobbler3876

    December 13, 2022 at 3:04 pm


  • csmithsharknado

    December 13, 2022 at 3:04 pm

    If heā€™s a spirit that you donā€™t mind having around you, it might be nice to give him an offering or even a little peaceful place or altar of his own (or even a corner of yours) where he can go and hang out!

    Sounds like whiskey or cigars might be good, or printed photos from his home if you know where heā€™s from.

    This might sweeten the deal for him to both acknowledge the fact that his presence doesnā€™t bother you but also will make it easier for you to say ā€œhey I need a break for a bit- when Iā€™m in my room, how about you go hang out in your little spot!ā€

  • imgoodatbreathing

    December 13, 2022 at 3:04 pm

    He might be waiting to teach you something when you’re ready

  • whereisyourbutthole

    December 13, 2022 at 3:04 pm

    Maybe he got lost on the way to Ram Ranch. Play him the song?

  • No-Raisin7384

    December 13, 2022 at 3:04 pm

    I do not believe the boundaries expire though I have had to reinforce from time to time after an extenuating circumstance. It sounds like you know that walking around as a sensitive person ā€œfully openā€ is not a wonderful idea for a lot of reasons so I wonā€™t go into that.

    But basically any way u set the intention can ā€œfirm upā€ your boundaries. All the rituals and stuff are not necessary in my opinionā€¦ maybe they make the boundaries tighter, not sure. But i simply have my boundaries set, in my mind, no unfamiliar spirits. I think I added once unless they are of love and light and I have the power to get the message acrossā€¦ but Iā€™m turning that back off. Too confusing and sucks my energy

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