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Forums Forums Mediums shadow entity is following my nonverbal autistic daughter around at night

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    I want to start by saying my daughter to who has a higher language capacity has seen her paternal grandma in her death state (debatable as to whether or not that was her or a demonic force masquerading as her, I know, because she died suddenly twenty years ago and appeared on the same landing that the shadow entity appeared on. My twin daughters were supposed to be triplets. I lost one in the womb. It was reabsorped by the less verbal daughter and it’s impacted her ability to speak
    .She can read and understand though. She is very intelligent).

    Any way I caught this “shadow person” on camera (not posting the video for her privacy), but it’s compelling, I shared it with a friend in this sub and she can vouch. Also I have a video of the entity manipulating technology to say my daughters name, which is creepy as hell. In one of the videos, my daughter sees the shadow and runs away, the viewer can see the shadow ascend the stairs, as my daughter runs away, screaming. Even my dog gets up to check on her.

    I am realizing now the entity appeared on the same landing. I don’t do any occult things with my kids although I’m a physical medium and mental medium by nature. And gifted in psychometry. I’ve had more than one NDE, so entities are very attracted to me. My daughters were literally born on the brink of death, so entities seem to be attracted to them, too. The less verbal one was born sicker, too.

    Back to the experience I’m very concerned. I could feel a presence that night. And have seen an uptick in apparitions lately, too. I’ve seen a cat on my camera (I think an apparition of my cat that passed over summer and is buried in the yard, is protecting my daughter, she is around her, whenever the shadows are around, the living dog isn’t near).

    My cats and dog tend to try to stick close to my nonverbal daughter even though she used to push them away, now she doesn’t push them away. But she also doesn’t embrace them. She just lets them be around them. She likes them now, and nods yes when I ask if animals help her feel safe.

    I find her whining and crying downstairs by herself at night sometimes. She struggles with insomnia and will go downstairs to run around and burn off energy. If 2am comes around, she won’t come back upstairs and will start whining and crying until I wake up and come get her. It gets worse until 4 am. It peaks at 3 am- with shadow activity visible. I’ve put in motion detection cameras because of this.

    I’ll continue to monitor. But I’m trying to help my daughter with her insomnia and unfortunately I can’t afford cameras sensitive enough to be triggered just by shadows.

    Does anyone have advice that I can follow to get rid of any entities? I am pretty powerful medium with shamanic abilities but have been going through a lot. And have been dealing with a lot of sickness and neck arthritis so I’m not surprised that I have a shadow person in my house I’m concerned that it’s cornering my daughter at night and I’m wondering if it’s been doing this for awhile.

    This daughter is also frequently sick. Like always getting sick for no reason.

    In the past I’ve had to put protective white crystalline energy fields over my house but I’m not sure I’m strong enough for that on my own right now. I’m very depleted right now.

    A medium tried to remove the shadow said it was human wrapped in pk energy. I’m not sure that’s true. For two days and nights after, my daughter has been excessively dangerous lately, even for her, unscrewing screws I had in my window to climb out the window and onto the roof, trying to do all sorts of dangerous stuff that is out of character and just ramped up for her. She’s never been this reckless. I also found her yelling at things to get out of her room.

    I have done a ritual to banish more demonic energy, and updated separately. I believe there maybe a portal in this house (at the landing). And it’s a mix of things happening here. Let me clear: I firmly believe the issue is that multiple things are happening.

  • shadow entity is following my nonverbal autistic daughter around at night

     that_psychik updated 1 year, 4 months ago 2 Members · 9 Replies
  • RicottaPuffs

    January 5, 2023 at 12:15 am

    Learn psychic protection. Ground, shield and center . You can learn to shield and extend your shield to your daughter.

    Then teach her. I have posted it under Beginner Medium Skills, and there are other posts if your search above in the search bar.

    It is absolutely your home. You can kick this entity put, or you can send me a chat later and I can remove it for you, free of charge.

    As well, learn to set safe spaces or wards. You can search that as well.

  • stephyduh

    January 5, 2023 at 12:15 am

    Close your eyes and take a deep breathe love. Your frustration is palpable. Your mama bear instincts are set in over drive and it is completely understandable. Im gonna be completely honest with you, as much as i attempt to center and embrace Love and Light, nothing irritates me more than spirits focusing their negative energy upon children. Just as there are predators in life, sadly there are predators in spirit. As a medium you know this energy is consuming your attention and frustration like a hungry child eating a big mac. Like Ricotta Puffs said, focus on rituals that clear and protect your space. Ask your spirit guides and guardian angels to assist you. Also, try a cleansing ritual when you and your child bathe/shower. Water can be quite helpful with clearing negative energies. Never let your child see your fear or annoyance. Hug her tight when she is upset, tell her it is a silly monkey or giraffe, something she loves, and just laugh at the silliness. I have found that it helps with children to show them your fear transformed into humor and playfulness. It also takes power away from the spirit, if you close your eyes and imagine it is dancing, doing the moon walk, perhaps wearing a silly hat. BELIEVE in your power because you absolutely have the power to rid this negativity from your home and only allow Light and Love in your space. You can do this Love, You got this!! Keep us posted!!
    Much Love 🌄 🌻

  • stephyduh

    January 5, 2023 at 12:15 am

    Remember, sweet RicottaPuffs offered you a bit of help or assistance if you need it. I feel like i should tell you the same thing i tell myself…. It is ok to accept help from others when you are struggling.

  • SimplyRedd333

    January 5, 2023 at 12:15 am

    Because she’s non verbal outwardly does not mean that her soul is and entities know this. Your daughter seems to have something it wants and entities like this pick who they deem weaker. You need to put a ward under her bed and she needs to wear a protection amulet.. also you can make protective pillows and sew them into her pillows with protective herbs
    Epazote-spirtual purge/ exorcism herb
    Frankincense/ myrhh
    These are just some ideas and also if you do angel work even though anyone can do it call down Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, and Archangel Uriel
    and ask them to form a boundary around your house and to walk with your daughter as you do it ask them to use their full size Angels are by nature Massive. This will help but you need to get your house cleansed and your daughter blessed.
    ( Again these are things I have done personally but there are also other ways)
    I hope this was some help to you I can feel the fear and complete exhaustion coming from the question you wrote) also don’t forget to protect yourself sweetheart ✨ you are her greatest weapon

  • Mel_AndCholy

    January 5, 2023 at 12:15 am

    I can second the shielding someone mentioned. You can do this for the whole house, for individual rooms. You can have shields within shields.
    My house has many shields, wards, and protection amulets. Each room has its own shield and every bed has a shield and I anchor them deep within the earth to keep them stable(not using my own energy so I don’t get depleted) My goal was to have my home be the biggest pain in the ass for something supernatural to attack and I believe I have finally accomplished that.
    Your mind is your limit. Even with all my protections, friendly spirits can come and go according to the rules I’ve set.

    Look into warding and banishing. If it’s bad enough, look into protection deities/angels. I had to ask for help from angels when I was very weak. Gl!

  • LadyPillowEmpress

    January 5, 2023 at 12:15 am

    I don’t want to be where I’m not supposed to and I probably don’t have the same experience as everyone else, but have you asked the entity to leave yet with a formal demand or bargain?

    There’s a lot of non verbal people in my family and we are also generational mediums. With my experiences, I came to believe that non verbal people, as part of autism or other, tend to have a lot of energy around them. Their brain would be wired differently, perhaps giving them powers normal people have trouble achieving. All the energy they can’t communicate seems to bundle around them and can cause disturbing events, and attract unwanted visitors.

    My grandmother told me that a lot of entities that prey on the weak are usually weak themselves, they use their victim’s energy to manifest. I’ve read some material that explained this but it got rather complex so I won’t explain because I honestly don’t know if I could explain it well but you should look into it and get informed about non verbal people and their energies.

    What my family does usually is ask anything to leave, they then teach the child to not let any entities terrorize them, because that fear is “nightmare fuel”. And if that doesn’t work, they would call in a professional.

    I think in this case, you should bring in a professional. If your child was followed by a physical predator, you would call the cops. The police of the spiritual world are psychics. Have a professional assess if the energy is coming from the child or the home and then either detach the child or cleanse the home the good way.

    In my experiences, the longer you wait, the harder it is to make spirits leave. They get comfortable and attached and start to defend their new homes, just like you do.

  • SnozberryWallpaper

    January 5, 2023 at 12:15 am

    Question for you: could it be somehow connected to a person in your lives?

    I ask because the only time I’ve ever experienced a being like this, it was related to a person I’d recently become acquainted with. There were enough entities attached to and contracted with this guy that they could fill a veritable apartment complex. I was curious about this dude and not nearly as smart as I could have been shielding myself and didn’t even consider that I might be in danger. The night I realized my error I was getting a snack late at night and in the same moment that I felt the shadow thing get ready to pounce on me and knew I was in danger I had a gigantic crystalline thing with a lions head and sets of wings superimpose itself on top of me and it did some kind of energy dome maneuver that blew back the entity.

    The actual person who it was attached to unexpectedly and without invitation showed up the following morning at my house. He was physically injured on his hands and feet and he had them wrapped up in cloth. He has shaved his head and beard. He tried to lure me outside to help him and when I refused and verbally banished him he actually hissed at me like a snake as he left.

    He went fully off the rails immediately after that. I’m talking, grave robbery and eating/doing weird rituals with human remains kind of off the rails. He was deemed incompetent by the courts and is now managed in a facility.

    Whatever these things are, they’re not a joke. Try to imagine a gigantic, like skyscraper sized, crystalline winged being with s lion shaped head and see if one might come to your aid, I got the sense that they have my back unequivocally but that I also should not abuse my need for their intervention. In my meditation tonight I’ll ask that they hear my request to help you.

  • Outrageous-Gap-8768

    January 5, 2023 at 12:15 am

    Your child is gifted, and as such, entities will try to communicate with her. If she admits to being afraid and seeing things (perhaps asking her to nod), then tell her that just telling them off works and that she has power over her own room and house more than anything else. Cement a feeling of her having power and control in her own space.

    On the mom’s end, you should cleanse your home.

  • Mel_AndCholy

    January 5, 2023 at 12:15 am

    Can someone explain what a shadow enity is? I’m just trying to gage if what I had experience could be considered one or not. Thanks!

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