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Forums Forums Psychic This question is not to be rude but am confused about how this works.

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    Upon seeing a couple of psychics throughout the years they were able to tell me what my boyfriend was thinking; for example the last one said he loved me but didn’t like two traits I had. They’ve said he he misses me or he’s thinking about me when I went to them during our troubled times. How can a psychic see that? Is it just their intuition based on my energy or can they really see and feel what he’s thinking and feeling? How is that possible?

  • This question is not to be rude but am confused about how this works.

     FunnyHour2798 updated 1 year, 3 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • SimplyRedd333

    January 28, 2023 at 12:31 am

    Hi sweetheart ✨
    Well, it depends on how many psychics or readings you have seen or received. Everyone sees everything differently. Some use cards, some use intuition, others work with the help of their guides and deities and all of the above. Especially depending on who you go to. Then there are psychics who will tell you what you want especially if they can’t connect to your energy whether there is a block, or expectations on your part which is what causes the block or they just gave you what you wanted to hear.

  • psychicthis

    January 28, 2023 at 12:31 am

    Everything is energy. Different readers sense the energy in different ways. Personally, I see images and words, phrases and ideas pop into my head.

  • Frequent-Lake5803

    January 28, 2023 at 12:31 am

    I agree with everything said so far. Let’s take your situation and assume all of the psychics you’ve seen are legit. There is also free will that can change at any moment. Psychics read the energy in the moment. And if that changes so will the reading and the potential future outcomes.

  • PsychicDarryl

    January 28, 2023 at 12:31 am

    The way we communicate with each other is through spirit. The way I was taught is to acknowledge myself as spirit in body. This gives me the “tool” to communicate with other spirits in and out of body. Most of the time I will see pictures that tell a story about whatever it is that’s going on. What sets me apart from many other psychics is that I am able to heal the spirit I’m reading by de-energizing the pictures. For example, if your mom’s energy or belief that she will be left alone is in your space and you believe that to be true for you… then I can let you know where that picture came from, why it’s in your space, and help you move it out. As for reading thoughts, I don’t have to ability to read thoughts but I do have the ability to see their energy and how they use it. I can see much more than thoughts. I hope that helps.

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