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Forums Forums Astrology Non-cap moons (or cap moons), are you usually able to identify what you’re feeling? How do you experience your feelings?

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    Asking as a cap moon because I can be very emotional but I usually don’t know why or how to deal with it… for example, this morning I started crying because I was worried my pet fish was cold and uncomfortable in his tank and I was so worried he was going to die, but he was really fine and I was just overly emotional and couldn’t stop crying. Hours later as I’m reflecting in bed right now (hence this post), I realized maybe I was actually crying from all the pent up anxiety that I had from yesterday after having a two back to back interviews that I felt I had performed poorly in…

    So I’m very curious about how other moon signs experience their emotions and how you all identify and feel your emotions. Fellow cap moons, I’d also like to hear your experiences! Any resonance? 🤍

  • Non-cap moons (or cap moons), are you usually able to identify what you’re feeling? How do you experience your feelings?

     yo_ja updated 1 year, 3 months ago 2 Members · 13 Replies
  • Ella3303

    January 28, 2023 at 10:09 am

    I think that’s a common misconception about Capricorn, that they’re not emotional. They are, they just don’t show it often, especially around people they don’t trust which is like basically everyone lol. If I had a dollar for the amount of times I’ve seen capricorns red in the face with frustration trying to hide that shit from everyone, I’d have quite a few dollars. I’m a earth sun, and I do that too. Then it comes out months later during a fucking black eyed peas song 🤨 and I’m just sobbing the car over all the stress and anxiety I’ve stuffed away for who knows how long..

    But I’m a Pisces moon, so it’s very easy for me to identify my feelings. They come and go very easily but the ones that tend to stick around are anxiety and fear. If only those were as fleeting as happiness..but I’m never confused about how I’m feeling or why I’m feeling it. I’m decent at hiding it, which I do out of embarrassment and also because I don’t like to burden other people with my feelings.

  • Ok_Beautiful_9824

    January 28, 2023 at 10:09 am

    As a cap moon i feel a lot but i have a hard time expressing it. Unless its anger. That might be because of my sag sun though. I havent yet found a way how to deal with any emotion really. But it doesnt usually show on the outside, unless one is living with me.

  • bidddyboppp

    January 28, 2023 at 10:09 am

    im a 4th house cap moon with 10 moon aspects.. TEN. i am the feeliest of feelers. i have an emotional response to everything and i am incredibly influenced by other peoples emotions as well. i honestly think its a beautiful thing, life without emotion seems dull to me. however, i know that constantly going through life with an outpouring of feeling is not optimal, so ive learned to shut it off when necessary and i tend to only share it with those i feel safe to do so with.

  • Jack0_96

    January 28, 2023 at 10:09 am

    Someone: what is wrong??

    Me: *unable to express what is wrong which only makes me feel worse*

    Signed, a cap moon

  • Wonderful-Argument76

    January 28, 2023 at 10:09 am

    I’m an Aquarius with a Sagittarius moon so I’m an extremely emotionally detached person: the placement makes it easier to identify what I am feeling more than the surface of it… if that makes sense?

    For example.

    I will experience this emotion that can be categorised as ‘anger’ and back then I would just call it what it is. Anger.
    Nowadays? It’s like… I know it’s anger, that’s the base of it.
    Is it really anger? How long will I be mad at this person and for what reason? Ah, it’s over something trivial and won’t be looked into when it passes.
    I am not angry, so it’s another word. Irritation from frustration? Sounds better. I am irritated and frustrated! Why?
    Irritation at my frustration of not being able to understand the thing happening.

    Even after all that, my impulses can takeover me in the present.
    Best at resolving conflict once I get to move away and take a breather first, so I’ll have to isolate for a bit to ponder on what action to take. Even if at the time I would really love to flip my shit over!

    Anyway, I have a Gemini sun friend with Capricorn moon. They do comment on how mellowed out their emotions feel compared to others, and that they do feel guilt for not being more than what they could be.

    I think they’re fine the way they are, and everyone just processes their emotions differently from each other.

    In my perspective, they do seem to have the thought that goes like ‘Well, would this matter in the long run? No? Even if I am incredibly pissed and beyond, if it shouldn’t matter then why get mad? I won’t get mad then. Even if I am. Whatever.’ In conclusion.

    I hope to tell them that being seen as weak for one rare moment does not make them a weak willed person overall, because in others perspective we may not see it as being smaller. Concern is the main emotion people close to you would experience.

  • SailorMarsPower

    January 28, 2023 at 10:09 am

    I have a Cap moon and I feel A LOT. As a Leo sun I have a mostly sunny disposition but that’s almost always what anyone sees. My other emotions are rarely seen, but I do recognize what they are. I could probably tell someone what I’m feeling but I guess what I’m showing would be something else. All everyone really gets is my cheery side, quiet and indifferent, or a slight irritating look on my face. That’s it.

    Lately though I’ve felt the urge to cry, not around anyone just in the comfort of my room. I’ve cried because I was actually quite taken with someone with a Cap sun/Gemini moon and I think I’ve been played by them, emotionally. I won’t get into any details but I felt pain and anger and sadness. I was starting to come out of my shell a bit more as I was told I used to be emotionally constipated all the time, and then I take a hit like that. These kinds of situations is what makes it difficult for me to want to show my emotions. Maybe where I fucked up with the Cap sun/Gemini moon was I showed too much? But the experience has made me retreat into my shell again and idk when I’m coming back out, if ever again.

  • Bates95

    January 28, 2023 at 10:09 am

    At which degree does your moon sit at ?.

    I never really cry easily over anything. Perhaps over relationship shit. Or frustrations over home, and MOTHER. Having a saturn moon can easily make these things a burden to the individual. Especially in regards to the relationship with the mother.

    I did however have awful crying outbursts that would plague me, when transit saturn hit my moon. This was also over worry of death looming.

    It might just be my mars in cancer or moon in the 1st house, but I can easily identify why I’m angry or sad, or what im feeling which is usually anger. The flaws of my aries placements.

  • LightningMcScallion

    January 28, 2023 at 10:09 am

    Maybe unsurprisingly, most of the time I am able to identify what I’m feeling. I do have a slightly hard time putting things into words, but I can pretty much always get the gist across.

    The best word I can use for the way I experience emotions is **Immersive**. The emotion itself isn’t necessarily intense but the way I feel it is. I feel it like it’s a whole ass movie, complete with dialogue, vivid imagery, and a score as those things rush into my mind. My body reacts strongly too, an emotion can easily make me feel nauseous, heavy in my heart, or hot or cold across my entire body.

  • lelloii

    January 28, 2023 at 10:09 am

    the only way out is through. i just grit my teeth and feel whatever it is i’m feeling. 🤡. i’m a cap moon

  • raineem

    January 28, 2023 at 10:09 am

    I’m a 4H Cap Moon with a Cancer Mars and they’re in opposition to each other! I’m a lot of fun. Anyway, I feel very deeply and get easily overwhelmed by my emotions. If something frightening or upsetting happens, I’m stoic through it as it’s happening. But once it’s over and I try to talk about it, I will burst into tears. Of course, I don’t like crying in front of people, so most people only see the stoic side of me and don’t see the emotional fallout, and honestly, I’m pretty okay with that. I don’t need to be vulnerable with every Tom, Dick and Harry.

    What I’ve been doing to help manage my emotions and recognize them more quickly is to be conscious of my tells. If I start shaking my hands or picking at my nails, I’m anxious/stressed about something. So I’ll take a moment to note that and see if I can’t figure out what it is that’s making me feel that way. If I need to cry, I’ll cry with no judgment on myself and no thinking about why or how to make things better in that moment; I just cry and let myself feel that emotion. With anger, I’ve learned to pause for a moment and state what is I’m angry about and what I fear will be the outcome.

    Emotions are valid and need to be acknowledged. But they’re not always based on accurate information. Our biases and perceptions can skew things. So for me, it’s effective to acknowledge the emotion, take a moment to feel it without judgment, and then look at my thinking and ask myself if I have all of the information, or if I’m thinking through things with a clear lens (i.e., if I’m afraid of an outcome, is that outcome the most likely scenario or am I focused on the worst possible outcome and therefore my emotional reaction is much bigger than it probably needs to be).

    By my nature, I’m always going to overthink to some extent. But I can take a moment to pause and check in with myself on how I’m feeling periodically, and doing that really helps to stabilize my emotional self.

  • -PlantBoi-

    January 28, 2023 at 10:09 am

    I’m a scorpio moon, so not quite the same but for years my emotions would be living at a level deeper than I knew how to access or understand. I feel like only in the last year have I learned to name the surface feeling, reach down to the underlying experience and recognize where it’s coming from. Working to name and heal trauma with multiple tools and strategies has really helped me grow the skill of naming emotions in the moment.

  • ariesmartian

    January 28, 2023 at 10:09 am

    I think my ascendant helps with it. But it’s been a long journey to figure myself out.

    Meditation really helps. Oftentimes, I can sit down to meditate and be crying within 2 minutes.

    I’ve found I don’t often need to know why I’m feeling what I’m feeling as it’s ultimately irrelevant. I just need the pressure release.

  • -Chaotique-

    January 28, 2023 at 10:09 am

    I’ve a 9H Virgo moon. My emotions are something to be observed and analyzed and studied. Virgo in general is stereotyped as a very anxious sign, but I tend to experience anxiety (and other strong emotions) as a physical sensation as opposed to mental states. Even though I rarely cry because of my own feelings, I am a sympathetic crier lol.

    Crying relieves physical and mental stress in the body. I know we tend to associate it with sadness, grief, and physical pain, but I cry when I’m extremely angry, when I’ve reached my breaking point stress wise, and on occasion out of pure joy. It’s actually healthy for you to cry

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