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Forums Forums Astrology Dear cancer ascendants (and others) with heavy aspects to the moon

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    What helps you manage your emotions, and not let them control you?

    Thank you in advance

  • Dear cancer ascendants (and others) with heavy aspects to the moon

     heather_violet123 updated 1 year, 3 months ago 2 Members · 15 Replies
  • Hufflepuffin-1992

    January 30, 2023 at 10:24 am

    Aquarius Sun (8th house), Gemini Moon (12th House), Cancer Ascendant here.

    As a Gemini moon, I analyze all my emotions. I have to talk them out. I am very expressive verbally with how I am feeling, but only with people I can trust. As a Cancer ascendant, I have to try and separate myself from others people’s emotions because I take them on as my own (this is what I have noticed for myself and it may not be the same for everyone). I also have to remind myself that if I am picking up on someone’s anger towards someone or something else, it isn’t towards me. I tend to take a lot of things personally, so I have been trying to break myself of that. I also CANNOT hide how I feel lol I blame my ascendant fr.

  • schwaschwaschwaschwa

    January 30, 2023 at 10:24 am

    – Weighted blanket, resting under it when I am overwhelmed.

    – Asking for hugs.

    – Walking every day. Regular movement is essential for the body and helps so much to process. Even just pacing a few minutes can ease some tension. Or dancing or something cardio.

    – Walking in natural spaces. Looking at a flower, spending time with animals. Focusing on this intensely. Finding something I can feel present with.

    – Listening to music. Allowing myself to not be present for a while, or to move in and out of presence.

    – Having some kind of activity that acts as an unconscious reassurance or touchstone. For me this is cooking healthy meals. I can’t always do this, but when I can, it does help to put me in a better frame emotionally because it’s like ‘see, I am taking care of myself and I am safe’.

    – Trying to work with them. Negotiating and compromising, rather than forcing. If one part of me wants to be productive to cope and the other doesn’t, this creates dissonance and internal clashing, which is energetically draining – compromise is necessary. Trying to use soothing strategies instead of shame or anger.

    – Letting myself leave, take a break or change my approach, instead of trying to tough it out, even if I don’t understand why it’s necessary or want to be able to endure something. Taking my sensations of discomfort as serious and important signals, especially if I have a pattern of finding certain things difficult. Inviting myself to recognise the subtlety of my responses and how an emotional outburst often has multiple causes and a build-up, again, even if I don’t really get why I can’t handle something.

    – While walking, letting all sadness and anger come to the fore. Allowing myself to imagine how I think and respond, allowing this to be extreme if it is. Naturally after a time, I step back and feel able to view things more objectively, because the emotions have been processed and released and I feel like I have “heard” myself and listened. Viewing myself as a friend accompanying myself in hard times, listening and validating, soothing, and then also challenging and perspective-taking. But not trying to do the challenging until I am ready. I deserve to be messy and sensitive. I spent a long time trying never to be and I’m pretty good at rationalising feelings and considering other people’s perspectives – I’m not so good at feeling and knowing how to handle that as a raw experience.

    – Using my visual imagination to picture things that feel helpful, like imagining storms at sea when I am suffering as a reminder that, like weather, emotions pass, and like someone in the midst of shipwreck, my immediate survival responsibility is to cling on to whatever safety I can and hold my position. Not try to move or change things. Just hold on.

    I wouldn’t say this has fully clicked together for me, I’m still trying to pull things together, but these things have helped me.

  • kazabalkuskus

    January 30, 2023 at 10:24 am

    Yes. Not identifying with them. They’re meant to be a compass, maybe you’re bigger issue is letting emotions go.

  • Junior-Explorer6224

    January 30, 2023 at 10:24 am

    Strong daily morning ritual that focuses on grounding and emotional processing/journaling

  • AkesoSays

    January 30, 2023 at 10:24 am

    making stories of everything

  • Zakkana

    January 30, 2023 at 10:24 am

    Cancer Sun/Rising w/ Capricorn Moon. I’m pretty much fucked.

  • Cloud_bunnyboo

    January 30, 2023 at 10:24 am

    You know I just generally try my best and epically fail half the time at keeping everything under control. but hopefully on some level it’s good for my personal growth and whatnot. (Cancer sun, Pisces moon, cancer rising 🥴😭)

  • m56ar33go

    January 30, 2023 at 10:24 am

    Writing it down really helps, almost immediately it’s crazy. Also have a good cry one in a while, I do this in private and let out as much as I can, it’s self care. I usually feel less emotional and heavy later.

  • PrimQuim11

    January 30, 2023 at 10:24 am

    Time and wisdom. My big epiphany was that I cried over so many things, and I didn’t have to cry over any of it. Life works out the way it’s supposed to, and it’s easier when you learn to let go.

  • Distinct_Panic_2371

    January 30, 2023 at 10:24 am

    I don’t understand the question. Thoughts and emotions are one.

  • DistractingTinsel

    January 30, 2023 at 10:24 am

    Moon in Capricorn conjunct Neptune at 1-3 degrees, both in 6th house. Well, on the good days when I’m not letting my inner Sun conj. Lilith rage take over, I get busy, fuss around, and clean. I try not to talk about my emotions, which seems like a typical Capricornian stonewall thing to do. Either that, or I dabble in cannabis/psychedelics to chill myself out.

  • Cpt_Marco

    January 30, 2023 at 10:24 am

    Not identifying with them. Thinking of emotions as something that happens to you, not something that are part of you.

  • [deleted]

    January 30, 2023 at 10:24 am


  • fretnine

    January 30, 2023 at 10:24 am

    Just feel them out. Find healthy ways to soothe myself. If I’m stressed, a cup of tea or some breathing exercises. Feeling like the world is falling apart? Shower and then go to bed after. I used to think that this was giving in to my emotions, but in reality I’m just soothing myself and there’s nothing wrong with that. Nobody’s a robot, and it’s not easy to find solutions when you’re in an emotional state but practice over time helps.

  • Francescalater

    January 30, 2023 at 10:24 am

    Feel them. Write em out. Don’t wallow

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