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Forums Forums Mediums How do you find a mentor for mediumship or get more invested in mediumship?

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    I have a medium my family and I have been going to but she is very protective of her practices around my mother and lives too far for mentorship though when we talk without my mother she has been more open with me about spirits, avoiding malignant one’s, how people can send ill will, how much she knows, etc.

    It’s also gotten around our community how much more she puts into prioritising me.

    How can I find a reputable mentor for mediumship, improve my discernment and sight, receptivity and what books can I start reading?
    I found some books on discernment but they focus on Christian faith.

  • How do you find a mentor for mediumship or get more invested in mediumship?

     GoodArtichoke1559 updated 1 year, 2 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • ThunderStormBlessing

    March 10, 2023 at 11:50 am

    A good mentor won’t tell you what to do or how to do it, they will only guide you while you teach yourself. If you want to learn, you’ll need to take initiative. Start with meditating, learning basic protection, and developing your clair senses. Do lots of research

    It seems your family’s medium is already making herself available to guide you, so reach out more with questions

  • OfSunMoonEarth

    March 10, 2023 at 11:50 am

    We don’t all get the same abilities or choose what order to broaden them in the same way.

    You’ll have to reach out to a friend you trust, or find one with an interest in the spiritual.

    You might not get what you want, or things might not be how you imagined. But advice even from another rookie can be real useful when you are starting out.

  • thepinkhairedpsychic

    March 10, 2023 at 11:50 am

    I would encourage you to search for mediumship circles there are often circles that are available to practice your mediumship skills that’s usually my favorite way of jumping in and doing something is being involved with other people that are and kind of learning and seeing from them.
    So I would encourage you to search any kind of event spaces, eventbrite meet up, maybe even looking on facebook for some groups, if that’s your jam and finding a mediumship circle to join, that would probably be your best step forward.
    As far as books I don’t have any that I’ve read mostly because this is a gift I’ve had since I was a child so I’ve just always used it and used my own intuition to help guide me on how as well as when I mentor clients, I use my own intuition to help shape and guide them.
    So if you’re interested I do have a mentorship program and just shoot me a message and I can drop you that link.

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