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Forums Forums Tarot Pulled an impromptu New Year spread for 2021.

  • Pulled an impromptu New Year spread for 2021.

    x_mari updated 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • x_mari

    February 1, 2021 at 2:08 pm

    I used the Rider Waite Tarot Deck.

    I wanted to see if my deck had any insight into the coming year. I pulled 12 cards first, in monthly order, and then one other card to represent all of 2021 for me. I was initially planning on pulling out three extra cards to indicate anything that I should look out for, but it didn’t feel right so I just ended up pulling out the one card to represent all of 2021.


    *2021 = Chariot.* I saw this card as representing my graduation (I’m in my last year of university), as well as how I will learn to balance different aspects of my life going forward. I saw it as an indicator of good things coming, and a sign to believe in myself as I embark on my journey into the workplace, as well as a sign that I will learn to control my emotions?

    *January = 10 of swords (upside down**)*. Indicative of new beginnings and letting go of old habits which didn’t serve me.

    *February = 8 of swords.* I am my own worst critic. Reminder to be gentle, not to trap myself or to shut any doors before they get a chance to be opened (job search). Reminder to believe in myself and have faith.

    *March = The Star (upside down)*. Symbolising a lack of harmony, imbalance, being out of touch with my intuition. Sign to take things slow, be more introspective and have faith in myself (again). I can see this a warning for myself to not get too overwhelmed with university work and job searching, a sign to learn to properly balance my work and home life, as well as to check in regularly with my emotions.

    *April = 10 of cups.* Indicating prosperity. Sign that everything will be okay. I will reap the rewards of what I have worked hard for if I put in the work. Sign that things will improve, to have faith. I think this is indicative of my university work and dissertation.

    *May = Ace of pentacles*. Action card, indicative of doors opening within the job search potentially. Reminder to put in the hard work and fight for what I want.

    *June = Queen of Cups.* Sign of potential growth, prosperity, or success. I also see it as perhaps warning me to trust my intuition and to connect deeply with my emotions during this time.

    *July = 3 of hearts (upside down).* I will be healing from pain? Could also be a sign of personal growth or allowing myself to move on. Perhaps in allowing myself to connect with my emotions in June, I tap into something hidden and am finally able to move on from it in July?

    *August = The World.* Sign showing me that I am ready. Showing new beginnings or completion of a milestone (graduation). Positive card of fulfilment.

    *September = 6 of wands.* This card shows me that I will have gone on (?) or will go on a journey. It will be successful. I see this as applying to job prospects, and hope it indicates that I will be joyful where I end up and feel valued.

    *October = 6 of pentacles.* A reminder not to be too materialistic or worry about finances too much. Reminder to think about what I really want and to not just be persuaded by the financial aspects of things? Could also be a sign of financial security or sharing? Or to trust that what I am giving is being valued by others.

    *November = 7 of cups.* This card confused me. My initial impression of it suggested that I might be feeling overwhelmed or with too much choice? It could be indicative of new opportunities and a sign to think through my choices carefully. Or it could be a sign that I need to apply more physical action into getting things to happen.

    *December = The Hanged Man*. Indicates a changed perspective. Perhaps I might be lacking direction, which could link to the previous card, and so need to trust my intuition to guide me.

    I’m unsure about some parts of my reading… In general, I think that it is positive, but also gives me some warnings of what is to come.

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