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Forums Forums Mediums Visiting with my grandma, great grandma, and great-great grandfather

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    For the first time I woke up early this morning and decided to enjoy the quiet over water and coffee. Over that, I enjoyed a visit with my grandma Nancy and my Great Grandma, and later in our visit my great great grandfather Robert, a brilliant man. It’s easiest to connect with spirits at night or in the morning when it’s quiet and there are zero distractions. When I sense spirits in general my third-eye area gets tingly and my head is drawn to where they are. When it is family I love I turn with great joy. When it is my grandma I can’t help but turn with more jumpy joy, exclaiming “Grandma!” She is my guide post, and for all my life I have been her Little Lighthouse. I was her reason to fight to stay alive when she got ovarian cancer. She passed when I was almost 4. IT was the most joyful and encouraging visit. I heard them laugh at a silly joke I told my wife over our goofy pets. Now THIS is the way to start the day. My heart is soaring and I’m smiling so much from my core.

    Some fun things with my visits. My grandma Nancy often likes to be outback or on my deck looking out at my woods. Great grandma stays with me inside. Great-Great Grandpa will either join my Grandma Nancy or talk to me about academic things inside.

    I met my great grandma when my great grandfather Thomas came around. They were troubled. Thomas was buttering me up with his sweet talk and all about how we would have bonded had I got to grow up a bit with him. When he started to really stick around and show more of himself, he became draining, demanding of attention, and threatening. My great grandmother came around desperate for help and to warn me about him. My grandma needed her parents crossed over. Thomas was holding Ruth back and Ruth was an afraid to to cross over in fear of going to hell because she had a few miscarriages and had a still-born. I learned Thomas was abusive, especially after WWI where he fought with all his brothers and father. He called her a whore and a lot of other things and trashed her making her wonder what kind of woman she was being of the loss of babies. This was all during the stressful Dustbowl too. When she came to the house she was in a sleep gown with blood representing baby loss. Raven haired beauty in need of help. I got Thomas to crossover, then after a talk with Ruth about how hell isn’t real, that she wasn’t going there, the baby losses weren’t her fault, and that she was going to be more than okay, she happily crossed over. She said, “I never thought I’d meet my great-granddaughter, and she’d be the one to save me. After going through the process of crossing over and getting peace, she started visiting. She is so joyful and thoughtful and bubbly. Loved to bake. She’s been encouraging me as I learn.

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