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    Guidance on going for a promotion

  • Guidance on going for a promotion

    Seaking-30 updated 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • Seaking-30

    February 1, 2021 at 6:44 pm

    I’ll just preface this with I am a complete beginner so any suggestion/help is greatly appreciated.

    Decision making spread
    1. My Motivation: The Empress
    2. Ideal Outcome: Page of Swords
    3. My Values: Reversed Queen of Pentacles
    4. First Likely Outcome: Nine of Swords
    5. Second Likely Outcome: Reversed Six of Wands

    Spread from Labyrinthos

    Using this spread as a means to gain some guidance on a work decision I’m trying to make, I’ve been offered the chance to progress to management (work at a fast food restaurant) however it would be quite a commitment. Pre-covid I actually wanted to move on and start a career, though I have no idea what, and so the dilemma is whether to go for the promotion and probably stay there for at least another year or stick it out in my current position and move on ASAP.

    Starting with my motivation, I think the empress shows how I try to make the workplace inviting, and generally how I step up to support everyone on shift. I also believe it shows my desire to want more wealth which would allow me to move out of my parents, something the promotion could achieve as opposed to waiting it out.

    My ideal outcome I think is captured nicely by the page of swords, its an ambitious prospect becoming a manager, something I have never done before, but something I would like to try and feel somewhat positive about doing.

    My values stumped me a little, the reversed queen of pentacles, going by the information I gathered from the Internet, I’d say its a warning about how I can be big headed and stuck upish when given authority.

    1st outcome, my immediate reaction was “well thats not good”, looking up the meaning I’m seeing words like failure. The concern is being promoted would change the dynamic of the workplace, I would suddenly have greater responsibility over everyone, and I feel this is a warning to how bad it could go. I think the 2nd outcome echoes that failure.

    I think overall the cards are saying my intention and ambition are in the right place but I should be wary of going through with the promotion, it would require a lot of work and commitment that could easily be all for nothing and harm my relationships with my colleagues, many of whom are my friends outside of work.

    Thank you 🙂

    (Deck is the radiant rider-waite deck by virginijus poshkus)

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