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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing has anybody experienced something like this?

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    so a little background, for my spell work i don’t really rely on searching for instructions on webs or anything, from when i was young all of the spells i do relied on intuition and energy, so yesterday i suddenly thought about doing a spell to contact my spirit guides, i picked salt, cinnamon, pennyroyal, and another moroccan herb which idk how to spell, so j drew a circle of salt where i’d stand and a line that connects me to another circle and lit a white candle in between, i meditated inside the circle and attempted contacting the spirit realm, i asked for signs but i got a barely noticeable knocking, then i suddenly got a picture in my mind’s eye about my tarot deck, i went up and shuffled the deck and i pulled seven card, 4 were cards that represent people (queen of wands, knight of pentacles etc..) and the other three were 6 of pentacles, 6 of wands, and 6 of swords, so i finished the ritual and thanked the spirits and slept it off, then the next day when i woke the candle that i used disappeared, i searched everywhere where i could’ve possibly placed it wasn’t there, any ideas?

  • has anybody experienced something like this?

  • Beginning_Fan9317

    May 28, 2023 at 4:48 pm

    The knocking on wood and what have you makes me wonder… do you believe in sprites or nature spirits? Were you outside? If so they may have taken it as a token for helping you see. Nature spirits tend to take things and if you left it where it was after the ritual, instead of cleaning up, there’s a good chance they may have taken off with it. I have things disappear on me quite a bit and anytime I ask for it back (usually I must do this physically and politely) they return it. Our beliefs may not align completely but I hope this helps. Sprite spirits are just the most commonly known to take things, try asking for it back 🙂

  • ElentiyaCurtens

    May 28, 2023 at 4:48 pm

    yes, sometimes my spirit guides will accidentally phase my candles and herbs and crystals away, and sometimes if they do do that the spell can even work better! it happens for me.

Reply to: PaleontologistIcy671
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