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    Felt really disheartened at work today and I’m hoping this is a safe place for me to just get it out. My job is basically fixing robots, if they stop moving we have to figure out why and get them working again. I’m one of 3 females in this job position of just over 30 employees. I’m also the newest female hire (not the newest employee however.)

    One of our robots with a camera stopped working and typically we need our factory laptop to connect to the cameras and get them working again. Our laptops are kept in an office that only our supervisors can access so I called my supervisor on the walkie talkie so he could grab one for me. His immediate response was “what do you THINK you need the laptop for?” This already set me off like no, I KNOW I need the laptop to correct a camera position. Whatever I’m used to that kind of small aggravating wording and he ended up being the laptop over.

    Him, my other supervisor and I ended up spending over an hour trying to figure out what was wrong with the robot. The whole time I’m suggesting it’s the camera failing a good part; if we use the laptop it’d be easier to look in the programming and figure out what is blocking the sequence; can we just use the laptop. The whole time they’re shutting me down saying” no that couldn’t possibly be the issue”, or “maybe” but then continuing to ignore what I’ve said. Seeming to try their hardest not to use the laptop.

    They end up getting called away by their boss to another area in the factory and send over a more experienced worker to help me. As soon as they left I locked out/tagged out and fixed the camera in 5 minutes, with the laptop. My coworker listened to what I was saying, agreed and let me work.

    The comment that really sent me over the edge was when I radioed to let them know the issue was solved and they wouldn’t have to come back. My supervisor responded with “nice did (coworkers name) figure it out?” But I got to respond with “no I did, it was the camera like I said” and all my co-workers got to hear it too.

    Really made me feel useless, I like to think I’m good at my job but it’s hard when my boss doesn’t have faith in me. I’m constantly second guessing myself already and it makes me not want to take initiative to fix something incase I make it worse. I’ll get my confidence once I’ve been in the field long enough just frustrating being discouraged while still learning.

  • QueenVic69

    May 30, 2023 at 12:01 am

    You prooved two supervisors wrong and fixed the problem AFTER they finally left you. Not sure why your confidence is low. You rocked this.

    Just keep doing what you’re doing. Your supervisors will either begin to respect you for your ability to do the job well or they’re dicks. Either way, it sounds like your co-workers are seeing you as a talented peer.

  • owlsgroovinghassle

    May 30, 2023 at 12:01 am

    Totally get this. It sucks to deal with people who have a superiority complex and can’t imagine someone else thought of something they didn’t. Especially when the bias against you is obviously related to your gender.

    I’ve experienced it plenty of times being the only female operator in my department (sewage treatment) I can’t look for a different place to work because the pay and benefits I have can’t be beat at my location. So I try to let my work speak for itself, learn more skills than my coworkers, and roll with whatever extra duties get thrown my way. So far, it’s working.

    I know you’re just ranting, but know that you’re not alone. This witch of the sewers is sending good vibes your way! 🌟🌟🌟

  • knit-flix-and-chill

    May 30, 2023 at 12:01 am

    Oh hey, are we cosmically linked or something? I worked as a data scientist as a while, and it sounds like your supervisor would be best buddies with my manager and coworkers. My manager thought I was dumb, didn’t believe in work/life balance, and was a butt about my undiagnosed narcolepsy (I was very much in the “there’s something wrong here” phase with doctors and told him this). I ended up quitting to get a PhD; I figure if that can’t get me taken seriously, nothing will. My manager was kind enough to allot a 20 minute zoom meeting for the team to awkwardly say goodbye to me.

    I think the only useful part of working jobs like these is that they sometimes get you to figure out what you love and value about yourself besides being smart/a good worker. And I’m using “useful” extremely loosely here!! But at that job, I began to value myself more for my kindness and care for others rather than being good at coding.

    You sound like you’re really good at what you do and have a strong sense of your own competence. Don’t let your job take that away from you like mine did. If you need to leave, leave — it took me about 2 years of grad school before I was kinda confident I was good at things again, and life is too short for that kind of crap. Sending good electrons your way, robot whisperer!!

  • Fat13Cat

    May 30, 2023 at 12:01 am


  • ChildrenotheWatchers

    May 30, 2023 at 12:01 am

    I definitely get it. I hope a better opportunity comes soon and you can leave those lovers in the dust!

  • TemporaryMagician

    May 30, 2023 at 12:01 am

    This is incredibly frustrating. As a woman in a male dominated industry I know how this shit can wear you down. It just sucks to know that, for some people, you will always be perceived as incompetent until proven otherwise (and then only until the next time, when they will somehow forget yet again that you are qualified to do your damn job).

    I’m proud of you, that you didn’t let these guys dissuade you from the right course of action (WHICH YOU KNEW ALL ALONG).

    I find it useful to keep these instances specifically in mind to boost my own confidence when my expertise is challenged. If these guys ever make you doubt your abilities, just remember the time when you proved that you knew how to do the job better than them, in front of everyone, and that their opinions on your abilities are therefore essentially worthless.

  • SecretCartographer28

    May 30, 2023 at 12:01 am

    Don’t let their issues even come close to you! You keep telling yourself how intelligent and capable you are! It may call for the occasional ‘Hey! Did you hear me!?’ You are breaking the barriers for the next wave, as others did for us. Stay Strong Sibling! 🤗🕯🖖

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