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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Cord cutting advice

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    Hello! I have a question pertaining to a cord cutting spell/ritual I have.

    I recently ended a 7 year relationship with my boyfriend about 2-3 months ago and it’s been a little messy to say the least. All of our friends know but he still hasn’t told his family as his father recently passed away and it isn’t the right time to bring it up. We still text and chat occasionally and I still have quite a few of his things at my apartment. His family is also still sending packages to my(formerly our) apartment. We still have a lot of strings attached and we have the same friends and run in the same circles so it’s difficult to totally move on.

    I’ve been hearing a few different things about cord cutting and I was just hoping to get a bit more clarification. I still have some hope that we may be able to rekindle things in the future but I don’t believe we are both in the right state of mind at the moment to healthily move forward together. I read that a cord cutting ritual will help me move on easier? Is that the case or is it something that will put an end to ‘us’ once and for all? I absolutely do not want that. I just want to be able to move on from the romantic side and hopefully continue as friends.

    Please let me know if you have any insight! I can also go into greater detail about what exactly the cord cutting ritual I have is all about if anyone needs more info in order to answer my question.

    Thank y’all so much!

Reply to: Important_Rough_9988
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