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Forums Forums Mediums Does anyone pick up anything? I’m still confused about the causes or circumstances of his death, I miss him a lot and have been having some dreams about him and us. Thank you in advance.

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    Does anyone pick up anything? I’m still confused about the causes or circumstances of his death, I miss him a lot and have been having some dreams about him and us. Thank you in advance.

  • Does anyone pick up anything? I’m still confused about the causes or circumstances of his death, I miss him a lot and have been having some dreams about him and us. Thank you in advance.

     AdiaLex8 updated 10 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • RicottaPuffs

    July 3, 2023 at 9:54 am

    How is he related to you? When was the last time you saw him before he passed?

    I normally keep on scrolling when I see posts like this for a couple of reasons, but, he said to me that the answers will be released in the reports when they are done.

  • captain-cozmo

    July 3, 2023 at 9:54 am

    This is strange but I had a “story” pop in my head. It was detailed information of an incident. But as soon as it came, it left. Only for me to remember a few hazy pieces. I could be totally off but this incident–was like he was jumped by country boys in a secluded area—however this secluded area was a place that sometimes ppl went to for fun so it wasn’t super secluded. Maybe by the river but it seems like it was usually muddy there or at least a dirt drive (not muddy on this day tho) and not far from a semi wooded type area. Idk I see a truck tho. Seems like 3 guys, but one main guy instigating. Let me know how off I am. If I’m close I will try to connect with it again. I’m so sorry for your loss.

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